Is Star Conflict really F2P?

This is an article posted on MMO Reviews and shared on the Star Conflict Facebook page. I’ll just leave it here for anyone who did not see it on Facebook:


They forgot to mention that certain t5 premium ships have more damage capability than their non-premium counterparts, but they compenstate for this by having reduced survivability.  As for the rest of it, I agree with their analysis, and would like any people who accuse the game as being P2W to have a read of this :slight_smile:

RennieAsh was about to say, what I wanted to clarify for them.

Also, they claim that Premium ships are stronger counterparts, compared to standard ships, because they are fully synergized.

It may be right, but that pretty much isn’t the case, when you fully synergize standard ships as well.

A lot of misinformation or at least partially incorrect statements.


Still, F2P rating 7 of 10 is good enough.

Star Conflict right now deserves less than 7 of 10 in a current state.

Star Conflict right now deserves less than 7 of 10 in a current state.


Aggressive monetization techniques (-400%)

i find it curious why it gets -5% for ingame transactions, that seems a bit strange as a “bad sign”

it really is about what ingame transactions do


while the review does not really cover the issues I would bring up

i find it curious why it gets -5% for ingame transactions, that seems a bit strange as a “bad sign”

it really is about what ingame transactions do


while the review does not really cover the issues I would bring up

Maybe the extent of monetization, without an alternative option?

They forgot to mention that certain t5 premium ships have more damage capability than their non-premium counterparts, but they compenstate for this by having reduced survivability.

Archdragon vs. Black Dragon:

Archdragon has one more shield slot

Black Dragon has +30 hull thermal resist [tankier]


Archdragon has +20% time to weapon overheat and +5% crit chance

Black Dragon has +15% crit chance and one more capacitor slot [more DPS]


Archdragon has -20% LRF module cooldown

Black Dragon doesn’t.



Lightbringer vs. Spark:

Lightbringer has one more shield slot [tankier, maybe]

Spark has +30 hull thermal resist


Lightbringer has +20% time to weapon overheat, -20% gunship module reload, and +15% main weapon damage

Spark has +25% main weapon damage and one more capacitor slot [more DPS]


I mean, I guess I could agree with that assessment of premium ships in T5?

I would say yes since you can earn gold by special events, sector conquest, and other way without spending real money. Be good and join a corp that own gold sector and your gold will stack up.

Archdragon vs. Black Dragon:

Archdragon has one more shield slot

Black Dragon has +30 hull thermal resist [tankier]


Archdragon has +20% time to weapon overheat and +5% crit chance

Black Dragon has +15% crit chance and one more capacitor slot [more DPS]


Archdragon has -20% LRF module cooldown

Black Dragon doesn’t.



Lightbringer vs. Spark:

Lightbringer has one more shield slot [tankier, maybe]

Spark has +30 hull thermal resist


Lightbringer has +20% time to weapon overheat, -20% gunship module reload, and +15% main weapon damage

Spark has +25% main weapon damage and one more capacitor slot [more DPS]


I mean, I guess I could agree with that assessment of premium ships in T5?


I don’t understand what you are suggesting. That t5 premiums have the same tank as normal ships and have more damage on top of that? The mauler, rockwell and golden eagle are definitely glass cannons. The spark and the black dragon are on the edge. I’m not too sure about the rest of them

The Mauler isn’t that much worse than the inquisitor AE for health due to +35% health increase. You can see however that the premiums with 2nd role specific bonus seems to do a lot better because they usually get damage bonus as well.

Premiums are usually more damage oriented, with flat buffs. The standard ones usually have better bonuses for modules, or better slot layout.


The golden eagle is good, but I don’t think anybody here will take it over the Falcon M.


The Excalibur is better than the Sword S, but that is because the Sword S is bad.


The Archdragon and the Black dragon are different. The BD is for direct damage, the AD is for sniping (better reload of modules)


Berserker has more damage, Jarl has better recon module bonuses and it is faster.


Rockwell has more damage, Lion Mk2 has more range.


Patriarch has more damage, Inquisitor S has more tank


Karud has more damage, Waki AE has more stun duration.


Can you see a trend here? Good.


But they are not better. Just more offensive oriented.

Better is relative. In today’s game you have to kill a lot in order to carry your team. For this it is useful to have the extra damage, which may seem to favour the premiums. On the other hand in competetive play or even squad vs squad in PVP, the extra tank is nice as a counter to focus-fire.

Conclusion: both are valid and have their uses

It is definitely relative. I think the only t5 premium ship that we can all agree is strictly better than it’s standard (and even craftable) counterpart is the Spark. 30 hull resist definitely tops a shield slot (unless that shield slot is an adaptive that is kept on the entire game). Also, the Spark has 2 cap slots, LB has 1, which can result in more DPS.


I mean, let’s face it, any build you could run on the Apollo, Lightbringer, or Mjolnir, the Spark could do better (in most ways). Sure, kinetic builds are better for the Mjolnir cuz it has proj speed and spread reduction, but it has 10% less damage buff than Spark.


Eviscerador has the right analysis of the standards compared to premiums, imo at least.

No, the only reason the Spark is better than the LB or the Mjolnir is the hidden energy bonus. The slot layouts and the bonuses are not the issue. The LB has better sustained DPS thanks to the faster Gunship module reload, and the better overheating time.


But being able to fly the Spark energy stable with a pulse discharger AND a heatsink in the capacitor, is what make the Spark better than the LB or the Mjolnir.


Remove the hidden energy regen bonus, make it the same as in the spark or even the Mjolnir, and then it is all right.

Mjolnir has same “hidden” energy bonus. so the difference is more of Spark having another 10% dmg passive bonus, while Mjolnir has RailGun and speed bonus. (ignoring “tanking” bonuses of both ships)

Mjolnir has same “hidden” energy bonus. so the difference is more of Spark having another 10% dmg passive bonus, while Mjolnir has RailGun and speed bonus. (ignoring “tanking” bonuses of both ships)

It is not the same energy bonus IIRC. The Spark one is higher.

They are equal, both are

854/166 (no cap modifiers used)

Still, F2P rating 7 of 10 is good enough.

Star Conflict right now deserves less than 7 of 10 in a current state.


Servers are 3/10 at best. So much rubberbanding today.

Servers are 3/10 at best. So much rubberbanding today.


How the hell did you dig up this old thread?  :008j:

I hate the fact that most Open Space sectors are hidden behind a grind/pay wall. Took me ages to get to level 10. They should make a lot more low level sectors for new players.

I hate the fact that most Open Space sectors are hidden behind a grind/pay wall. Took me ages to get to level 10. They should make a lot more low level sectors for new players.

A legitimate concern that most vets probably don’t think much about, since they’d already got their 10+ ships fully geared long before this restriction was relevant to anyone. Though I think it’s just a general rule of the PvP (no Station Protection) sectors that they require rank 10+ for ‘balance’ purposes.


They could stand to make all the sectors limited to whatever their respective tier is for Dreadnoughts. If a sector is T3 Dreads, make the minimum rank 7. And so on. Would help simplify things too, which is especially useful since these restrictions really only apply to new players. They don’t exactly need more things on their plate to figure out.