Is there any configurations i can tweak outside in-game settings?

One thing that bugs me since i started playing is how difficult it is to make head or tail of all the icons that appear on screen while flying. It’s especially frustrating that they blend with the background so i have the seach the screen to find them, wasting time while i don’t have any to lose. So far i haven’t found a way to improve that with current settings in-game so i’m wondering if there is any i can fiddle with in a confing file somewhere…

You can turn those distant icons up in brightness./detail by pressing V in game I think…I dunno, mine’s mapped to H and it’s set to toggle.  Anyways, it basically “activates” your radar and everything looks as if you are within range of it.  You can even customize how much detail is shown in this mode in the hud settings.


Also, you can increase the scale of your interface so that you can see everything larger.  This affects everything, so it’s even a bit easier to aim since your reticule is also larger (a very helpful trick).  It’s under game in the settings window if I’m not mistaken.

You can mess with the HUD settings and target settings. I think there was a way to highlight all the contacts all the time. The HUD will look very cluttered, but if you think it is better you can do that.

You can mess with the HUD settings and target settings. I think there was a way to highlight all the contacts all the time. The HUD will look very cluttered, but if you think it is better you can do that.

I have my hud to display only enemy ship icons unless I either mouse over them or lock onto them.  It’s really helpful, because I am now fighting ship classes versus the weakest ship, like most players.  It helps with tactical aspects, since I’m not seeing health bars; I see ship roles and respond to the threats in a more intelligent way.  I guess a good way of saying it is “not knowing how ‘weak’ the enemy is becomes beneficial because it forces you to study their strengths and play to your advantage.”  I really do recommend it :wink:

Thanks guys, i think i found an optimal setting for my needs.