JP's gears are grinding.

Hey Guys its JP. 


I have about 80 days left of license remaining. I plan to stay in the game for that long. though, when that runs out…I don’t know if I will continue with the game. 


There is a couple of things that need to be addressed. And if they are not fixed or tweaked before my license expires, then kiss me and my sweet rolls good bye. I’ll move to Star Citizen, Hardware Shipbreakers and other Space MMOs.


What needs to be addressed immediately. In order of my personal importance. 


  1. Premium ships and there current uselessness.


  1. Synergy. I have 2.5Mill synergy just sitting there but I refuse to pay 24k+ GS to make it “Free Synergy” that’s WAY to much. Nobody will drop 25 dollars for that. 


  1. Loyalty. License members should take on at least 5 contracts at once. and the cool down should be nerfed to more then half. I mean 5 hours already is long enough. Never mind 17. 


Basically, my greatest concern is progression. 


Actual gameplay is based on skill and tactics. you need to adapt to the war, not complain about it. Hence why, I usually shoot down the newbs that complain about combat. But when it takes forever to move on to another ship or Tier, then why waste all your time? Grinding is not fun. Trust me. I know how to grind. I played maplestory and I grinded my way up to a level 165 hero that can do 1 mill damage in a single hit. The point is, once the Fun factor leaves, the game gets stale real quick. 


Devs, please fix and/or tweak it. Even me, a veteran is feeling hurt.


Any suggestions along with my current predicament would be appreciated. 






JP’s Gears Are Cracking



Whelp, it has come to my attention that the game is now, in my personal and professional game opinion, broken as of now. Allow me to explain. 


  1. Squads - HOLY HELL. They broke it further. Sure 4 man squads are back, but now if you are squadded with 4 people you will be bumped 2 Tiers UP! Why in the hell would you do that!?


  1. Game Balance - Did you notice that they ruined everything that means a logical progression of ships and modules? Ships, factions, and allegiance have no linear progression of modules or ships. Everything is backward as of now (0.9.3). Where is the fun if everyone stays in a teir and refuses to move up?


  1. Sector Conquest - What is the point of it? None. Its thus there for us to “feel” like we are doing something. No benefit to any person, party, or corporation to “own” sectors. Broken on how its calculated, so thus a waste of time to care for it. As corporations, just horde your iridium, you need it anyway for your Experimentals. 


  1. Matchmaking Times - Outrageous. You need to solo Queue all the time to have decent MM times. Playing with 1 extra person adds 2 minutes, playing with another person, an ADDITIONAL 2 minutes to waiting time, etc. The current Squad setup add MORE forced waiting time cause it puts you in a higher tier as it is. Making you fight a LESSER populated area. So it ruins the fun factor Further! 


I’m feeling more and more distant from this game and as of now, I’m gonna admit that anything that resembles this game or has that fun factor as this used to have, will make me move to another game.


Developers of star conflict, you have been warned, advised, and begged to change the game for the better. the last question remains. What are you doing!?



I am looking forward to Star Citizen also… too bad its so far away

i will love star citizen! and elite:dangerous.

+1.  But sooner for me.  I as smart and bought shorter license times.  My license will remain unactivated till next patch where I will either start playing again or just leave entirely.

+1.  But sooner for me.  I as smart and bought shorter license times.  My license will remain unactivated till next patch where I will either start playing again or just leave entirely.


you get some free license times when you buy the DLCs…I had 370 days at one point…

I bought a couple DLCs too, but not the biggest ones (which I think had the license times…) but even if I had a license right now, it would just go to waste.  I’m not going to waste time playing a game that is broken.  I mean sure its ok if you want to shoot crap for giggles, but without a real progression model and a number of other problems I just wont bother right now.

When I was a GM, people asked me the following : “Is it worth to buy any DLC or prenium ships?” My answer: “Wait till the next patch cause they are not worth it at the current moment. Patience my friend.”


I was praised for my honesty.

Add to that list.

#4, Stop mixing tiers!

When I was a GM, people asked me the following : “Is it worth to buy any DLC or prenium ships?” My answer: “Wait till the next patch cause they are not worth it at the current moment. Patience my friend.”


I was praised for my honesty.

Why did you lose GM status? o.O

It’s a bummer you are posting this when the band of forum cry babies is also up in arms, as your post is the only one that isn’t a waste of time to read, JP, and I’d hate to see it get drowned out.




I am sitting over 2 million Synergy on…like. 8-9 ships that are elited out, bit bummed i can’t use it to rank up anything else, but I guess, whatever, really.


It isn’t like people are all playing t4-t5, and the small games get boring. They rewarded the few guys who got maxed out, and yet anyone who was even at  rank 12.5 got it taken away after promising us it was still being counted and telling us repeatedly it still was being counted.That is really my only axe to grind. Either everyone should of been wiped and cut back to rank 12, or everyone got to keep what they already had. It harkens back to the Russian favoritism mumbo jumbo that always comes up, except this, you know, actually seems pretty true


I feel a bit spoiled saying that, considering how much I have unlocked (every ship tree just about to t4) and my subfactions. I think the grind is rather punishing now, especially if you wanted to play Empire engineers–the xxxx is up with that ship tree anyways?


I don’t put my eggs in the Star Citizen basket. Sorry, Wing Commander wasn’t that great and it’s foolish to always think the grass will be greener over yonder.


We got cool stuff on the horizon for the North American side, and more people are playing nightly… The new weapons are fun, yeah, the bubble gun could use animations…


I just disagree about the premium ships, as I own a Sai and Parallax, and both of those ships are great, fill great niches and got some style to their swagger. That is the opinion of someone who doesn’t need to grind anything with them but sub faction loyalty… So I’m not sure how much that means to you, since I could care less about the synergy.

It’s a bummer you are posting this when the band of forum cry babies is also up in arms, as your post is the only one that isn’t a waste of time to read, JP, and I’d hate to see it get drowned out.




I am sitting over 2 million Synergy on…like. 8-9 ships that are elited out, bit bummed i can’t use it to rank up anything else, but I guess, whatever, really.


It isn’t like people are all playing t4-t5, and the small games get boring. They rewarded the few guys who got maxed out, and yet anyone who was even at  rank 12.5 got it taken away after promising us it was still being counted and telling us repeatedly it still was being counted.That is really my only axe to grind. Either everyone should of been wiped and cut back to rank 12, or everyone got to keep what they already had. It harkens back to the Russian favoritism mumbo jumbo that always comes up, except this, you know, actually seems pretty true


I feel a bit spoiled saying that, considering how much I have unlocked (every ship tree just about to t4) and my subfactions. I think the grind is rather punishing now, especially if you wanted to play Empire engineers–the xxxx is up with that ship tree anyways?


I don’t put my eggs in the Star Citizen basket. Sorry, Wing Commander wasn’t that great and it’s foolish to always think the grass will be greener over yonder.


We got cool stuff on the horizon for the North American side, and more people are playing nightly… The new weapons are fun, yeah, the bubble gun could use animations…


I just disagree about the premium ships, as I own a Sai and Parallax, and both of those ships are great, fill great niches and got some style to their swagger. That is the opinion of someone who doesn’t need to grind anything with them but sub faction loyalty… So I’m not sure how much that means to you, since I could care less about the synergy.

As someone who loves to keep progressing instead of being stuck in the same place flying the same ships all the time, synergy is a big problem(Though so are credits/loyalty).

I wouldn’t mind the synergy system too much if we were only required to get synergy 7(at most) to progress instead of 9 or 10. 7 is doable, although a bit boring since it feels like a true grind which didn’t exist before. Best would be 5/6 in my eyes.

The synergy > free synergy is also kinda expansive, and would love to see premium ships produce either 100% free synergy or atleast a lot more free synergy than currently.Although if they reduced required synergy level to 5/6 you could grind that in such a quick rate you wouldn’t need to transfer synergy unless you want to skip ships.

Why did you lose GM status? o.O


Im technically not a liberty to discuss that. Have a chat with error for that. But I can say, there are rules for a reason and breaking them, regardless on how minor it may seem, lead to consequences. In my case, Harsh consequences.


It’s a bummer you are posting this when the band of forum cry babies is also up in arms, as your post is the only one that isn’t a waste of time to read, JP, and I’d hate to see it get drowned out.


I just want to put my 2 cents in. Hopefully people can listen to a respected member that only speaks out when there is a problem.


I don’t put my eggs in the Star Citizen basket. Sorry, Wing Commander wasn’t that great and it’s foolish to always think the grass will be greener over yonder.


Have you seen it? I want to put my money in Star citizen but I rather wait till it is released! 


But the grass is NEVER greener on the other side. I mean, Have you seen the neighbors house!?

screw the house … have you seen his wife ?

screw the house … have you seen his wife ?


  1. Premium ships and there current uselessness.


  1. Synergy. I have 500k synergy just sitting there but I refuse to pay 4k+ GS to make it “Free Synergy” thats WAY to much. Nobody will drop 25 dollars for that.

If a genuine fix for this isn’t in the next patch, we can’t expect gaijin to care about paying customers.  Right now, I’m at 7804 GS to transfer synergy.  I took one of the premiums I like out of my line up because I want to level up my Katana type S to R12 to get the fourth slot for free.  Otherwise, it’d be more.


Im technically not a liberty to discuss that. Have a chat with error for that. But I can say, there are rules for a reason and breaking them, regardless on how minor it may seem, lead to consequences. In my case, Harsh consequences.

A willful public confession should never be forbidden.  If the punishment’s fair or unfair, that’s a separate issue.

A willful public confession should never be forbidden.  If the punishment’s fair or unfair, that’s a separate issue.



Lets put it this way. JP did something Dumb and stupid, and got kicked off. Now he has to work hard to come back cause Error will most likely use anything against me if I choose to come back. 

  1. Premium ships imo are supposed to be alternative version of regular ships, and I believe it is that way now. Except for DE/Bear/Dragonfly(+1 passive)

  2. and 3. I have no interest of grinding anything beyond Tier 3. but if someone want to do that, then good luck - you will need it.

It’s a bummer you are posting this when the band of forum cry babies is also up in arms, as your post is the only one that isn’t a waste of time to read, JP, and I’d hate to see it get drowned out.


What, it takes and ex-Game Master to finally convince you that something is wrong? I and several other “cry babies” (we prefer the more politically-correct term ‘watchdogs’ or ‘critics’) have been concerned about the escalating money-grabbing mentality of this game for quite some time.


Maybe if you didn’t dismiss the majority of our posts as a “waste of time”…


You know what? Nevermind. I’m just wasting my time now.

What, it takes and ex-Game Master to finally convince you that something is wrong? I and several other “cry babies” (we prefer the more politically-correct term ‘watchdogs’ or ‘critics’) have been concerned about the escalating money-grabbing mentality of this game for quite some time.


Maybe if you didn’t dismiss the majority of our posts as a “waste of time”…


You know what? Nevermind. I’m just wasting my time now.

Welcome, would you like an invite to the some-nasa-members-are-a-waste-of-time club? 

I have already learned to ignore luckyo/elmustachio/xkostyan for their views that is almost religious like…Defending it like it is the only right way and everyone else is a sinner…


Anyway, I truely hope they patch this thursday or I will truely start to lose hope D:

And JP, I bet your ban is NDA related…Something you weren’t allowed to tell?

When I was a GM, people asked me the following : “Is it worth to buy any DLC or prenium ships?” My answer: “Wait till the next patch cause they are not worth it at the current moment. Patience my friend.”


I was praised for my honesty.

Is this why?  I think I saw you in chat saying this, not toeing the company line.  I bought DLC less than a week before 0.9, and yes I’m still pissed off at the nerf.  I only keep playing the premiums under the hope they’ll resolve the issue amicably.