invent the copy paste already

time to fix the game


make copy paste avalible inside the chat




after so many years


still just one way to copy paste is to goto chatlog,



Copy paste was invented already. It just need to be implemented in our in-game chat.

So PeoPle can spam more easily? Sure it is better for going to another website

So many threads…

ppl press spacebar and then hits enter


= invisible message


wich is what they spamm with. 

Copy paste would be amazing. Obviously everyone has it in there own chat and it can be used more effectively by GMs, admins, and the devs themselves if they allowed hotlinks to events. 

Better than seeing racist of religious slurs

you may consider the Devs know about copy-paste, so they decided not to implement this at the time

(as you recognized)


So leave it like this, they may implement it when and if they want :slight_smile:

you may consider the Devs know about copy-paste, so they decided not to implement this at the time

Didn’t know you were such a funny guy. Good joke, I like. :wink:

You Funny guy… I kill you last. That picture meme thingy.

So PeoPle can spam more easily? Sure it is better for going to another website


Well, PASTE is implemented already. Actually COPY is implemented too. What is not implemented is the SELECT in the text label. The editor line is perfectly functional.

Well, PASTE is implemented already. Actually COPY is implemented too. What is not implemented is the SELECT in the text label. The editor line is perfectly functional.





paste is there


copy is not


dont try to troll so hard nasa dude. 


press ctrl + c inside game


if nothing happends


there is no copy


but if


if you appear


it is.





paste is there


copy is not


dont try to troll so hard nasa dude. 


press ctrl + c inside game


if nothing happends


there is no copy


but if


if you appear


it is.




You’re so smart you didn’t understand a xxxx about his post.

press ctrl + c inside game


if nothing happends


I would seriously hope that nothing too visible happens when i press ctrl + c (putting something on the clipboard is not a too spectacular thing). When you switch to Linux, and ctrl + c is the default for sending the TERM signal, you become cautious.

fasz, ctrl+c is term signal, however not in x11/gui applications, but only on the console level - in a gui it is also copy. so i would not expect that :slight_smile: but yeah, you get cautious.


duck, keep in mind, they do not use any system buttons or similar, since its inside a graphics engine - so they have to implement this usually (at least partly) from scratch, and any programmer who has done some gui/windowing systems from scratch will tell ya: its a lot of work.


copy works already in some edit fields. this has been suggested already, and is a valid suggestion, just keep patient.


generally, unfortunately, not all messages or actions are logged, i could live with that too for another year.

I think what mrdick wants is to be able to highlight messages.

I think what mrdick wants is to be able to highlight messages.

Like this?



Hey I’m in that screenshot! I’m e-famous! :smiley:

(Also, first post)

Hey I’m in that screenshot! I’m e-famous! :smiley:

(Also, first post)


Yay I took someone’s forum virginity. xD