Ion Beam acts as an Immobility Cannon to Transports

Fighter weapon Ion Cannon stops transports dead. Don’t think it should, I have attached a video to show this happening.
To reproduce bug, take any fighter with Ion cannons and find the transport that comes from colony hub gate in New Eden and passes near the station entrance before departing at control post. Kill the guard ship and then watch as your lasers keep it stationary.

I am aware of this bug for a long time and I wanted to create a topic on it tomorrow. I am actually glad, that you did the work, instead of me.

Definitely confirmed. Ally or enemy cartel transport all have the same behavior. They will stop, even if they are 10 meters away from the warpgate.


Do we all agree, that this video is proof enough, so that it can get fixed?


Skula, do you agree?

But I think it is the same with every weapon, not just ion cannon: basically as soon as you attack a cargo ship (not the escort) it stops, and the escort tries to take care of you.  Once you have been killed or have left their sensor range, the escort returns to the cargo ship and the group continues it’s journey.


I therefore believe this is intended mechanics.

This happens to me as well. Tough, if a transport of any origin takes any damage, it stops until damage stops. It’s most noticeable with lasers because they deal constant damage. Slower weapons like singularities, coils, and other single-shot weapons are less effective at stopping them.

But I think it is the same with every weapon, not just ion cannon: basically as soon as you attack a cargo ship (not the escort) it stops, and the escort tries to take care of you.  Once you have been killed or have left their sensor range, the escort returns to the cargo ship and the group continues it’s journey.


I therefore believe this is intended mechanics.

I finished off the escort beforehand, note there is no escort buzzing around me or on my minimap.


This happens to me as well. Tough, if a transport of any origin takes any damage, it stops until damage stops. It’s most noticeable with lasers because they deal constant damage. Slower weapons like singularities, coils, and other single-shot weapons are less effective at stopping them.

I’ll repeat it with the gravy beam, just to make sure.

I finished off the escort beforehand, note there is no escort buzzing around me or on my minimap.


I’ll repeat it with the gravy beam, just to make sure.


Try Destructor on guard as well.

Gravy beamer has no effect - video proof below



I don’t have a t4 guard to try, suspecting it’s only the Ion Cannon


Beam cannon:

no lasting effect although it worked briefly before the transport turned, seems isolated to the Ion Cannon as that is the only weapon that stops a transport dead whenever and wherever it may be.


Gravy beamer has no effect - video proof below


I don’t have a t4 guard to try, suspecting it’s only the Ion Cannon


I’ll try beam cannon next, no lasting effect although it worked briefly before the transport turned, seems isolated to the Ion Cannon as that is the only weapon that stops a transport dead whenever and wherever it may be. Video on it’s way


It only works, after transport with escort ships turns red/aggressive towards you and if you got rid of the escort ships, so that the transport ship becomes a lone target.


To test this bug:


Destructor, Laser beam and Ion Emitter both stops the transport ship, when fired upon with either clicks, or under long - continuous thermal damage effect.



Confirmed, it has no effect on the transport ship:


Heavy Blasters have no effect on the movement of the transport ship.

Gravi-Beam has no effect on the movement of the transport ship.

videos are being added as I type

Do we all agree, that this video is proof enough, so that it can get fixed?




No log = no bug


This is like if you have an internal wound in your body and you just show the doctor the inflammation in your skin, but refuse to let him scan you to see what’s broken. 



That’s why Skula always asks for logs, to save hours and hours of work to find the reason of th ebug.

Happen with gauss too.

I cannot make a video due to low FPS, but I tried to reproduce your bug and didn’t manage.


Here’s exactly what I did, step by step!


  1. Undocked with a fighter equipped with Ion Emitter

  2. Fired on the transport in New Eden

  3. It stopped moving and the escort tried to attack me

  4. Killed the escort

  5. Ship starts moving again

  6. I fire on the ship, and it does not stop anymore at all


The same happens with several other weapons I tried.


So yeah, basically, “no log → no bug”, since I cannot find the problem.

I cannot make a video due to low FPS, but I tried to reproduce your bug and didn’t manage.


Here’s exactly what I did, step by step!


  1. Undocked with a fighter equipped with Ion Emitter

  2. Fired on the transport in New Eden

  3. It stopped moving and the escort tried to attack me

  4. Killed the escort

  5. Ship starts moving again

  6. I fire on the ship, and it does not stop anymore at all


The same happens with several other weapons I tried.


So yeah, basically, “no log → no bug”, since I cannot find the problem.


You need to hold your mouse button. Then you will see.

It’s been always like this for months.



No log = no bug


This is like if you have an internal wound in your body and you just show the doctor the inflammation in your skin, but refuse to let him scan you to see what’s broken. 



That’s why Skula always asks for logs, to save hours and hours of work to find the reason of th ebug.


You compare a game with a medical exam? Really? :015:

It’s the same for everyone! No exceptions!

You compare a game with a medical exam? Really? :015:

It’s the same for everyone! No exceptions!


Are you serious? Can’t you even understand such a simple analogy?

Point is Skula or any person in charge of finding and fixing bugs will have a nightmare time searching for it with just a video and a description of the bug.

You need to hold your mouse button. Then you will see.

It’s been always like this for months.


I will try this

Okay… well,… aheem, 3 of 5 cases were, like I told. Ion Emitter stopped the transport in Empire - Guardian 17 base.

In 2 cases, the transport didn’t stop, when i fired with my Ion Emitter. However, maybe I did not target him first.

Maybe, if I can target the transport with my sensor, before I attack him… More research required…


We need different attack angles, lock on the transport, without a lock, try to replicate the issue in different sectors with transports in order to determine the issue.

It seems it’s more complex, than I thought.

Are you serious? Can’t you even understand such a simple analogy?

Point is Skula or any person in charge of finding and fixing bugs will have a nightmare time searching for it with just a video and a description of the bug.


Of course I do.

It’s just silly that you compare between those 2 as an example. Don’t get me wrong, I find it quite funny.

Of course I do.

It’s just silly that you compare between those 2 as an example. Don’t get me wrong, I find it quite funny.


It’s the same. You can’t blame the medic for not fixing your internal problem when you refuse to show him the source of the problem.


It’s not silly :c

I’m still not seeing any problem, no matter how many ships/tiers I try.  Like you say Koromac, it seems very complex.


And to be quite honest, not worth putting any dev time into imo.  It does not stop you killing it :slight_smile: