Keep up the Great work Devs !

I only just found out that this game existed today on Steam, and so I was intrigued… I have seen a few other games like this before, but they were not what I was looking for, I always loved Freelancer, I think that had to be the best space sim type game with mouse controls, was a great joy to play and was soo smooth, and looks like Star Conflict has done a great job with mouse controls now too


I have been looking for a game like this for quite some time, ive been craving a game just like Star Conflict!


has a very intersting mix between World of Tanks, EvE online and Freelancer, picking the best aspects of all 3 games and adding some of your own elements, I can see that you want to make Star Conflict a very differnt game compared to what is aleady out there, without copying things directly from other games and adding your own twist to those components


I wanted to test the game out before I thought about getting any of the Packages that were on sale on Steam, just to see if it was something that I wanted to play and support, and so after the 2nd or 3rd battle I was sold… and so the very next thing I did was to grab the $20 Star Conflict: Mercenary Pack


I just this minute checked and all 3 packages are now on sale with a -25% dicsount on steam lol, but its very much worth the $20 that I had payed something like 2 hours ago which is now $15


Star Conflict has soooo much potential for the future, and seems like the Devs and Marketing departments are wise and doing a good job, I do NOT see this game as Pay to Win, it is based on the players Skill, so even if you think you have the best out there it can be defeted by newbies with Stock Equipement


Seems to be a good Balance with ingame Weapons and Equipement that can be bought with “Gold” or ingame Credits, if you want to save a bit of time you can do so, otherwise you can get the equivalent item with hardwork


Game play is still a bit challenging, its been quite sometime since I have played a game with Game Mechanics like this, but I have been doing well so far supporting my team with Kills and Assists, ive found that doing a form of the Barrel roll Maneuver that Aircraft can preform works out well in this game to avoid incoming fire and helps to keep me alive, however doesnt quite work out so well for my new Frigate lol


I have only got to something like T2 with 2 factions and ships, so I only have a very early look into the game but so far it is great fun to play and seems to be Fair and Balanced quite well


I have asked 2 of my friends to have a look into Star Conflict, I think it will be something they will like very much and will pass on the word about this game to anyone else that is interested in game like this


so keep up the Great work Devs!


Dont get too greedy like some other game have in the past, and have destoyed hope for a great game, but I do understand the need to Generate an income for your selfs