Invasion mode WITH vE and vP Queues

Okay, so I was playing SWTOR the other day, and remembered that they have the ability to queue for PvP matches (including their Galactic Starfighter content) while questing about with your character, so I thought of this.


So, we all love this game, right? But we hate the queue times. So why not have a function that allows us to go into Open Space with a button on the interface that allows us to queue up for a match of PvP or PvE while roaming around. After all, there is an option to temporarily switch the mouse to interface control in your ship under key bindings in case you didn’t know. Figuring out where to put it wouldn’t be hard, but the programming for something that would allow players to queue up for matches while free-flying around space would help people not have to complain as much about waiting upwards of 15 minutes (sometimes anyway) with a group larger than 2 people, or at times that are between waves of players. (i.e. anything after 3am in North America)


I know about the server region setting, which is under Game Settings for those of you who might not know.

It would get frustrating if you were just about to kill something and you got pulled into a PVP match…

It would get frustrating if you were just about to kill something and you got pulled into a PVP match…

This and in addition you have 3-4 ships in our game, while in Swtor you have only 1 character.

These are both good points, which is where the second part of the idea that I neglected to mention comes in. Ship slot 4. Maybe have settings for one out of the 4 slots to be pulled into a match, while the other 3 are queued for PvP and PvE.


I just figured I would throw the idea at you guys and get some opinions. :slight_smile:

These are both good points, which is where the second part of the idea that I neglected to mention comes in. Ship slot 4. Maybe have settings for one out of the 4 slots to be pulled into a match, while the other 3 are queued for PvP and PvE.


I just figured I would throw the idea at you guys and get some opinions. :slight_smile:

Considering the avg waiting time for a PvP match, you won’t have time to even reach the first gate in most of the ships…

At most times, yeah, but during down times or in certain regions with fewer players it could work. But overall, yeah you guys are right. Not as much of a point as I was thinking there could be. I’m typically playing between 11pm EST (US) and 6am EST (US), so that’s probably why my queue times can sometimes take a long time. Just figured I would throw that out there.

At most times, yeah, but during down times or in certain regions with fewer players it could work. But overall, yeah you guys are right. Not as much of a point as I was thinking there could be. I’m typically playing between 11pm EST (US) and 6am EST (US), so that’s probably why my queue times can sometimes take a long time. Just figured I would throw that out there.

Don’t worry, suggestions are always welcomed. In case it take too much time I usually just alt tab and check any other stuff. But considering I’m playing at prime european time, it is really strange that I have more than 1 min queue time.

Its a great idea!!! If you don’t want to be pulled to a match - don’t queue. It would require interface to specify 3 groups - pvp queue, pve queue and ship to undock with. Quite a work but I often play when there is not enough pilots so would totally love this one!! plz plz plz do :wink: