Is Star Conflict really F2P?

They don’t exactly need more things on their plate to figure out.


There’s no such thing as too many things to figure out. If I think I’ve figured out everything I get bored and quit.



How the hell did you dig up this old thread?   :008j:


It was on the first page so I assumed it was new. I’m not used to having to check the date on first page posts. The devs need to get some ads or something to get the player population up. It’s really not normal how inactive the forum is.

Star Conflict is F2P, but it’s definitely a grind. And the grind is not fun after T2/T3 imo. Competitively in ships of the same rank, I don’t feel that F2P ships lose out. The only exceptions might be a T3 recon and T3 Emp lrf (not sure about higher tiers).

Star Conflict is F2P, but it’s definitely a grind. And the grind is not fun after T2/T3 imo. Competitively in ships of the same rank, I don’t feel that F2P ships lose out. The only exceptions might be a T3 recon and T3 Emp lrf (not sure about higher tiers).

Grind must be decreased significantly.

I think i spend like 30 plus days in game actually fighting, that is a xxxx lot. Over 6000 PVP battles alone plus PVE and Open Space. Totall ingame time amounts to like 70 days. After all that time, i finally had fout T5 ships on full purple. I say at a time, cuz of changing al ltime u have to change ur setup too. 


In other words after two years of really a fuckload of playing i finally have the ships i actually wanna fly with.


Soooo yes, its not really P2W. But its “pay to fly what u like now and not in two years”. 


The thing is like me most players will want to have T5 ships simply cuz they are da best. And u want full purple cuz its da best. And that means griiind!!!


So and flying T3 forever its no solution cuz u get annoyed by Aces sooner or lata. Atl least me.


Soo IMO the grind is nice till around ur first ship in T5. Then u want this ship in purple and then u want four ships and these in purple, too. And that is taking so very xxxx long its unbelievable.Also the prob is actually the vouchers, these are just so hard to get. Money and even Iridium can/could be farmed by Open Space.


Even if u spend monee its still too much, momee gives u just 1/2 more vouchers it should give double.