Introduce a new assignment contract for T4 Destroyers!

A simple suggestion, which should be considered seriously.




Employer: “Beryllium Mining Company”

Mission description:

Your task is to provide 6 ships of each class and one of them must be a Destroyer ship of rank 11 - Long Range Frigate, Gunship, Command, Healer, Recon and Destroyer class.

Beryllium Mining Company is looking for top mercenary pilots, able to intercept, fight and a destroy a Defiler, before it approaches our space and destroys our facility.

Payment will follow soon after successful completion of the operation and you will be generously rewarded with some of our beryllium ore supply.



Summary of the mission:

Adds a contract mission for rank 11 Destroyers. Mission takes 24 hours to complete. Reward is unique and different from the rest.

Mission mandatorily requires 6 classes of ships, but at least one ship, must be a Destroyer, for the mission to start! Required ranks 10-12.


After successful completion of the mission, you will get a reward, especially if 100% reward ratio is reached.

Reward should not be given in loyalty vouchers (49500), but in a rare resource, such as beryllium ore.

One such successful task will get you 5 beryllium ores per day.  If you fail, you get nothing at all.






+1 to that also this will help us to see less destroyers in pvp’s

 + Getting beryllium is kinda very hard nowadays… And as Omar said, it will lower the amount of destroyers in the game. 

What about those players that haven’t build a T3 destroyer and don’t plan on it ?  But want a T4 dessy ?  Is that even possible now ?

What about those players that haven’t build a T3 destroyer and don’t plan on it ?  But want a T4 dessy ?  Is that even possible now ?

Yes, I think. You can still get neodium with fully synergized ships in t3, and beryllium in t4, but with the current drop rates it isn’t worth.

It should require a destroyer of any rank, but with higher ranks being better for the mission. It should also render Neodium, Monocrystals, and Vulpanium, so that players can use their old destroyers to gain materials for the T5 destroyers as well.


We have plans for some new assingments. Might be something like that one.