"Kidnap" Crystal

Currently playing as a frigate or destroyer isnt safe. When a player in Taikin ship have Return Crystal (I named it Kidnap Crystal, fits more) he can easly sneak to back of enemy team and teleport self with enemy ship to his own team…this ofcourse means loose of teleported player…Im not mentioning when somehow he teleports more enemy players…
To be honest I tried this “tactic” many times with taikin, and almost all of enemies where wrecked…no chance to defend.

There should be a limit for teleport range, or something else because now when someone is using this crystal module, its no way to play.

I love that in certain modes. Last time I got grabbed I was transported to the enemy spawn point where their captain was sitting behind a rock. 10/10 would do again.

If you are in a destroyer you shouldn’t be terribly afraid of being grabbed, unless they do something extremely clever like dumping you in the middle of nowhere (that is very very annoying). You have lots of damage and lots of survivability, take one or two guys down with you.

If you are in a frigate, well, it is tragic really.

14 minutes ago, Elusif said:

If you are in a destroyer you shouldn’t be terribly afraid of being grabbed, unless they do something extremely clever like dumping you in the middle of nowhere (that is very very annoying). You have lots of damage and lots of survivability, take one or two guys down with you.

Considering that the repair cost of a destroyer is about 200k credit per death, then nope. Not worth.

It takes like 2 minutes of messing around in OS to make 200k.

OS is the actual most boring mode now. I mean yeah credits pop up from everything, but an entire inventory of stuff is barely 175k.


On topic: I don’t really care. I see it as a fun way to hitchhike back to the enemy team and kill some folks. Especially in cloaked LRF.

49 minutes ago, Elusif said:

unless they do something extremely clever like dumping you in the middle of nowhere (that is very very annoying).

Hmm I always wondered why the enemy destroyers were coming in from the edge of the map when I play Tai’kin…

Also, stealing enemy Captain XD ![:010j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/010j.png “:010j:”) ![:santa:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/santa.gif “:santa:”)

The problem is you CAN’T play normally slow ships, when taikin have that crystal - when I played frigate engi most of the times I was teleported and USELESS to team, since there is no way to defend.

This feeling that you can be telported at any time is terrible, you never knows when you got “kidnapped”…
So there is no point to play frigates/destroyers when taikin is in game with his “kidnap” crystal…

Now that I think about it, that has to be the single most effective way to dispose of a destroyer, especially if its an empire brickmobile. “Enjoy flying back to the battle for the next 2 minutes, I’ll send you right back again.”

17 minutes ago, RennieAshII said:

Also, stealing enemy Captain

This breaks entire balance of that mode, since like I said there is no way to defend.

11 minutes ago, Elusif said:

that has to be the single most effective way to dispose of a destroyer,

Recon role is to spot enemies, not disturb them like ECM, thats why this crystal at least shouldnt be able to teleport enemies.

Don’t worry the counter will be an alien ecm, who can stun the whole map and remove all stations in a 10 km radius. Also you can choose where to respawn on the map, by clicking on the map.


1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

OS is the actual most boring mode now.

Not only boring, but there is no point in searching for resources, since most you can get after won battles or buy cheap blueprints from other players (lot of time saved).

1 hour ago, Elusif said:

I love that in certain modes.

You seriously like to be useless for team?

10 minutes ago, Oregyen said:

Don’t worry the counter will be an alien ecm, who can stun the whole map and remove all stations in a 10 km radius. Also you can choose where to respawn on the map, by clicking on the map.

Dont even mention about Ellydium destroyer…

1 minute ago, specopsbarton said:

Dont even mention about Ellydium destroyer…

They get a win button that activates after 4 minutes. Also all alien ships within a 3km radius are invulnerable.

3 minutes ago, specopsbarton said:

Not only boring, but there is no point in searching for resources, since all you can get after won battles or buy cheap blueprints from other players (lot of time saved).

You seriously like to be useless for team?

Dont even mention about Ellydium destroyer…

Ellydium destroyer, max speed 700m/s, have a laser beam of death dealing 1mil dmg per second as main weapon.

You don’t have to be useless, unless the mode is survival the Tai’kin is going to either
A) Take you to his teammates so they can kill you (and you can take one or more down with you)
B) Take you to the middle of nowhere (so you can get mad OR self destruct to return to the fight more quickly)
C) Take you somewhere the enemy team doesn’t expect an enemy to come blitzing in from

If the mode is survival then the tai’kin will just kill you in 4 attacks anyways.


Again this only really applies to destroyers, but it doesn’t mean the end of the world.

One side suggestion though, team captains should be immune to the teleporting effect. 

Enemy destroyer captains are stuffed :wink: Also, you can troll any frigate in OS. You’re just about to jump through that gate Ah ah ah! You didn’t say the magic word! Back to the station you go!

13 minutes ago, Elusif said:

You don’t have to be useless, unless the mode is survival the Tai’kin is going to either
A) Take you to his teammates so they can kill you (and you can take one or more down with you)

Yes, I can imagine how you get teleported with engi frigate near 5 enemy ships, they will not notice you and you can survive enough their fire to take some of them with you…especially when there are some thargas with their awesome damage…

19 minutes ago, Elusif said:

Again this only really applies to destroyers, but it doesn’t mean the end of the world.


This crystal is cancer of tournaments. When matches are mostly done by single frag, perma-cloaked Tai’kin completely breaks the mode, because you HAVE to have at least one Tackler with Big Drone.

I already suggested a rework of return crystal :


30 seconds cooldown

On activation, instantly jumps 2k5m forward. All entitied within 200m radius of the landing point are teleported to the activation point.

You then have 20 seconds to reactivate the module, instantly warping you back to where you activated it before.

The cooldown of the module starts after the second activation.