-Justified Gaming -

About Us

Justified Gaming is a multinational gaming community that currently supports several Online-FPS and MOBA titles. We invite players of all skill levels and aspirations to join and take part in our private forums and our practices.

We provide many dynamic features to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to achieve their goals:

[Competitive Teams]

This is the place the most determined and skilled will want to be.

[Casual and Focused Teams]

The primary goal of these teams is to help you improve your game and have fun with friends in an atmosphere free of the stress and obligations of being a perfect player. However, we also have teams to fulfill the needs of those individuals who strive for perfection.

[Secure Forums]

Try to be active as our forums are the cornerstone of our community. They help coordinate events as well as keep our gaming community united across skill levels and regions. InHouse planning and discussion as well as strategy analysis and scenario help also take place on our forums.


We maintain and provide reliable, consistent, and immediate communication within our community. While it is most importantly used for scheduled events, it is also constantly active with members playing in-house games. We have found it to be an invaluable service.

[Media Team VOD’s]

InsaneCasts YouTube: http://www.youtube.c…ser/insanecasts

Belzelga YouTube: http://www.youtube.c…/TheThermalSpas


A large number of members from both NA and EU’s competitive players in our MOBAs are looking to give a helping hand. It is extremely gratifying to see our members grow and hit the next level, so these coaches have no qualms about sparing time to answer questions or go over replays with you.


Essentially, we are a community based on improvement through comradeship, giving everyone the chance to get involved with something much larger than themselves.



- Be 16 years of age or over

As we are trying to maintain a mature background, this is our cutoff point. Exceptions can be made, however, if deemed acceptable.

- Microphone for communication on Skype

We communicate with each other during arranged team games using voice communication so that we can focus on playing and practicing without interruption. It also helps to develop a more personal relationship with the members in your team, which results in a much closer community and a more rewarding experience.It would be a worth while investment in getting a headset or mic. Everyone is here to make friends and improve their game play, so we will hold scheduled in-house sessions a few times month. They are also used to improve on things that you are having problems with in-game, so being able to attend both sessions every week is a must. We do understand though that real life does come first and we can make accommodations to match your needs on an individual basis.

- Willingness to talk, make friends, and contribute to our community!

We want people who we can talk to, have a laugh with, and play games with. We also want people who contribute on our forums and add to our community. We strive to build a strong foundation that gamers of all kinds can be a part of. If you want you can even go above and beyond by joining the casting crew, map making team, tournament organizers or becoming Team Staff.

[Becoming a member]

Registration form: coming soon

We look forward to hearing from you!

~ JG Staff ~

Website : http://justified-gaming.enjin.com

sounds fun i am 15 and am a good gamer can you make a exception?

sounds fun i am 15 and am a good gamer can you make a exception?

Of course, just go here http://justified-gaming.enjin.com/recruitment

Welcome to Star Conflict I hope you will enjoy the game.

Welcome to Star Conflict I hope you will enjoy the game.

Thanks, hope to see you in game.

Please dont take this to heart @Belzelga but i find it pointless to sign up for a website just so u can be in a clan , i find no need for it what ever happend to the gd old days when u got a trial and you had to prove ur skill and determination towards the clan and if the leaders saw gd in you then u where accepted into the clan

well i guess those days are gone :storm:

Please dont take this to heart @Belzelga but i find it pointless to sign up for a website just so u can be in a clan , i find no need for it what ever happend to the gd old days when u got a trial and you had to prove ur skill and determination towards the clan and if the leaders saw gd in you then u where accepted into the clan

well i guess those days are gone :storm:

Because its easier to keep things organized for what we’re planning on doing. And by having people reg. we can see what game they are looking to play and what division they are intending to be apart of. :smiley:

Because its easier to keep things organized for what we’re planning on doing. And by having people reg. we can see what game they are looking to play and what division they are intending to be apart of. :smiley:

it might be easier to keep track of what the hole clan is doing but people dont want the hassle of having to sign up and keep track of whats going on in the forums just for a clan they mear simply want to play the game and have fun not to also menchin that some clans wesbites tend to spam ur email with is not :kamikadze:

it might be easier to keep track of what the hole clan is doing but people dont want the hassle of having to sign up and keep track of whats going on in the forums just for a clan they mear simply want to play the game and have fun not to also menchin that some clans wesbites tend to spam ur email with is not :kamikadze:

All you do is fill out a Username, PW and Email it takes 30secs to do… Dont be lazy now! >:D

And trust me its much more than just a forums site ive made… It helps to show announcements and up coming events then having to wait for people to sign on to skype, vent ts ect…

Who said anything about spamming e-mails?! You cant do that on enjin lol

All you do is fill out a Username, PW and Email it takes 30secs to do… Dont be lazy now! >:D

And trust me its much more than just a forums site ive made… It helps to show announcements and up coming events then having to wait for people to sign on to skype, vent ts ect…

Who said anything about spamming e-mails?! You cant do that on enjin lol

if the read the post i said they dont want the hassle of signing up i did not say i cant be arsed signing up i was mearly saying they dont want the hassle of signing up for a site that they know they will hardly ever use and i was not talking about enjin . i was talking about the website u sign up for the clan that some sites spam you

i find ther is no point for a website for a clan when u can mearly discuss this on a TS3 server or skype

if the read the post i said they dont want the hassle of signing up i did not say i cant be arsed signing up i was mearly saying they dont want the hassle of signing up for a site that they know they will hardly ever use and i was not talking about enjin . i was talking about the website u sign up for the clan that some sites spam you

i find ther is no point for a website for a clan when u can mearly discuss this on a TS3 server or skype

Thats exactly why people are put on trial, if they fail to come on, fail to take part in discussion then we can say bye-bye to them. And last time I used enjin to make a site was for a Huxley clan which I was able to gather well over 200 members where about 75% were active and it will be the same with this game, and the other games which our community will support :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Brosky you missed my point from my last point…I said having my site and having people sign up will be a hell of a lot easier to organize events/ect than having to wait for people to log on to skype and steam, and having to tell them individually and what not. People in this community can jsut check the site whenever to see whats going.

ok for starts u can used TS3 to organize ur clan u know that right u can put Msg of the day put diffrent lobbys for each game etc etc the only website i stick to is WASP website and the rest i stick to clan servers on TS3 casue we find that the best for everyone to see whats happning and i was not talking about trial when u sign up for a forum/wesbite if u have been gaming for over 10 years u should know what an old style trial is not a trial when u sign up

ok for starts u can used TS3 to organize ur clan u know that right u can put Msg of the day put diffrent lobbys for each game etc etc the only website i stick to is WASP website and the rest i stick to clan servers on TS3 casue we find that the best for everyone to see whats happning and i was not talking about trial when u sign up for a forum/wesbite if u have been gaming for over 10 years u should know what an old style trial is not a trial when u sign up

Sorry this is 2012 not 2002… And Ive been playing PC games since late 90’s

Bezelga, altough I agree with you in some points, you can’t ignore DiBBz opinion. Games are supposed to be fun. If people have to do something to join a clan that is not in-game then people will put that clan in the “too much” bin.

Personally, I’m not much of a inter-game clan because of that. When I change that, I want to change the community as well.

I appreciate your organization and dedication, I really do. But I don’t need a clan that plays other games when I want a good clan with very active and nice people in it.

Also, we would be looking out for events that arent even from this game, and keeping track of things that are useless to our entertainment.

But that’s just me :slight_smile:

Every Clan has its own rules and plans for the future so the players need to look for a Clan they fit in.

Some prefere a fun Clan and some want a Clan which wants to be on the list of top Clans.

So please dont break into the politics of other Clans and let every Clan decide on its own.

Bezelga, altough I agree with you in some points, you can’t ignore DiBBz opinion. Games are supposed to be fun. If people have to do something to join a clan that is not in-game then people will put that clan in the “too much” bin.

Personally, I’m not much of a inter-game clan because of that. When I change that, I want to change the community as well.

I appreciate your organization and dedication, I really do. But I don’t need a clan that plays other games when I want a good clan with very active and nice people in it.

Also, we would be looking out for events that arent even from this game, and keeping track of things that are useless to our entertainment.

But that’s just me :slight_smile:


I say we stop arguing. After all, we don’t want clan war, do we?

tbh all clans are sorta at war besides there aint even a clan element in the game so dose it matter noo

Dibbz is mean.