Jericho or Empire

I’ve played all three factions and it’s come to the point where I have to focus on one faction.  Trying to advance in all three is wayyyy too much work.  I’ve narrowed it down to Empire or Jericho.  I hate to ask the stereotypical Ace question of “which one is better”, but I would really like advice from someone who has advanced to T5 in either Empire or Jericho (or both) to post here an explain which one they picked, why, and whether or not they liked it better.  I’m thinking that something like this would help me make a decision because I don’t really know what lies in store for me when I advance to these higher tiers in either faction.  Currently I play mostly Skirmish.  My favorite class of ships are interceptors.  Any advice would be much appreciated.  Thanks.

I’ve played all three factions and it’s come to the point where I have to focus on one faction.  Trying to advance in all three is wayyyy too much work.  I’ve narrowed it down to Empire or Jericho.  I hate to ask the stereotypical Ace question of “which one is better”, but I would really like advice from someone who has advanced to T5 in either Empire or Jericho (or both) to post here an explain which one they picked, why, and whether or not they liked it better.  I’m thinking that something like this would help me make a decision because I don’t really know what lies in store for me when I advance to these higher tiers in either faction.  Currently I play mostly Skirmish.  My favorite class of ships are interceptors.  Any advice would be much appreciated.  Thanks.

Jerry interceptors are good because they have a lot of slots for adaptative shields, and are more speedy than imperial interceptors.


Empire ones are tougher and have more damage.


If you like covert ops, only jerry have them. Same with recons in the empire side.


Empire ECMs are more resilient, but the top tier jerry ECM is the best hands down.


It is up to you.

Don’t focus on one faction. Choose a specific ship line you like and advance in them. 


I enjoy Jericho more though simply because it has all the ship I enjoy flying except engineer.

And fed is forgotten…

Pick whatever you want to play like Efe said above.If you live far from russian or europe then you should go frig because you not gonna like the drunken inties lololololol.

If your fav class is Interceptor I would go for Jericho over Empire. If you prefer Fighters go for Empire.

If your fav class is Interceptor I would go for Jericho over Empire. If you prefer Fighters go for Empire.

Jerry commands and tacklers are also great. But they are support ships, not carries like the empire gunships. And as you know, jerry commands have more damage projection than empire commands thanks to their engine and cpu slots (well, except the Sword, that thing has weird slot layout…)

You may find it helpful to get up to r15 as fast as you can then use the Jericho r15 implant for synergy bonus and bring up the rest of the ships you want to fly.

[NASA] Observations from Sector Conquest (T5 ships):



Jericho CovOp - Great 

Emp Recons - very good

Jer ECMs < Empire ECM (Duration bonus negotiated by a lot of better pilots having Proton Walls and J2 implant, so end result on duration is very-very small, but Emp has huge range and has much better energy freedom, plus Jer intis are incredibly vulnerable to disables) Still both are great ships.



Emp GunShips - very good 

Emp Command - great

Jericho Commands - have very limited possibilities, has some valid very niche builds, but overall free frag

Jericho Tackler - very solid ship (Fed tackler is still much-much better though )



Emp Engineer - great

Emp LRF - great

Jericho Guard - ok

Jericho LRF - ok (with reverse thrusters becomes good)

Jerry commands and tacklers are also great. But they are support ships, not carries like the empire gunships. And as you know, jerry commands have more damage projection than empire commands thanks to their engine and cpu slots (well, except the Sword, that thing has weird slot layout…)


How have Jericho Commands more damage protection than Empire? Aura can tank more than Sword S with the diffusion shield, and it has also the casual but great empire hull tank. Ony good thing Sword S has is an extra CPU slot. 


If you compare Lance S to Spartacus maybe we could agree, because in this case the Lance S is the one with the energy pool bonus, but in T5 Sword S melts very fast compared to an Aura.

You may find it helpful to get up to r15 as fast as you can then use the Jericho r15 implant for synergy bonus and bring up the rest of the ships you want to fly.

I though high level implants didn’t work when your ship rank is lower than the implant rank.  So there is a jericho r15 implant that works on lower rank ships?  Regardless of faction?

Jer ECMs < Empire ECM (Duration bonus negotiated by a lot of better pilots having Proton Walls and J2 implant, so end result on duration is very-very small, but Emp has huge range and has much better energy freedom, plus Jer intis are incredibly vulnerable to disables) Still both are great ships.


What is the Proton Wall and J2 implant?  Is this Empire specific?  Is that why you ranke Empire ECM higher than Jericho?

I though high level implants didn’t work when your ship rank is lower than the implant rank.  So there is a jericho r15 implant that works on lower rank ships?  Regardless of faction?

All R15 implants are 2 part:

1st portion affecting only R15 ships, some combat boosts (dmg, hull/shield hp)

2d portion is progression (Synergy/Credit gains) those work on every single ship you have, but to be honest “rushing” something only to get access to this implant and then going back to low tiers is kinda meh, if anything i would maxed out all t1 ships since it is easy and fast, to make a basic fleet strength bonus to speed up the progress in higher tiers.

What is the Proton Wall and J2 implant?  Is this Empire specific?  Is that why you ranke Empire ECM higher than Jericho?

J2 implant - Jericho implant Rank2, “Reduces incoming control-inhibited effects by 23%. Reduces main weapon spread by 20%.”

ProtonWall_Icon.pngProton wall:Reduces controlling effects’ duration

Both of these are counters to ECM disables, they reduce total duration of disables (and some others like CovOp White Noize, LRF IR-Pulsar) majority of “better” pilots, depending on the ship types will have at least one of these or both.

T5 Jericho ECM has a passive bonus to disables duration

T5 Empire ECM has activation range bonus

So these anti disables reduces the final gap on duration between these 2 ships, but Empires range is not affected by anything.

How have Jericho Commands more damage protection than Empire? Aura can tank more than Sword S with the diffusion shield, and it has also the casual but great empire hull tank. Ony good thing Sword S has is an extra CPU slot. 


If you compare Lance S to Spartacus maybe we could agree, because in this case the Lance S is the one with the energy pool bonus, but in T5 Sword S melts very fast compared to an Aura.

Projection, not protection.

Projection, not protection.


Ah, anyway Empire is still better. They can fire more time because they don’t need to go back or cover that often because of their low tankiness. So overall they will end up doing more damage than a Jericho Command.


Also Empire has a damage bonus, only a few Jericho command ships have also a damage bonus.


But as I said, at the end of the day an Aura will be more dangerous than a Sword S because he will keep firing even if you fire back, a Sword S will have to stop firing and cover after a bunch of shots.


Seriously, Jericho Commands are usable, but you’re going to be much more helpful and will perform better on an Empire one most of the time.

all about federation :slight_smile:

The bad thing is that you can drain all the Tank of a Jeri command : Energy drain + shield drain…

A tackler can escape it by cloaking. An ecm can counter it by disabling it.

A command just have to take it.

For me, hull tanking will always be better to shield tanking until there’s a viable possibility to compensate the bigger hit box, the shield drain, and the fiewer durability.

We need hull drain. It’s pretty clear.

Which is better depends on what gamestyle you have, but if you are asking for a personal opininio then I would go Jericho. Although they are weaker then are faster and more manuverable than the empire interceptors.

They aren’t more manuverable then empire. Correct me if I’m wrong, but they just have an higher raw speed.

But Empire can decrease his maneuverability with some hull modules, witch you won’t use in an interceptor.

Shield need a buff like +200% shield regen when speed <50% (and possibly not firing).