Iridium Containers - Better Alternative

I have a proposition.


 Iridium special containers that drop from the looting spots should have some unique features.

Iridium container price for one random item should be lowered to 100 Iridium units, which is the “Buy” option by default.

If you want to get a guaranteed drop from the list in a current marked Iridium container, you must select the “Guaranteed Buy” option as an alternative.

Once you select the “Guaranteed Buy” option, you can select any item that is on the list. When you hover over it, it will get highlighted, when you press on it, it will be selected and you will finally be able to confirm.

Guaranteed Buy option costs twice as much, so 100 Iridium would become 200 Iridium in such case. Yes, costs are doubled, but you no longer rely on random drops, but guaranteed ones.

Another option is that you can select more than one item, but each time that you select an additional item, Iridium price get increased, up to 5 times, which means that all items can be selected, but with additional price increases.




Keep in mind, that this system is only meant for Iridium containers.



Vote and comment!

I’m afraid your suggestion is too good to become real. At least you tried to show them a better path.

I vote in favor, but I think it will defeat the purpose of their trade system somewhat. I’m certain they want all of this stuff to be a slow agonizing trickle, and they want the container cache to be much like the “Artifacts” on Warframe… basically a container that could have anything in it.

Except Warframe did it better. At the end of a special game, which one does to unlock these containers, all players can choose to have the same item that someone else rolled, so there’s 4 choices instead of just 1 that you’re stuck with.

The screen is from some Beta of SC? Coz I pickup some keys but I dont see any containers for iridium in game. 



I would more say the problem aren´t the crates (i get at least 1 every 2nd/3rd round) the problem is the Iri cus it´s pretty limited/day.

Depending on your luck (and your will of PvP when owning a Sec) you can maybe earn enough Iri to open at least 1 (and maybe even 2) Crates/day. Way way back i remember that obtaining Iri wasn´t really a chore cus frequently the blue spots contained Alien Artifacts too so that it was relative easy to gain 200 Iri+/day (depending on time and luck). Now you basicly only gain it up to 4 times daily + the few from PvP ala tickets if your corp owns a sec.

In other words the current crates are rather useless for most players cus they contain mostly the stuff that everyone has anyways or they have crates they can´t open anymore cus of no Iri “surplus”. Maybe there where to many players with tons of Iri flying around or something else is the case here. In the end the current market system isn´t really worth anything.

Ahh now i know its time limited. 


Wait for the week with Gargoyle/Dart components/blueprints inside. No need to hurry, keep your iridium.


Put up for review ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

they should make the random containers obtainable for credits and the Guaranteed one for irridium :slight_smile:

3 hours ago, BulletSpeed said:

they should make the random containers obtainable for credits and the Guaranteed one for irridium :slight_smile:

not bad actually, it’s wishful thinking but could happen ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

That’s not how the system works in this case. It’s basicly loot, so an option for particular guaranteed item isn’t supposed to be there and will not do any good. If you got an item you don’t need, just sell it via trade, and then buy the exact thing you want.

Makes sense i guess.

All rng things makes sense in their weird heads.
But this doesn’t mean they are less frustrating or totally BS.

On 4/6/2017 at 11:29 AM, CinnamonFake said:

That’s not how the system works in this case. It’s basicly loot, so an option for particular guaranteed item isn’t supposed to be there and will not do any good. If you got an item you don’t need, just sell it via trade, and then buy the exact thing you want.

So, you’re admitting that this game officially became P2W?

You need GS in order to earn more GS. There are no other options!

Is this game F2P? Yes. Can you otherwise progress or get access to unique or time-limited items in this F2P game? In most cases, no.