Jericho special ship weapons

Sawtooth: Impact Beam : “Deals 11,000 Thermal damage and flies at 8,500m/s for 10,000m. The beam must charge for 1 second before firing. 25s recharge.”

Nyx: Hull Melter : “Always active while in battle. Deals 1,500 Thermal damage per second to the hull of any enemy the front of your ship is touching. 250pts of that damage is used to repair your hull.”

(Like it’s using that teeny tiny mouth thing of its to munch munch munch on the hills of enemies. >:3c)

Cutter: Valkyrie Missiles : Fires 6 homing missiles from the top of your ship. Each deals 2,750 EM damage and can travel up to 6,000m. Each targets a random enemy in range. 45s recharge."

Blood Tormentor: Spine Saw : “Creates a massive blade of energy along the top of your ship that deals 7,500 EM damage per second over 10 seconds. 45s recharge.”

Razor: Kinetic Force : “Pounds the enemies in front of your ships with a relentless beam of forceful energy that pushes them away quickly. 35s recharge.”

Mauler: Hellfire Missiles : “Drops 11 deadly homing missiles out of the rear of your ship that deal 3,500 Thermal damage and can avoid obstacles in flight. Each targets a random enemy in a range of 9,000m. 50s recharge.”

Just some ideas to fit in with the soon to come new premium ships. The Sawtooth especially looks like it might have some massive, devastating beam come out of the front of it.

Keep in mind numbers can be tweaked as needed.

Cutter: Valkyrie Missiles: Fires 6 homing missiles from the top of your ship. Each deals 2,750 EM damage and can travel up to 6,000m. Each targets a random enemy in range. 45s recharge."

The missiles will launch out of these little capacitor ports like little energy missiles:

The order of which they will exit the ship is as follows:

They will be shot out and immediately start tracking their target, whatever that target may be, and in whatever direction.
For example, if all missiles lock on to a ship or object that is directly in front of the ship, flight patters will be similar to this:

Sawtooth: Impact Beam : “Deals 11,000 Thermal damage and flies at 6,500m/s for 9,000m. The beam must charge for 1 second before firing. 25s recharge.”


It is essentially a sort of hip-fire disintegrator-type weapon for this fighter. It will charge from the rear to the tips, then fire.


I’m scared what you are holding for sybil.  :fed002:

Destroyers are already powerful enough. XD

Keep in mind numbers can be tweaked as needed.


If something passes, they WILL be. All the time.  :001j:

I’m against this… okay skip this.

Interesting ideas. Counterbalanced by its sheer CD.

Can’t wait for a laserweapon for destroyer. <3

Maybe the fox’s brain produce an idea for this?

Can’t wait for a laserweapon for destroyer. <3

Maybe the fox’s brain produce an idea for this?

 No doubt

Pyro Emitter: Charges up, then fires a massive beam of charged gasses in a 5400m line that deals 22,500 thermal damage.

Pyro Emitter: Charges up, then fires a massive beam of charged gasses in a 5400m line that deals 22,500 thermal damage.

That’s not a laserweapon. It’s more a flamethrowerweapon. Sad your brain haven’t an idea. :frowning:

My hope died. Q.Q T.T

Delete this comment.

*Not quite accidental bump*

Don’t necro, work on your suggestion further and post it again, improved. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)