Invasion Map Icons

I suggest that the invasion or “Open Space” map be given some simple graphical changes. The changes i suggest are little dots that appear next to certain sectors to indicate the presence of different things, like so:

Orange dot: Fuel Station

Gray dot: Cargo Drone

Green dot: Group member

Blue dot: Corporation member (visibility can be toggled in settings)

Red dot: High-bounty pirate in sector.

Rainbow dot: Fox is in the sector

Purple dot: Point of interest in sector. (Rare items or other events)

And so on.


:fed004: +1 But only if the add a reward for killing Fox.

 But only if the add a reward for killing Fox.

1 Hunter for everyone?



Also, it would go well together with my Interstellar-drive Generator concept. :slight_smile:

Fox always has some amount of valuable loot on him so there’s your reward. ;3

Oh, and almost forgot my ‘Leech’ tracking device. That would also show the position of a player throughout the galaxy.

Oh, and almost forgot my ‘Leech’ tracking device. That would also show the position of a player throughout the galaxy.

White dot: Any tracked player.



OS need a revamp, a big one. And we know it’s coming… The developer should try to make Star Conflict’s open space alive, like EVE’s (Even if the gameplay of that game in general is boring af)

For example, destroying supply cargos should have consequences, like prices rising, or things like that… 

Oh, and almost forgot my ‘Leech’ tracking device. That would also show the position of a player throughout the galaxy.

I believe that would not be possible, cause it’s not how Open Space gameplay works. It’s more like Elite from this point of view, where it’s not possible as well. 



 destroying supply cargos should have consequences, like prices rising, or things like that… 

Real time economy isn’t in our plans. We’re about making war, not piece)

I believe that would not be possible, cause it’s not how Open Space gameplay works. It’s more like Elite from this point of view, where it’s not possible as well. 




I don’t know the gameplay of Elite in details but I knew this module would be problematic. Well, still this is what I dreamed of. I know, I suck at dreaming. :) 

I believe that would not be possible, cause it’s not how Open Space gameplay works. It’s more like Elite from this point of view, where it’s not possible as well. 


Well, I’m not a game developer, and I understand very little about programming, but couldn’t you just give to each player a variable that contains the sector they are in, and then use the information contained in that variable to highlight the sector where a friend/player in general is? 


Real time economy isn’t in our plans. We’re about making war, not piece)

At least I tried xD

I believe that would not be possible, cause it’s not how Open Space gameplay works. It’s more like Elite from this point of view, where it’s not possible as well.

Real time economy isn’t in our plans. We’re about making war, not piece)

To the first: You already have ‘Alien tech blueprint’ player beacon… And question-marks for missions over sectors. You should be able to extend it to corpmates/groupmates galaxywide.

Economy IS a thing, especially in war. This either mean MORE transports, MORE escort or even something different. But in war it has a big impact. Think about it.

+1 To this suggestion.