Iridium and Chests

Again I need to say something, what is really annoying.


A long time, the Chests for Ship Parts costs like 300 or more Iridium. A few days ago, the Chests for Ship Parts costed 20 or 30 Iridium, now again, they cost 300 Iridium or more.

Or also as Example, the Mineral Chest costed 500 000 Credits, now it costs 2 million credits.


Dear Devs, please dont just change stuff like that, because you dont like that maybe, or different things, ask the players, wait a few days what they think. This Price is really to much because it is really hard to get Iridium, cause you dont get that much Iridium per day. depends on what mode you play. 



At least please tell us why you changed it again to such a high value…


I was happy to finally get some more Blueprints or Parts instead of waiting a Month or to buy that Stuff from other Players.


My thoughts exactly.

At least in regards to the blueprint containers.

Being so expensive is horrible. Especially because you rarely ever even see the container that has the item you need. And even when you finally find it, it likely will not drop the part you require. All for a cost that is completely disproportionate to the value of the item.

in other news … the ever declining credit limit is getting stupid

2 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:

in other news … the ever declining credit limit is getting stupid

In other other news… Just shop down to about 300k and stop complaining. We can’t have a buncha gazillionaires going around with unlimited funds once the economy flips now can we?

5 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

In other other news… Just shop down to about 300k and stop complaining. We can’t have a buncha gazillionaires going around with unlimited funds once the economy flips now can we?


I dont know what you mean by that, Do you mean the players who has a lot of money in game? Gold or Credits?

I aint have booth of that. Mostly only a million credits. BECAUSE ITS SO DAMN HARD TO EARN IT.


Thats why i was comlaining. The devs just change that stuff and they dont really care about what the players think or how they feel about that. I do believe money is the only thing, they care about currently.

12 minutes ago, Anrhok said:


I dont know what you mean by that, Do you mean the players who has a lot of money in game? Gold or Credits?

I aint have booth of that. Mostly only a million credits. BECAUSE ITS SO DAMN HARD TO EARN IT.


Thats why i was comlaining. The devs just change that stuff and they dont really care about what the players think or how they feel about that. I do believe money is the only thing, they care about currently.

The reason that players think this is solely because of HOW the devs are changing things. They are trying to drain the economy before they revise earning and prices completely. It’s a horrible way to do this, but eventually effective.