IR Flares+

It’d be cool if IR Flares dealt thermal damage to enemies that they hit. Or maybe scramble sensors for a split-second.

Just an idea.


Instead of making a new topic on such a similar topic, I have decided to simply do away with the contents of this one.

IR Flares should be an on-board feature of all ships (especially interceptors) so that it does not take up an entire active slot just for something that is only occasionally used to its full potential. If made in to a ship hotkey, it would just be a binding to add, and an internal cooldown much like an implant. The cooldown for flares should show in the buff bar.

It’d be cool if IR Flares dealt thermal damage to enemies that they hit. Or maybe scramble sensors for a split-second.

Just an idea.

IR Flares are meant to disrupt enemy heat missile signatures and guided torpedoes.

Your suggestion is just an idea, which will most likely never happen.

Nothing will change if people keep their ideas to themselves. I’m just putting it out there because it seemed interesting.

“no” - as Error would say

“no” - as Error would say

Actually it’s “we are not planning to add this feature”

Actually it’s “we are not planning to add this feature”

It was a sarcastic statement.

If someone would really mean to say something like that, I would have to break some bones.

Changed the idea. Because of the improbability of the first, even though it is entirely possible.

im pretty sure most warfare interceptors and fighters in the future would carry flares (like real life planes carry flares), makes sense, but adding this feature seems a break in the game balance (i can see how pleased jericho LRF pilots would be with this implemented hahaha). I cant see any simple solution to implement this and maintain game balanced.

IR Flares should be an on-board feature of all ships (especially interceptors) 

Do you think that interceptors are not strong enough without this? :slight_smile:

Missiles would become useless.

Missiles would become useless.


Guided missiles would become useless.


Then slap a longer cooldown on them. Also, you don’t seem to realise that all ships in all tiers are able to use flares at any given time if they just equip them. So I really don’t see how moving an “always available” feature fro module to hotkey will be any more game-breaking than it already is.

Then slap a longer cooldown on them. Also, you don’t seem to realise that all ships in all tiers are able to use flares at any given time if they just equip them. So I really don’t see how moving an “always available” feature fro module to hotkey will be any more game-breaking than it already is.

If you equip it, you sacrifice something. It’s completely different situation



If you equip it, you sacrifice something. It’s completely different situation


I still think it is one of hose things that every ship should have. Or maybe make them like a missile cartridge and have a limited amount to use before an insane cooldown. Because irl, missiles are a huge problem and this problem is solved by these lovely things called flares. Though typically each plane has a limited supply of them onboard so they must use them sparsely.