Is it just me or did PvE get A LOT harder since 0.8?

I Use either Mk2 or Military.

federation frigates

Rapid plasma always for PVE


Buff purely on hull, ignore shields stats as they will disappear pretty quick anyway.


Anaconda -M

for Actives take

pulsar, hull heal, hull heal, hull heal,

Aren’t multiple modules of the same type redundant? I recall equipping 2 hull regen modules when i got my first T2 frigate and only being able to use 1. When one was activated, the other greyed out and became unusable.

yes but you can take liquid metal, remote hull repair and nanocloud for example

I Use either Mk2 or Military.

federation frigates

Rapid plasma always for PVE


Buff purely on hull, ignore shields stats as they will disappear pretty quick anyway.


Anaconda -M

for Actives take

pulsar, hull heal, hull heal, hull heal,

whoooooa, hold on a sec…


i was told that the multiple same mods share cooldown… that’s  not the case?

It’s possible to hit one repper, then the other while first one is on cooldown?


JESUS xxxx CHRIST, if that’s the case, than no wonder i suck at this game…

whoooooa, hold on a sec…


i was told that the multiple same mods share cooldown… that’s  not the case?

It’s possible to hit one repper, then the other while first one is on cooldown?


JESUS xxxx CHRIST, if that’s the case, than no wonder i suck at this game…

read poast above yours

Fatshoki, Sorry you have misunderstood me, I meant generic hull heal.


 If you read the second post from me you will see i explained that to keiichi81

Sorry to of got your hopes up otherwise ~Yes that would of been very cool :smiley:

/topic moved.

Yes the PvE has been made more difficult according to the ship roles.

/topic moved.

Yes the PvE has been made more difficult to make money harder to come by

fixed that for you, mate.

all cool, no need to thank me


ontopic: i found out how to do missions, got some new techniques, tweaked my fit and they’re doable now. take (relatively) long time, but entirely doable


thanks for the tips, all

Also having a fairly easy time flying a engineering and guard frigates in PvP.


It is a bit harder, which means you have to find cover sometimes. Feels like flying T2 ships in PvE when you had to be more careful and it took a bit longer.


The money is still great.

I’m using a combination of a Centaur 2 (running mix green/blue mods - repair kit, warp gate, shield+armor generators; passive mods are 1 kinetic, 1 thermal armor resist, 1 em shield resist; passive slots are hull regen, shield resist, strafe, capacitor regen) and a Desert Eagle (running mix blue/purple mods, fit for speed+dps with a bit of tanking) - take different ship depending on which phase of mission, never had problems.

From my experience after the patch, engineering frigs became the be-all-end-all PvE mobile, while interceptors are a definete no-go, and interceptors are rather nimble and cant hold them selves on the field anymore cause the modules are so limited now!


At least engineering frigs can still select so many different mods that you will definetly come to a good setup sooner or later.

Best team loadout in my opinion is one engineer (repair auras) 2 guard frigs (pulsars), and either a 3rd guard, or a command fighter with +resistance buffs.

I keep getting killed easily. The elite enemies are far stronger then they used to be. Heck the Blackwood boss can’t be killed with certain weapons without help.

DryEagle has it right. 2 Engineer frigates and 2 Guard frigates can dominate PvE. My T4 Engineer is my money maker when I need quick cash.

I haven’t played it myself, but on paper it should actually be alot easier, assuming your team brings a proper team build and not just a random bunch of ships.

Doing Random match-ups (Independent Mercenary for life*) it’s definitely harder, but this is actually a good thing (even with the annoyance of cocoons everywhere), particularly for Blackwood and Dreadnought Assault as they were previously reliable walkovers regardless of what you did (in T1/T2 anyway).


Rig raid doesn’t seem to have changed too much in my opinion, but that’s more due to the fact that I’ve rarely gotten past killing the Third Cargo Craft before they slip the barricade (not enough DPS to do it by myself :P).





*all three to four seconds of it

Did Blackwood suddenly become a lot easier? The wait time for a PvP game was too long today and I decided to try and see if I could crack the new PvE, but I did not see a single cocoon. And it was suddenly a piece of cake again.

Did Blackwood suddenly become a lot easier? The wait time for a PvP game was too long today and I decided to try and see if I could crack the new PvE, but I did not see a single cocoon. And it was suddenly a piece of cake again.

what tier were you? T3, by any chance?

also, what kind of loot did you get? T2 by any chance?


the thing is, there are no T3 scenarios. only T1, T2 and T4.

So if you’re T3, you’re either in T2, where you destroy things by farting in their direction (and you get crap money and T2 loot) or in T4 (where you die when other tings xxxx in your direction, money is awesome and loot is T4).

There are T3 scenarios for both Blackwater Shipyard and Dreadnaught Sabotage now. They were added in 0.8.0.

what tier were you? T3, by any chance?

also, what kind of loot did you get? T2 by any chance?


the thing is, there are no T3 scenarios. only T1, T2 and T4.

So if you’re T3, you’re either in T2, where you destroy things by farting in their direction (and you get crap money and T2 loot) or in T4 (where you die when other tings xxxx in your direction, money is awesome and loot is T4).


I’m in T2, and I destroy things easily because they stopped using cocoons for some reason.