Item trash slot

There should be a slot where you can drag items from your OS inventory to destroy the item so that you don’t litter with useless crap.

It would be like installing trashcans in ships instead of ejecting trash right in to space. Because that’s what 99% of OS loot is: trash.

Why not just drop them and move on? A better suggestion is a keybind to drop instead of having to click ente… Actually not sure how the keybind will choose which “crap” I want to drop…

No, because when you drop things you might happen back upon them and be like “oh snap was this from that carrier that I just killed or just that rubbish that I wanted to burn but couldn’t?”

Anything under 75k credits is trash. Silicon is trash. Vanadium and metal blanks are trash. Crystal Shards are almost trash. Right now essentially everything but Neodium, graphite, beryllium, and everything from Mysterious containers is trash. (Though those pirate blueprints from MC’s are also trash.)

Simple trash it option is just about the right pint for the container spamming. Space farmers unite! +++ from me

No, because when you drop things you might happen back upon them and be like “oh snap was this from that carrier that I just killed or just that rubbish that I wanted to burn but couldn’t?”

Anything under 75k credits is trash. Silicon is trash. Vanadium and metal blanks are trash. Crystal Shards are almost trash. Right now essentially everything but Neodium, graphite, beryllium, and everything from Mysterious containers is trash. (Though those pirate blueprints from MC’s are also trash.)

You forgot osmium! Goddamit. Had a feeling this resource is rare as graphite…

But yeah: Looting 395676 container - because you killed a small mobgroup, but then 128575 friends of them join the fight with you, and from just looting it was a mess… everywhere floating container with useless junk or resources and you need to scan, throw and repeat all of it again to gain the ‘best’ out of the trash(if you haven’t already given up on it to collect just for the sake of rare useful ones).

Credits trash*50% for the immedially transfer would be nice. Because 9k*50% isn’t such a pain as to fly 2-3x to a drone for the 9k it gives…

I’d be fine with not getting it at all as long as I never see it again. 50% on trash is generous! XD

I’m against the idea. Because i’m a pirate.

(people can destroy my loot before i destroy them)

I’m against the idea. Because i’m a pirate.

(people can destroy my loot before i destroy them)


But… containers are worthless… Who picks them up anyway?!

Containers -can- hold any item. The only problem is that 99.99999999999999999% of items in them is useless rubbish. And fuel isn’t a trash able resource. If you kill someone, you ft what fuel they have in their gauge.

Bounty hunter/Smuggler: Can contain loyalty vouchers or iridium or rare resources. Then you find a 7k - must fufu you - item in it…

From other ships they could contain resources or small voucher packs. But mostly trash…

The worst one: Minerals/deposits. They can contain ‘resources’.

So it’s far away from being easy to say it’s worth to collect a container or not. Sometimes so many things to loot…

Or maybe just convert all small (less than 15k in R7 sector) items to 400-600 vouchers? When I see software packs and other crap from 4 cybers and transport I start to wonder - who the hell is making convoys to transport 40k credits worth of rubbish?

Or maybe just convert all small (less than 15k in R7 sector) items to 400-600 vouchers? When I see software packs and other crap from 4 cybers and transport I start to wonder - who the hell is making convoys to transport 40k credits worth of rubbish?

normal hard working ppl…They try to earn $$ nicely not like you, dirty mercenary

normal hard working ppl…They try to earn $$ nicely not like you, dirty mercenary

Fufu these guys! I don’t want crap, I want treasures/valuable things! It isn’t my fault, that 285 transporters die yesterday for the last 2 pieces of berry ore…