Iridium Wars (Stream and discussion)

I can only congratulate like all the teams I saw, it were all awesome matches to watch.


also thank you for all the broadcasters, and the public tournament table.


i had a fun rainy saturday afternoon :slight_smile:

Congratulations to the winners and the organization. I hope there will be more tourneys like this one.


BUT, next time I would prefer an objective based tournament. Almost all the matches were just a camp fest over the two sides of the central asteroid, and the epic big map was not used.


Maybe a Bo3 with different games (domination, beacon hunt and capture the beacons as a tie braker!!)


Just my 2cents.

Congratulations to the winners and the organization. I hope there will be more tourneys like this one.


BUT, next time I would prefer an objective based tournament. Almost all the matches were just a camp fest over the two sides of the central asteroid, and the epic big map was not used.


Maybe a Bo3 with different games (domination, beacon hunt and capture the beacons as a tie braker!!)


Just my 2cents.


watch the heavy weight matches where the esb squads go at it :slight_smile:


i approve of the excessive wolf m usage, very nice well played.

Also for those of you who missed it,i have the last match,which was a winner takes all,show cased on the twitch channel



NASA team

Kyril ------------------- 1635

ElMustacho ---------- 1580

JohnCarterOfMars - 1450

Apexe ----------------- 1420

IRONIZE ------------- 1365

fasz ------------------- 1339

ShadowBlade3 ----- 1325

Recoil ----------------- 1309

(AVG 1428)

SYN team

Atlantic --------1740

SeraX ---------1600

Foxroadone --1600

DarkDragon --1590

Mechanoid ----1509

FenixIII ---------1440

GreenFire -----1430

MoonLight -----1430

(AVG 1542)

2 page later befor tournament:



so ther was a mistake or the rule of calculating of elo are wrong


my table its not for change result of tornament, its just for the next time thre are not mistake and do clear rules

thats all

the organisation of the tornament it s go beter and beter


the next will be perfect if we report the different mistake/ bug


sory for my poor english

What happened was that the pre calculated Team ELO is based on who signed up on the registration list including the backup members. 


In NASA’s case, we had Voyd, xKostyan, Milfeulle and Dugesia who are all 1500+ rating players. However, since they didnt turn up during the tournament, the average of our DSR of each participating member is 1428 as listed above.

What happened was that the pre calculated Team ELO is based on who signed up on the registration list including the backup members. 


In NASA’s case, we had Voyd, xKostyan, Milfeulle and Dugesia who are all 1500+ rating players. However, since they didnt turn up during the tournament, the average of our DSR of each participating member is 1428 as listed above.

2 of them didnt even know they suppose to come for tournament, 3rd one is an idiot, and 4th was legitamely busy )

posted a video of some of the footage in no order of the tournament here  [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22997-iridium-wars-highlight-reel/)

At the time of your registration on the tournament, your registered members have a rating of 1507.18 , calculated the same for all teams .
You then present the non- registered players and makes recalculate your rating to be lowered pool . (Rating 1428 )

The other teams had a rating calculated in advance with their replacements.
Why did you get preferential treatment , with a particular calculated.
I do not find that very correct, there is a regulation, it must apply.
 If a large corporation like you have not been able to manage it , while small structures are reached , you should not register.
What I want to show with my paintings , it is a disorder in the regulation and a lack of clearness . If the rules are not followed , there is no point to make .

After the tournament was much faster than before , better organized.
There is just a point of order has been finalized, and especially respected without exception . For tournaments to be perfect and just.

At the time of your registration on the tournament, your registered members have a rating of 1507.18 , calculated the same for all teams .

You then present the non- registered players and makes recalculate your rating to be lowered pool . (Rating 1428 )


The other teams had a rating calculated in advance with their replacements.

Why did you get preferential treatment , with a particular calculated.

I do not find that very correct, there is a regulation, it must apply.

 If a large corporation like you have not been able to manage it , while small structures are reached , you should not register.

What I want to show with my paintings , it is a disorder in the regulation and a lack of clearness . If the rules are not followed , there is no point to make .

After the tournament was much faster than before , better organized.

There is just a point of order has been finalized, and especially respected without exception . For tournaments to be perfect and just.


he has a point

NASA is NA based corporation, this tournament was scheduled at 2AM - 6AM for our members, 40% of the team was at “maybe able to come” status, and they weren’t able to come after all, all of those “maybe” players were the ones pushing the average into 1500, so about 12 hours before the start of the tournament we had only 7 players confirmed and able to come:




JohnCarterOfMars (My name was mistakenly put on the list instead of this pilot)




So we contacted an administration about this and since our team was nowhere near the average of 1500, we were allowed to participate if we can find 8th person, and Recoil was the only one available on-line at that time (btw thanks dude) you cant simply find people in the middle of the nigh to participate in 6 hours long tournament, so he filled 8th slot.

Neither could we stay 6 hours straight, our best players couldn’t play all the games.We had, in order to be eight, to bring some new recruits we didn’t had time to train with.

Personnaly, i have baby, so i only played 3 out of the 7 games! I even replaced a player on the 3 round of a game without knowing the oppenent from the previous 2 rounds.


In our case the tournament was between 12 and 6pm (in addition to that we have canadians members who managed, like everybody, to come), a day before easter celebration.

This issue was the same for every team, so no exception can be made.


Anyway, the rating of your team at the time of the subscription was above 1500. It s your choice if you put high ranked players on your list, so at that time the NASA team was not in the right group.


The fact that you needed more players than the ones orinaly subscribed, isnt a problem as long as every team agreed with that.

Furthermore if your high ranked players would of showed up in the middle of the afternoon, would you of prevented them from playing? I don t think so…


Your behaving and point of vue is not defendable.

Let me however salute the very good organisation from the dev!


I hope the next tournament will be as well organised. But overall i really hope that the oppenants won t try to avoid the rules…



Even if our reserves showed up, our teams average would not be even close to what SYN had, I don’t see you complain about them(is it because you didnt play vs them and you don’t care?, very hypocritical imho).

I am sorry, but all of your posts sounds like whining that you lost, if it wasn’t us, it would’ve being KAJFAT or Still Alive, that would’ve flattened you into asteroids and wrapped around Warp-Gates, because they had even stronger line-up than what we had.

You are missing a major point here, 1500 rating division was introduced AFTER registrations were closed, no one knew about them and 2 teams were in the question NASA and Still Alive, and NASA didn’t change line up because we were mere 7 points above the line, but opposite, we were put in the <1500 bracket because of our team.

NASA had main rooster way below 1500 and questionable subs at 1500+, while Still Alive had main rooster way over the 1500 and subs below. 1500 division was used as a GUIDE LINE and not as strict rule. Both cases of NASA and SA were reviewed by Administration and it was deemed fair for NASA to be in group B because our team was nowhere near 1500. SA was given a choice to choose where they would be participating(and I totally agree with their choice to stay in sub 1500). All other teams signed up were out of the question and were very easy to judge where they belong. SA chose to stay in <1500, even though their average of main force was considerably above everyone else’s in the group (and yet you still point fingers at NASA)

Looking at personal performances of all teams in order to make it “very fair” for less skilled, like your team and others, it had to be divided into 3 divisions:

  1. 3xESB, DNO, NOVA

  2. Still Alive, KAJFAT, NASA

  3. Everyone else

But with current team pool and organizational resources making 3 divisions would be impossible, and having group #(2) impractical.

Overall, the problem is about organisation an other time… It’s my fourth tournament and the same problem again… As the problem of HIGH AND VERY HIGH PING


You are not the only team in this case xKostyan, as you said, KAJFAT or Still Alive, are concerned by this problem. But for me the 3 team have to be with ESB, Nova etc… the Dev do wrong here.


But only one thing is forgotten here, in your comment : Respect of rules and others team

You ask the dev about the possibily to play with the second pool with a team including many change the day of the event, and what about asking others team ? And what about respect using : “I am sorry, but all of your posts sounds like whining that you lost, if it wasn’t us, it would’ve being KAJFAT or Still Alive, that would’ve flattened you into asteroids and wrapped around Warp-Gates, because they had even stronger line-up than what we had.”


Just calm down a little thanks.


But overall it’s not against your team, or to have a change on the rating of this tournament. We don’t want that but it’s important to talk (again --’) about this organisation.

ok i dont have  realise:  syn = stil alive

and KAJFAT = i dont know


if other team are bad player/rating, it’s the same problem,

i said that to naza because you have put your rating and your player list… so its possible to count




i have fun to play with you, and other team, so no problem  keep cool


i said it was a problem with the rule.  thats all  :)wt


it’s necessary to do clear rule for the next tornament and improve quality of the next tornament

I am perfectly aware that every tournament we have organizational hiccups, but so far this tournament was organized the best. And i agree that changing rules multiple times right before the tournament is not good, BUT I am glad that those changes were maid, thanks to those changes this tournament became much much more fun then what it would have been. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that ESB would have taken 3 top spots, neither NOVA nor DNO nor SYN had anything to counter their current team play level, so thanks to Administrators ability to realise that, we got way more “fair” and balanced games after all, Still SYN/KAJPHAT (STORM) and NASA were some what more organized during matches, at this time, still these 3 teams were much-much closer to every one else than if those 3 teams were put against ESBs.

On another note it was very good decision to change game mode to a Team Death Match (maybe a little to late but w/e)

And again 1500 threshold was chosen by Organizers as a guide line for a separation, but no rules are perfect and system of simply separating teams by average 1500 isn’t perfect, and strictly separating teams by average of 1500 would not be fair to anyone, it so happened to be that only 2 teams were on the verge of that line, that’s why this line was chosen.

What you are making it sounds like that we cheated the system, and made some kind of deal with administrators because we were afraid of going vs teams in higher group ( i am perfectly aware that we standed no chances agains ESB with the team we were able to field, but in the same time it woulve have been disrespectfull to ESBs to match our AVG 1400 teams VS AVG 1650, where 90% of all ESB pilots have 300+ rating per pilot) and in the same time you are ignoring Still Alive team that should have been treated the same way following your logic. Instead of focusing on a simple number that could’ve been chosen as 20 points higher or 20 points lower, you should look at the bigger picture, and attempt to understand if those changes were fair or not. Because this is what organizes are trying to do here, make it more fair for everyone, this is a “fun” community event, not some kind of world cup tournament. If it was some kind of Cyber Sport International tournament, clearly we would have not been allowed even to come at all, but in the same time there would be xxxx tons of pages with rule sets and exceptions.

In conclusion this event has been the most organized to date, and relatively fair.

Is that the first time they used SR(DSR) for a tournament? Next time they should take a snapshot of all players SR when they announce a tournament.

Then post in the rules before registration if they use SR and what the threshold would be.  


That would rule out SR manipulation and no one can complain about teams being moved in a lower bracket. Because the SR of when the tournament was announced will be used.


Also good would be to make the tournament not an a holiday weekend, schedule it at a later time and/or split it up in 2 days and/or schedule matches depending on timezone of players (in agreement with teams) if there are many teams playing.

Is that the first time they used SR(DSR) for a tournament? Next time they should take a snapshot of all players SR when they announce a tournament.

Then post in the rules before registration if they use SR and what the threshold would be.  


That would rule out SR manipulation and no one can complain about teams being moved in a lower bracket. Because the SR of when the tournament was announced will be used.


Also good would be to make the tournament not an a holiday weekend, schedule it at a later time and/or split it up in 2 days and/or schedule matches depending on timezone of players (in agreement with teams) if there are many teams playing.

you are missing the point, SR was used as some kind of reference, but those teams that were in a >1500 group are well known pilots within a community and organizers them self, when Admins decided to separate those, they could’ve used any reference, or simply creating separate group without any reference, it would’ve been all the same. And i am sure there will never be a tournament based strictly and only on SR, ignoring all other factors.