introduction of new yellow GS modules

Sustainable Energy Capacitor - SEC

Available for Rank/s: 10, 13, 15

Occupies equipment slot: Capacitor

Playable in modes: PvP, PvE, Spec Ops, Dreadnought Battle, Leagues

GS Price: 3000 (10), 5000 (13), 7000 (15)


Description: (this description is meant for Rank 15 only)

Increases maximum capacitor volume by 20% and energy regeneration speed by 12,5%.

Afterburner energy consumption is further reduced by 25%. (OPTIONAL)

Automatic regeneration of fuel in Open Space, while idle - 1 unit per every 3 seconds.


Alien Mass Converter - AMC

Available for Rank/s: 10, 13, 15

Occupies equipment slot: CPU

Playable in modes: PvP, PvE, Spec Ops, Dreadnought Battle, Leagues

GS Price: 1000 (10), 1500 (13), 3000 (15)



Increases sensor range by 100% and reduce lock-on time by 25%.  Adds the ability to salvage ship debris.

Ship debris will be randomly converted to one of the next types of resources:

vanadium, impure silicon, impure graphite, crystal shard, impure osmium, neodium ore, beryllium ore, live crystal.

Alien ship debris will always provide a random number of Iridium units (20,40,60,100,150).

To the first: Hell NO.
-50% Afterburner as THIRD effect is just way off.
The second and third seem to be the same?! Did you hit post again instead of editing your post?

11 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

The second and third seem to be the same?! Did you hit post again instead of editing your post?

Blame the faulty forums, not me. You also cannot remove your vote anymore.

yey lets make a pay to win module, exactly what we need!

I like both, though the first seems a bit extreme.

Keep the ideas coming. We really should get a shipwreck salvage option for ship parts and rare resources.

17 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

 the first seems a bit extreme.

Yes it does) Not sure about how to manage the second one right also. Added it module suggestion list.