Suggestion: (a new way to get modules more quickly)
I hate wasting time in ‘Open Space’, yet this new update 1.5.1 practically demands that I am spending my time there, especially if I need both old and new modules.
I may need or want more duplicates that I already own, yet the Store won’t unlock them for me. I am sure that I am not alone. Many people complain about this now.
I have already made one suggestion that solves this issue completely. You can found it [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/36267-all-items-that-were-already-obtained-in-open-space-should-be-available-in-the-store-later-on/).
However, if you don’t want to ease things for us, then you can at least provide us with the option or an alternative to obtain missing modules by using Iridium currency.
One example. The ‘Get’ option should have an additional choice. After clicking ‘Get’ , there should be one more option at the lower right part below (Atlas - 2nd screenshot) - ‘Provide’.
Cost for this option should be 50 Iridium units for all equipment and weapons. By clicking on this option, you are instantly provided with the item you wanted.
Another option is, that there could also be the ‘GS’ option or both options. If so, then the GS cost could be 50 Galactic Standards as well for each item, with the same price.
The exchange rate between the Iridium currency and Galactic Standards is 1:2 if the price is not the same for both options. In that case, 50 Iridium and 100 Galactic Standards.
Screenshots: (example)
(Equipment menu in hangar: Duelist Protocol item)
(Atlas: Duelist Protocol item)
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Kind regards,