Key binding for Auto-Lock

I don’t use the same auto-lock options depending on the ship. For exemple, I use ‘Only if no other target is locked’ on engineers and tacklers , and ‘always’ on ceptors and other fighters.





Give us the option to change this setting in game with a key binding. On key for each mode, or one key to switch mode.


Why?  Just press “Lock next” or “Lock ally target” or “Lock-On” to target in reticule.  I can’t see the benefit of mistakenly locking onto an enemy behind who you’re shooting at simply because a shot hit another ship.

Well, because in my setting i use the same finger for shooting and locking, and i don’t wanna change.

It would be an option, this mean you can leave the binding key blank if you don’t want to use it.

Nice idea. I keep autolock off, since locking players with middle mouse is practically a natural motion for me by now, but it seems like it’d be more convenient for some ships, like covert ops.

Nice idea! Forwarded.

I will suggest what I do.


R lock in cross hair.

wheel up lock who is locking you

wheel down lock ally target

middle mouse cancel lock


Thinking outside the box.

I lock LRF while I approach them, then quickly cancel my lock. Then I relock when I am about 3k out.


As a result I very rarely get hit with an IR pulsar, and I assume they keyboard smash when I ECM lock them to death with like 20% hull left…


Also I will lock and cancel to make some pilots think they are getting the extra 12 resistance when they are not. It could be a recon across the map, in a dog fight. Maybe they will wait that extra second when they are webbed before they jump away…

that is a very good idea david.



R lock in cross hair.

wheel up lock who is locking you

wheel down lock ally target

middle mouse cancel lock




That works, another option to try (provided that you have extra mouse buttons, aka you have a gaming mouse) is use side-buttons on your mouse for the different locks.

R lock in cross hair.

wheel up lock who is locking you

wheel down lock ally target


I do the same.


But what’s your point ? You don’t need the option, very well. Is it a reason not to implement it ?

I do the same.


But what’s your point ? You don’t need the option, very well. Is it a reason not to implement it ?

While yes is the answer from me, it is obvious other people would like the option you suggested.


It is a way for everyone to work within the current confines. Most players will not have thought to bound in this manner.

i agree

This is a nice idea, but right now something like this is not really needed.