Is it just me or did PvE get A LOT harder since 0.8?

I have yet to play a PvE match that didn’t take 2-3 times as long as it used to now. It seems like everything got a health buff. And Holy Tachyon Cocoon Hell, Batman! It seems like 3 out of every 4 enemies you take on immediately pops a cocoon, so you spend half your time getting randomly stun-locked.

Yeah the tachyon cocoons on enemies that were previously 2-shot trash is pretty irritating.

PvE enemies seem to be using many more active modules than before.  While I appreciate more enemy AI, this also makes it much harder, and I don’t see that anything was done to keep the difficulty balanced.  

I’ve heard people saying similar things about PVE but haven’t done any myself since the patch.

Has the reward increased along with the additional difficult and time spent?

not at all.

NPC’s now:

tycoon a shitton(ECM ships), regen shield at crazy rate(engineer ships), have a shitton of buffer(guard ships)

i got loyalty from pve instead of item… this is sick, i don’t like it at all.

all this is by design, they intentionally slowed the farming, the same way they slowed everything else (advancing, money gain, now gear gain)

  • all to make buying gold gear more appealing to the general population

On the other hand, some things are now easier. With an Engineering Frig on your team you have much more team tank than before, meanwhile damage has gone up drastically for people who pick the Gunship and Covops roles. NPCs seem to have lost their missile shields (I think a side effect of all drones being switched to Warden type), which means you can burn down elites and bosses easier.

Seems, a bit like pvp, you can’t just throw a bunch of random ships together and expect to succeed any more. Run with an Engineering frig and a bunch of Gunships and you’ll wreck stuff pretty handily. This isn’t really that hard to organise, just put them in your line-up and pick what others haven’t.


I’ve pugged Rig Raid and Blackwood so far. Rig Raid was a bit slower but not much - the first wave was quite a bit harder but the later waves were the same (yawn waiting for those freighters). Blackwood actually took less time I think, wave 1 was longer because of the cocoon spam but wave 2 we could pretty much ignore NPCs and burn down the beacons, and wave 3 the boss dropped like a stone compared to before.

wtf dude


at t3, only the dradnought sabotage is ‘easy’, rig raid is hard but doable with good team, and blackwood is f+cking ridiculous.

can complete both missions,


T3 PVE ships dont seem to be using abilities

can complete both missions,


T3 PVE ships dont seem to be using abilities

oh they most certainly do


stunning jericho cocoon, shield sucking, target painting i KNOW 100% they do.

well tbh the captain is normally dead by the time the re-reinforcements are there :confused: so couldn’t say about the last round, and haven’t noticed the ships from the earlier rounds eating through my shields to a great deal

wtf dude. at t3, only the dradnought sabotage is ‘easy’

*searches for the word “easy” in this thread. not found*.

well tbh the captain is normally dead by the time the re-reinforcements are there :confused: so couldn’t say about the last round, and haven’t noticed the ships from the earlier rounds eating through my shields to a great deal

i have no f*cking idea what game you’re playing… unless you’re rocking tier 12  ships with blue/purple gear…

I play with t3 with white gear and it’s hard as f*ck


granted, haven’t played it with a group of people yet (haven’t found the time), and being in a fed frig (xxxx tank) isn’t helping me a lot either…

play T3 fed frigate, sometimes T4 Grizzly (but no decent equipment for it) so not so much.


4 ships can easily down a captain in no time if they concentrate their fire instead of running and hiding.



Are you not in a corp ??

i am, but my play time is utter xxxx, so it’s rather hard for me to get some proper group play goin’


i’ve started experimenting with armor fit instead of shield, it looks WAY better on paper, will see how that pans out

personally i always prefer hull over shield,

regardless of how much you play you should be able to just jump in a pve session with 3 others, or is your corp like 12 players ?

PvE is harder due to limited module and npc using many modules, as well as previously useful ships like Ginger Centaur becoming utter useless. Not that it can’t be done, but it’s lot harder and takes longer.

I’m doing t3-4 PvE and I find it easier than before, because of the new ship changes. Tanking became much simpler, and not only that, but ships got changed ranks so they are stronger now (e.g. I can use rank-10 implant on what was a rank-9 ship before. huge change). Done about 10 missions so far, they have been only 2 mission types (defend the beacons, with the punisher at the end, and attack the dreadnought) and yea, difficulty has definitely dropped after the buff to player ships. I mean, my engi frig heals 510 HP/s in an aoe now, and that’s before drones… before the modules gave way less. Plus you get extra loyalty for missions now which is great for leveling.

what’s your fit, and what’s the fit rank? i mean, is it vanilla white or combination of green+ mods?

Also, what frig are you talking about?

Also, what kind of weapon system are you using?


I KNOW i’m doing something wrong, but the life of me, i can’t make my Anaconda working…