Jaguar Engines

Just as a matter of personal preference, combined with the fact that all new ships but the Kraken are made with alien technology, I would love to see the Jaguar’s engines changed from the standard engine, to blue orbs of energy, like the one in the centre of the Hunter, or like Emitters on the bosses. The blue ring would still be there, just the engine inside would be replaced with blue orbs of energy. Seems cool. ^^

Stop this.

Continue this.

It’s all good the only thing that I would like on Jaguar is that 50% modules bonul like Lion mk II has

And the idea here is purely aesthetic, so there wouldn’t be any actual in-game changes aside from making the engines look amazing.

Though I would like some better synergy bonuses on SP ships.

I don’t want alien sh*t on my cool Jaguar (I wish I had one)

If you dont have one, stop complaining.

If you dont have one, stop complaining.

I don’t want alien sh*t on my cool Jaguar

If you dont have one, stop complaining.


I’m complaining about your stupid selfish suggestions, no one wants alien crap on their ships, we are not aliens, and ships were based on alien technology, not built with entire alien parts. 


Can’t you comprehend that?

I’m complaining about your stupid selfish suggestions, no one wants alien crap on their ships, we are not aliens, and ships were based on alien technology, not built with entire alien parts.

Can’t you comprehend that?

Mmmyes indeed.

But what ever might we do if we found alien thruster technology that was superior to our own? Oh, I don’t know. We don’t need that, even if it is better and looks cooler.

NOPE. Those blue engines are too cool to be replaced

Don’t touch my jaguar!

Mmmyes indeed.

But what ever might we do if we found alien thruster technology that was superior to our own? Oh, I don’t know. We don’t need that, even if it is better and looks cooler.


  1. You can’t simply imply that putting an alien thruster on a regular ship would work instead of making the whole thing implode.

  2. Jaguar’s engines are 20% cooler than alien things.

Oh lol that’s what you mean. No, I mean put a glowy alien engine inside the pretty blue ring thing. Not entirely replace it! I love my rotaty engines!

Don’t touch my jaguar!


Seriously, Fox. Not everyone has the same fascination with biomorphs that you do. So if you could stop asking for things to be changed just to suit your personal alien fantasy, that would be great.


alien fantasy


He likes the tentacles…

He likes the tentacles…

This is also true.

This is also true.


I like where this is going.

I like where this is going.


You like tentacles also? You and foxy should meet up somewhere