[INVASION] Resource Map









Since my corporation is currently stationed in Federation space, this is the first sector to be mapped by me ;]

Jericho and Empire are next to be mapped, stay in touch!















New Eden station stands at the gate to the fringe worlds, and it hosts a large and well equipped mercenary centre. This is the Federation hub station where players can dock and drop loot


This sector has 4 gates, plenty of fuel near guard stations and lots of federation officers dealing nearly 12K DMG per shot, if you are currently flagged as criminal, don’t jump here.

As a station sector enemies here are weak and almost non-existent, you can also find some Vanadium and Silicon Ore here.


Mission specific:        [need mission names, if you know it, pm me!]

(-need name-) - Cartel Scout – _ Zone 1 _

(-need name-) - Beacon – _ Zone 3 _


Zone 2

About 4 large crystals respawning really quickly, yielding from 100 to 20,000 credits, vanadium or silicon ore, also one destroyed cargo ship surrounded with 4 fuel cells, 50 fuel each.

Several ship debris can be found near docked freighters








Control post is a T I sector, thus enemies are relatively weak and yield poor loot quality. Station protection is active.

Easy pirates, ship debris, Blackwood containers, Large Crystals yielding Vanadium (common), Silicon Ore (common)and Crystal shard (rare) can be found here.


Mission specific:        [need assignment names, if you know it, pm me!]

(-need name-) - Generator – _ Zone 4 _

(-need name-) - Cartel Agent - flying between _ Zone 2 _ and _ 3 _

Stocking Up - Unidentified minerals - 3 in Zone 1 and 6 in Z** one 4**


Zone 1

2 Fuel Cells, 50 each

1 Cartel Pilot

1 Large Crystal

1 Armor Repair (3 Sec)


Zone 2

1 Blackwood container

2 Large Crystals


Zone 3

1 Blackwood container

2 Large Crystals

1 Engine Overcharge (45 Sec)


Zone 4

2 Fuel Cells, 50 each

Cartel station, 2 gun turrets and 2 launchers

3 Cartel Pilots

3 Ship debris

2 Large Crystals


Zone 5

2 Fuel Cells, 50 each

3 Cartel Pilots

2 Ship Debris

1 Blackwood Container

2 Large Crystals

1 Engine Overcharge (45 Sec)




I think I’ll be able to add at least one sector per day, if you guys want to help me, pm me on forum.

Stay in touch, this topic will be updated daily!!

All sugestions are welcome



Edit on 4.7.14 - Added New main map and Control post map and guide

Edit on 8.7.14 - Added New Eden map and guide

Weekend special got me, I havent mapped any sectors, but took some notes to aid me in the future, keep on checking!

First update is here, new main map and one sector added


Control Post is now fully mapped, check it out!



alert.png          Help needed           alert.png



Some of you offered me help, now I know what I need from you!


Missions take place all over Invaded Sectors, and there is no way for me to track them all solo, if YOU want to help me, undock and fly!

If your mission involves killing particular character or picking/fixing/disabling particular thing, post a message in this topic in this format:


Mission name / mission sector / where can we find the objective


Helping Hand / Research Center / science probe is located near top left corner of the map


All help will be noted and presented to the community in this topic ;]

Nice idea, will pin the thread, once it’s done.

Original map (the one you see in the client) already has threat levels, and much easier to read due to the background they use:
Here is the original form couple patches ago.


Yep, but its in qute poor resolution, so I wanted to create my own


Plus im adding resource locations, enemies and other hints



Still, thanks for the input!

Pretty sure loot is random, I’ve looted everything from everywhere.

Original map (the one you see in the client) already has threat levels, and much easier to read due to the background they use:

Mine doesn’t have that, how do you enable it?

Mine doesn’t have that, how do you enable it?

I logged in last night right after the patch and i had a number representing threat levels next to the location names (they weren’t there pre patch, so i noticed it right away), i was looking at the map from hangar, didn’t check in invasion itself. (number markings on the screenshot above are added by me on 1st release, so those arent from the client)

Pretty sure loot is random, I’ve looted everything from everywhere.


Loot, yes, but you can find specific resources in Large Crystals located in space, I’m currently noting what can be found where


Check the title, it’s not loot map man ;]


Great thread!


@Kosty: yep, but I don’t have them. Maybe a setting somewhere.

@Knotton: I understood that, but still think it’s random. You’re welcome to prove me wrong though, I’ll give your map a try when it’s done. :slight_smile:

I agree on everything looted from everywhere point, drop chance is obviously different. I believe what will be more informative is rather than listing loots you should add dominating mineral nodes on the location


Hoover your mouse over location, minimum ship rank is listed below station protection status



And that was exactly my idea, if you look closely you can see Titanium Plate in Research center


I wanted to create a topic so people can see the basics and share their ideas, its still very rough, I worked on it for only one hour so far, more detailed explanations are coming ;]


When I collect enough data I will update the map, stay in touch

Hi man. Do you need some help?


Hi man. Do you need some help?


Sure, I could use some help


I’m nearly done mapping a sector and putting data into its map, when I’m done I’ll PM you with details.

Nice. Let’s do this :smiley:

Check off the box that says “edit by date” or whatever in original post so we can tell when you last updated the map.

So question. You are just telling us where we can find resources the easiest?

Mapping cargo drones is good enough for me but mapping resources is good also.

Seriously though if you make a good map of where cargo drones are the devs should add it to global map.

Seriously though if you make a good map of where cargo drones are the devs should add it to global map.

For some reason I’m sure the devs already know where the cargo drones are. xD

IIRC there are 21, gotta catch 'em all. :wink:

For Empire, you have cargo drones on these gates. I didn’t wait around for the 1 minute respawn time (?) so I might be missing a few

  • Ontregos Pass: on Station ‘Guardian-17’ gate
  • Imperial Transport Hub: near Station ‘Guardian-17’ gate
  • Collapsed Laboratory: on Station ‘Guardian-17’ gate
  • Wastes: on Collapsed Laboratory gate
  • Warden Outpost Ruins: on Felony Border gate

Yep, there is 21 Cargo drones in total, 3 on central zone (missed the name, sorry) and 6 for each faction

So far I have found 6 for federation and I’m going to upload new map today, not finished, but one step closer…

Frontier Sector FX-1 (2101) :slight_smile: