Jericho is dominating almost everything, what will happen?

Jericho is dominating almost all sectors of the empire, if this happens what will happen?

Jericho and dominate all sectors of the game?


sorry for my poor english

it is impossible to capture last territory (so called capital) 

it is impossible to capture last territory (so called capital) 

Not impossible because… if you divert your eyes to the Jericho capital… it’s owned by a corp. The reason it wasn’t Empire owned is because there weren’t enough victories.


I’m sure there’s something set in place to avoid all systems from being taken but, so far, no one’s been that far because Corps usually just drift to the underdog’s side and fight back (which is what happened with Empire and now Jericho).

Actually Oryngton you’re wrong.  The Jericho capital was at 100% Jericho the entire time it was contested…and never budged.  So basically attacking a capital sector will get you nothing but defending might get you a new sector if your corp has the most wins.

Not impossible because… if you divert your eyes to the Jericho capital… it’s owned by a corp. The reason it wasn’t Empire owned is because there weren’t enough victories.


I’m sure there’s something set in place to avoid all systems from being taken but, so far, no one’s been that far because Corps usually just drift to the underdog’s side and fight back (which is what happened with Empire and now Jericho).

Regarding the sector with Jericho’s emblem, the influence of Jericho stayed at 100% through the full 12 hours it was being fought over.

EDIT: What Java said. ;]

Actually Oryngton you’re wrong.  The Jericho capital was at 100% Jericho the entire time it was contested…and never budged.  So basically attacking a capital sector will get you nothing but defending might get you a new sector if your corp has the most wins.

Oh. Bugger.That I didn’t notice, I thought it was something like victories from the invader’s side only reduced very little of the score or something. Oh, well, learn something new every day.

I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s purely because some mass recruitment (zerg) corporations have joined the Jericho side - much to the frustration of existing powers within Jericho.


Expect shifts in loyalty the coming weeks.

Well we should all know by now zerg corps never seem to last that long.  As their player base gains more experience and ranks they’ll be wanting to fly T3 at some point.   Then they lose said players to an established T3 corp.   

Well we should all know by now zerg corps never seem to last that long.  As their player base gains more experience and ranks they’ll be wanting to fly T3 at some point.   Then they lose said players to an established T3 corp.   


Agreed - thought I would replace that sentence with “to any organised, competitive corporation”.


Some of those mass recruitment corps are impossible to keep together long-term as they invited everyone and their mother with zero regard for any form of screening or process.


Sure, they do have some good players in them - but the recruitment process is a lottery. You invite 100 random people, there’s going to be 10 good ones and a few with potential among them. Unfortunately the majority are never going to amount to much and a huge number is going to randomly vanish and never return to the game.

What, so Jericho has just Zerged everything?

What, so Jericho has just Zerged everything?


If you look the the list of corporations by allegiance, you will notice that the more well-known mass recruitment corporations are now mostly on Jericho side. It’s sheer quantity over quality at this point - which to me is one of the big flaws of sector conquest.


To use my own corp as an example, we refuse to recruit more than roughly 50 people - and in the current game design this makes it very difficult for us to conquer a sector. Which makes no sense as we could fairly easily beat a few of the corporations which do hold sectors if we were to go head to head with them.


Similar to this - I don’t think it makes any sense that a corporation like, for example, Nova can so easily lose a sector to a corporation such as Kings or DR. They’re not even close to being on the same level and if there was an option for the more experienced corporation to attack and weaken the other - such conquests simply wouldn’t happen.


I don’t mind that there is some strength in numbers (it gives us a challenge), but right now it’s the primary and predominant way to success. This to me, is wrong.

One thing to consider is sector battles last eight hours I believe.  Different corps are going to be dominated at different times of day.  If Kings get enough players and enough matches won in the hours where other corps are asleep, they can win the sector.  If corps could fight other corps for sectors without the sector changing factions first the control would change a lot.

Sectors are contested for 12 hours each.  Kings plays mostly during American prime so they’re not sneaking in sectors in the middle of the night.   


Also Dyn for the most part is dead and the remaining pilots who were still in the corp left to start their own Jericho corp which doesn’t help matters at all.  So we basically now have 65% of the population Jericho, maybe 25% Empire, and 5-10% Fed

Don’t think it will really be that great of a problem. The game I don’t think will let Jericho totally take the whole region over totally. So we may have to wait see how the story line of the game progresses. But for now we need to concentrate on more ship leveling and keeping up on fine tuning of skills of all levels and let the game move as it will. Because I think that in order for it to slow down some the tasks will become harder soon. And we will soon be looking at more bot involvement to slow it down. Like an unknown 3rd party on playing field.


Sector conquest : Quantity > Quality.


Most of the 150/150 pilots corp are in Jericho. 


Some of the elitest corps with <100 ppl are elsewhere. But sectors are lost due to points and more people generate more points.

which is what happened with Empire and now Jericho


When was the Empire ‘dominant’ again? As far as I know, even at its highest period, the Empire (or rather, Empire corps and players) had trouble taking sectors from the Federation, which also had tons of sectors.


Makes me think that Imperials are the epitome of perseverance, even in the Age of Jericho.

Makes me think that Imperials are the epitome of perseverance, even in the Age of Jericho.

“The Emperor is nothing if not tenacious. Alas, if you speak with the Jericho elders, you may find that even some amongst their ranks find the current ‘Age of Jericho’ to be more trouble than what it is worth.”

I feel Corps must declare their bread winners with a cooldown of 24 hours between roster changes.


Each corp should be limited to a fixed maximum number of players (say 15 pilots) on a Sector Conquest roster


CEO (and maybe officers if CEO grants them the privilege) can update said roster


And only these few pilots can score points for the Corporation he flies for. All other undeclared pilots contributes nil.


This way things become fair.


Incentive to keep a large corporation?


  • Timezone

  • Availability

  • Talent pool

  • Artifacts

  • PVE ratings



Dragon Raising (DR) corporation informed  - that there is internal problems inside corporation and most of players leave corporation.

That was one of the strongest Jerico corporations.

At the same time Sindicat (SYN) corporation weak at the moment because there is no many active players.


It looks as end of Jerico domination.

May be our friends from other countries can make all their efforts  and keep Jerico borders. :012j:

I don’t know why we are wasting our time arguing about this. Capturing sectors or having a high pvp rating mean nothing when you compare corps. Its the skill of the players as a whole that count. Which is not even factored into the game.

As evil said before. Its quantity over quality as of now. And its something that should be rewarded for having quality instead of having sheer numbers working with you.

I like corps that have rules and requirements. It adds more of a “you have to be a good player and team mate to join” meta.