Jungfaha Corporation

Jungfaha, are you guys that starved for members that you need to necro post every looking for corp thread made half a year ago? Necro posting is bad form on forums, although I’d just call what you are doing plain old spamming. Is this really necessary?

Jungfaha, are you guys that starved for members that you need to necro post every looking for corp thread made half a year ago? Necro posting is bad form on forums, although I’d just call what you are doing plain old spamming. Is this really necessary?

My apologies, i tend not to look at the dates. I promise to not do this again. Please forgive my ignorance.

Hmm, Too bad this forum doesnt close its threads, until they are closed, I, too, would think they were open.  Maybe the guy didnt get into a corp after several months, unlikely, yes.  But why not try?  And of course we want members.  Not starved, but of course could always use a few more of the right type of people :slight_smile:  

They do not all have to be closed.


[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/18970-forum-rules/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18970-forum-rules/)

Guys, give him a break. Please? 

Please leave moderation of the forum to the forum moderators. This is a friendly reminder that this is a rule and not just a request. Please use the report button if you find something particularly offensive, otherwise refrain from commenting or moderating other people their actions in any way.

Post nr. 1 has been updated

This corporation really supports the people that chose to put in the effort to be a part of the team and want something different from a gaming community. I can leave raid call on and keep my speakers on at home without being worried that my kids are going to hear something foul.

Great game.  Fantastic Corporation!

I did it :slight_smile:

Me so Happy :))

Yay! Now it does!

I did it :slight_smile:

Me so Happy :))


Yay! Now it does!

Cool  :slight_smile: Now lets be sure all of the members in this team who are part of the [JungC] in-game corporation have the same signature. :slight_smile:  

Testing it myself now 

testing signature again

Your signature changes on all your posts, not just new ones.  Shift-reload and you’ll see it.



Hey guys Sasha here and im telling you that Jungfaha Corporation is a awesome place to be, cause the players and members arent that bad. And the people there are all respectful and they dont give up easily ok X3.

Always follow the Code of honor,
and be safe out there. BYE!! XD

SlashSasha X3.

hello everyone. im Samo and im in this Corportaion and this group is just perfect the people is nice in it and i really like them and the rules are just perfect and im so glad to meet people like them this Corportaion and the people in it teached me alot of things. it will be easy to recuirt people to a group like ths as it’s perfect. this all what i have. take care.

Bonne chance les mecs :wink: