JP's gears are grinding.

Welcome, would you like an invite to the some-nasa-members-are-a-waste-of-time club? 

I have already learned to ignore luckyo/elmustachio/xkostyan for their views that is almost religious like…Defending it like it is the only right way and everyone else is a sinner…


Anyway, I truely hope they patch this thursday or I will truely start to lose hope D:

And JP, I bet your ban is NDA related…Something you weren’t allowed to tell?


Yes basically. I screwed up. 


Is this why?  I think I saw you in chat saying this, not toeing the company line.  I bought DLC less than a week before 0.9, and yes I’m still pissed off at the nerf.  I only keep playing the premiums under the hope they’ll resolve the issue amicably.


No, it was something more of betraying the trust for something that was not nessasrly clear to me. If I told everyone, half the fourm will laugh the others will just silently mouth “Really? Thats why!?”


The point is we are getting off topic. 


My progression is already in shambles. T4 is nothing but a lost cause. I see no point in T5. With the game, as it currently stands, its just not worth your time or my time anymore. Sure I will play near daily, but at the expense of me losing that fun factor. 

He obviously doesn’t want to tell why he was kicked  so stop bothering him about it

Simple. Don’t purchase anything in Star Conflict. People have said this once, and will say it a million times. If you can see that a game is obviously a money grabber, don’t feed it. Eventually they will realize they aren’t making money, and will have to make immediate changes. Secondly, adding on to the first part slightly, NEVER give money to a game in beta, unless you want to support the development purely. People just buy this in game currency to use it… they don’t even think about where it goes. Besides. Things rapidly change all the time. I myself was planning to buy some premium stuff, then the big update came out, and basically changed my entire ship. It looks tempting, but I won’t pay 20 bucks for a DLC.

Lets put it this way. JP did something Dumb and stupid, and got kicked off. Now he has to work hard to come back cause Error will most likely use anything against me if I choose to come back. 

Man… I’d hate to see what they’d do if you break any major “rules”…

then the big update came out, and basically changed my entire ship. It looks tempting, but I won’t pay 20 bucks for a DLC.


Imagine those who paid over $100 already rawr

He obviously doesn’t want to tell why he was kicked  so stop bothering him about it

I wouldn’t be surprised if he wants to, but simply can’t because that is against the rules(Which he does not intend to break again).



Imagine those who paid over $100 already rawr

I’m in this club…

My progression is already in shambles. T4 is nothing but a lost cause. I see no point in T5. With the game, as it currently stands, its just not worth your time or my time anymore. Sure I will play near daily, but at the expense of me losing that fun factor. 

I’m noticing more and more 3v3 and 4v4 matches in T3 when I play.  If T3 can’t stay populated enough, what sense is there for going to T4?  The synergy system isn’t even matched with playing a role.  It wants everyone to be a gunship.

Imagine those who paid over $100 already rawr


I paid about 150 Dollars to this game so far. With 34K GS sitting in my account doing nothing…*cries*


I wouldn’t be surprised if he wants to, but simply can’t because that is against the rules(Which he does not intend to break again).


Not really against the rules to say why, but the later part of that statement is true. 


I’m in this club…


Jump on the PAIN train! 


I’m noticing more and more 3v3 and 4v4 matches in T3 when I play.  If T3 can’t stay populated enough, what sense is there for going to T4?  The synergy system isn’t even matched with playing a role.  It wants everyone to be a gunship.


Gunships are a big problem in T5. They can keep overdrive going nearly after every kill. Only the top russian corps with there elite squads are up there. NASA is a competitive corp as well, but most of the time we stick to T3 because of the sheer fact that we like it there better. 

I’m in this club…


Welcome, do you want some vaseline with your coffe?

Welcome, do you want some vaseline with your coffe?

No thanks, I don’t like coffee.

Coffee’s good, it makes me sleepy.

Coffee’s good, it makes me sleepy.


I think we already know where I stand on this topic  :lol:   

Coffee’s good, it makes me sleepy.

holybeans - same effect on me ~!


we’re like 1% of the world population that’s afflicted by this rare and exotic malady … which is kinda cool during monday morning meetings where they serve coffee. I sleep thru all the BS lol.

I know the maplestory pain. . I can vouch it being a horribly grindy game. Most asian/korean mmo’s are. They are time sinks. Literally. The mindset is that the only way to slow down progression is to make it take longer to get to.


But this breaks, and blizzard knows that. I hate bringing them up, but leveling in wow hooked people in pre-mop because it was balanced nice, you felt like you were actually progressing but each level was in reasonable reach. It didn’t seem hopeless so you didn’t give up.


But most important of all, something that this game had at one point, was that you didn’t notice you were leveling. You were having fun playing matches because the matches themselves were fun and you wanted to keep playing them. They weren’t merely a means for better gear/rep/ships, but were an end to the fact that they were simply fun. I think that ultimately is what drew people, and that loss is whats pushing people away.

hear hear


now you fly to grind … no making up excuses that you are playing and not leveling because you’re made to fly ships you need to rank


and you see others do it as well in-game


LRF captain? GG.

holybeans - same effect on me ~!


we’re like 1% of the world population that’s afflicted by this rare and exotic malady … which is kinda cool during monday morning meetings where they serve coffee. I sleep thru all the BS lol.

I hate drinking coffee in the afternoon and then falling asleep!  I did it all the time in college.  And I use an espresso maker to make sure light can’t shine into the bottom of the cup.

NASA is a competitive corp as well, but most of the time we stick to T3 because of the sheer fact that we like it there better. 


And NASA jumped all over DYN’s case because we liked T2 better…


Not that I’m bitter or anything, just pointing out some double-standards.


Now go play T5 with the big boys and stop zerging T3.

Truth ^^^ 

I know the maplestory pain. . I can vouch it being a horribly grindy game. Most asian/korean mmo’s are. They are time sinks. Literally. The mindset is that the only way to slow down progression is to make it take longer to get to.


But this breaks, and blizzard knows that. I hate bringing them up, but leveling in wow hooked people in pre-mop because it was balanced nice, you felt like you were actually progressing but each level was in reasonable reach. It didn’t seem hopeless so you didn’t give up.


But most important of all, something that this game had at one point, was that you didn’t notice you were leveling. You were having fun playing matches because the matches themselves were fun and you wanted to keep playing them. They weren’t merely a means for better gear/rep/ships, but were an end to the fact that they were simply fun. I think that ultimately is what drew people, and that loss is whats pushing people away.

Best leveling out of all the games i played is Guild Wars 2, leveling itself isn’t hard and progress of leveling is fun due to game design, they have a lot of dynamic content accessible starting from level 1

Best is when you don’t have to level, but actually build your character on earned skill / ability / <name another weird approach here> points. That way you get a character of your complete choosing, not premade level ups.