Is it just me or did PvE get A LOT harder since 0.8?

im in t3 which is always t4 pve and yes it is much harder now to do any of them. without a few little tricks you have no chance in hell to win. that’s using PUG’s  and all/most whites. sadly I mostly just went back to PVP I make 1/2 as much but it takes much much less time.

yeah, without tricks it’s impossible. I was told by many parties that that’s the only way to actually do lvl4 missions.


What i have a problem with is the fact that there’s no way to get green t3 gear, and THAT’s the only reason to pplay PvE

yeah, without tricks it’s impossible. I was told by many parties that that’s the only way to actually do lvl4 missions.


What i have a problem with is the fact that there’s no way to get green t3 gear, and THAT’s the only reason to pplay PvE



well group pve is the fastest source of straight creds though

But pve in a interceptor is fck hard, you die hyper fast, and if you go evasive, you kill nothing.

But pve in a interceptor is fck hard, you die hyper fast, and if you go evasive, you kill nothing.

That’s why you don’t bring an Interceptor to PvE. PvE is all about survivability and dps. Interceptors have neither.

Interceptors fall into 3 categories: Recon; scouting out enemy targets and revealing camouflaged ships, Covert Ops; stealth-based assassin, and ECM; blocking module use and sapping energy. Of those three, two are completely useless in PvE while Covert Ops is only mostly useless. None of them really have any business in PvE outside of T1…maybe T2 if you’ve got a good team to carry you.

The only ships you should be bringing to PvE are Engineer, Guard, Command and Gunship. Tackler and Long Range modules are mainly wasted on PvE as well.

well i found a good way to use a interceptor and no die(much)






This way you can deal a good damage with your critical, and have a good termal resist to endure the missiles launcher and punisher pulsar.

But damm, the boss damage was increased!!! Now even with 194 thermal resistence he can 3 shot kill me :angry: 


But damm, the boss damage was increased!!! Now even with 194 thermal resistence he can 3 shot kill me :angry:


It is not intended to tank the boss.

It is not intended to tank the boss.


But it is intended to be humiliated by the boss unless you use a frigate or fighter. Good work…No

As someone who just made the move to T2 cause MM forced me to, I’ve noticed that the T2 boss uses T5 weapons.(who is the xxxx who thought this was a good idea?)