Intermediate to Seasoned Player Guide (Community Input Required: Add your Knowledge!)

This is 100% text, so be warned. This guide is recommended for players of T2 and up.


So, you’ve mastered the basics of Star Conflict, Cadet. You can shoot, lock, use missiles with decent efficiency and know how to shake off those four ships on your tail. Congratulations, but there’s still a lot more to go!


I’ll be covering things such as roles, resistances and modules. If you have something to add or a correction to make, leave a comment and I’ll add it/fix it. Please contribute: this guide needs an unbiased view of Star Conflict and one person alone cannot do this!


Let’s start off with roles.

For you to understand this, I need to briefly explain classes. Classes are the term I use for the 9 different kinds of ship in Star Conflict. These are as follows:

  1. Interceptors - Covert Ops , Recon and ECM
  2. Fighters - Tackler , Gunship and Command
  3. Frigates - Engineer , Guard and the infamous Long Range

Each of these classes has a different role to play. We’ll skim through them quickly.

  • Covert Ops are designed to hunt and kill lone targets. Their Plasma Web deals thermal damage to a target and does not require a line of sight for continued damage. Also uncloaks Recons, other Covert Ops and Tacklers.
  • Recon are supposed to scout enemy positions, but can make great hit and run ships. Their Microwarp Engine allows them to get out of sticky situations with minimal fuss.
  • ECM are there to disable and inhibit other ship’s systems. Their Tachyon Cocoon completely neutralizes all damage and shorts out all hostile ships’ systems for 2 seconds upon deactivation. Be warned though: if you’re on low health and use this, a well-timed missile shot will kill you off very quickly.
  • Tacklers have one purpose: kill all of the above ship classes. More generally, they’re interceptor hunters. Their Chameleon module allows them to sneak up on lone targets and inhibit their movement/increase the damage taken before they can react. Also makes for a great fallback if things go awry. It’s good to note they can wreak havoc on snipers as well.
  • Gunships are the brute force of any team. Their overdrive module makes them a DPS monster with plasma cannons equipped and can destroy even Guards in a matter of seconds.
  • Command ships buff their allies and are fairly good at tanking - acting as a shield for their teammates. The Diffusion Shield makes them completely invulnerable to damage, but uses a lot of energy per hit.
  • Engineers build structures and heal their team members. They’re supposed to stay in out-of-the-way locations where they have little chance of being targeted, but can still help out. The Combat Drones module sacrifices one of the active drones to heal all surrounding allies’ shields for more than 2000 points in a small radius.
  • Guards are the tanks of the game. Their Phase Shield grants them 100 points of resistance to one damage type for their shields and can be cycled to counter incoming damage. They have massive survivability, but they are the slowest ships in the game.
  • Finally, Long Range frigates help out by sniping enemy vessels with Disintegrators or Guided Torpedoes, doing massive thermal damage per shot. They are the only ships with six turrets, which kicks up their close range DPS considerably.


Resistances are fairly simple, when you know how they work. You can view a ship’s resistances by changing the tooltip to ‘Full’ in settings.


Resistances show how good a ship is at taking a certain kind of damage. You have three types of resist: Thermal, Kinetic and EM. Passive modules are available which up a ship’s resistance to one kind of damage to either hull or shields, and the Multiphase Shield Adapter and Nanocomposite Coating increase damage resistance to all types for a short time. The Guard’s Phase Shield also offers and extra 100 points of resistance to their shields, which makes them great at absorbing damage.


The formula for how much damage a weapon does to a ship is as follows:


Damage = Base Damage multiplied by 100 divided by 100 plus resistance to that damage.


Or, for those who are more symbol savvy:


Dmg = DmgB*(100)/(100+DmgR)


DmgB is the base damage of the weapon, and DmgR is the resistance of the ship to that kind of damage. So if you take a hit to your hull by a plasma cannon, the resistance applied would be the hull resistance of that ship to EM damage.


Have I lost you yet? No? Let’s keep going.


Now onto resistance stacking. Stacking is the Star Conflict term for using modules to increase a ship’s resistance to damage from any kind of weapon, over and over again. Stacking is useful until you reach about 100 resistance, and then it becomes pointless to add any more, shown below. If you want extra survivability, you’re better off going with upping the hull or shield strength.


With 100 resistance, you take 50% damage.

With 200 resistance, you take 33% damage.

With 300 resistance, you take 25% damage.

With 400 resistance, you take 20% damage.


Thermal Modulators increase shield resistance to Thermal damage.

EM Diffusors increase shield resistance to EM damage.

Variative Shield Projectors increase shield resistance to Kinetic damage.

Thermal Insulation increases hull resistance to Thermal damage.

EM Insulation increases hull resistance to EM damage.

Reactive Armour increases hull resistance to Kinetic damage.

Having fun yet? Eyes sore? Mine are, but you’ve still got a bit more to go through. Modules, now.

Active and Passive modules are essentially combat programs that help you out in a fight. They do as they say: active modules need user input to function and passives are just on all the time.


Modules are grouped according to Class. There are only two types of active modules that can be used on every ship: Restoration and Survival. They’re fairly self-explanatory. “Hold on!” I hear you cry. “What about the Mass Shield Generator and the Nanodrone Cloud? Aren’t those Restoration modules as well?” Well, no. They’re engineering modules, and so can only be fitted on Engineers.


I’ll leave it up to the community for a module list.

“SIMPLE” rules on how to fit defense a ship depending on what faction it came from.


Empire- deals with hull, so don’t put shield res or shield boosters to a faction that deals with hull


Federation- This is the tough one till t4 when you can get 4 slots, Either go one way or the other on hull or shields. They are the jack of all trades type but not good at either other than speed.


Jericho- deals with shields, so once they get to your hull your pretty much a tasty M&M. Res + Shield boosters.


Also 100 res = 50% 

        200 res = 60%


( I got the resists from a forum mod when they posted them yesterday on another persons post.)



Also of the topic of fitting rules. Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight. If you see people picking interceptors on your team pick something else. Don’t be 1 of 7 interceptors on the team when you see the other team going frigate heavy. Exception: EMP mode and Captain mode. If winning isn’t your thing then don’t listen to this post.

50 Resis reduce incomming by 33,33%

100 Resis -------------------------> 50%

150 Resis -------------------------> 60%

200 Resis -------------------------> 66%

250 Resis -------------------------> 71.4%

Thats what it is officially listed as.

Generally, for maximum resistance effectiveness, you should have your resistance around 50–100 and never pass 120

50 Resis reduce incomming by 33,33%

100 Resis -------------------------> 50%

150 Resis -------------------------> 60%

200 Resis -------------------------> 66%

250 Resis -------------------------> 71.4%

Thats what it is officially listed as.


That’s what I’ve written, but extended the resistances to 400. That, and I’ve just said how much damage you take per hit instead of how much damage is taken away.

yeah i saw that post also but look at how old it is. I will find the link and post it. This is from your own post Censored here is the link [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20004-f-immortal-interceptor-its-not-what-you-think/#entry203333)

I used the word ‘damage’ 30 times in the first post…

what would be useful is a ‘golden rule’ for choosing boost vs resist and how or when to factor in regen rates ( namely for shields )


and all the factors affecting that decision.


specifically ship mods vs passive mods decision


personally I only use raise all resistance implants and ship mods while passives almost always reserved for boost as the baseline ‘all-rounder’ approach. regen rates tweaked into it when using jericho or interceptors. but would love to have someone run the numbers on that. i no math.

Kine - the survivability metric takes into account your resistances vs. actual hull/shield and is a decent indicator (on paper) what your potential survivability is as it also takes into account the diminishing returns of resists.


What it doesn’t take into account is healing rate or damage types/burst you will *actually* encounter in the match. Healing rate is pretty easy to gauge - either you have an engie or you don’t and the remote heals are situational. Also you need to take into account how often your own heals will be disabled via ion warheads or ECM if you’re an engie.


The damage you run into…depends on the other team. Thermal is a big favorite b/c of mines and plasma arc. I’ll swap modules around to see how much survivability each nets me (b/c I have an assortment of military and Mk 3 modules) and which combinations result in the highest survivability.


The ship armor mod to increase hull gives a much larger survivability increase than the resist mod. If you compare to the passive slots, 16% hull = ~39 resist I think so the 40% hull increase is equivalent to ~97% resists in terms of survivability whereas the hull resist mod only gives 75 or 78. Of course, if you go full resists then you will heal more effective hp/point, but you may not be able to soak up as much burst damage than a frigate with the hull increase. Of course, this also means if you survive, you’d heal back to full faster.

got it. thank you.

Stacking resistance against a single type of damage is highly effective.  While it seems that more resist you stack against a single type the less you get out of it (ie going from 100 to 200 thermal only net 16% increased resist as opposed to 50% from 0 to %100) it is countered by increasing scaling of high damage netigation.


For example, going from 0 to 1% resist only increases your toughness by 1% but going from 99% to 100% resist effectively increase you toughness by infinity.

You’d need infinite resist to negate the damage…

Yes but it was just a an extreme example to illustrate the trend.  The point is that damage mitigation increases with increasing effect.

The numbers still don’t lie, though. Stacking is only really effective up until about 100 to 150 resist, then it becomes pointless to waste slots and credits for more resists. The percentages are all there. You actually only need 100 to get a 50% damage reduction, and adding50 more only nets you another 10%.

Let me put it this way.


If a ship has 1000 hp and is being shot at by a weapon that does 100 damage per shot then it would take 10 shots to kill that ship.


If the damage per shot is reduced from 100 to 90 then it would take 11.1 shots to kill the ship - an increase of 1 shot.


If the the damage per shot is reduced from 40 to 30 then it would take 33.3 shots to kill the ship versus 25 shots (at 40 dmg)- an increase of 8.3 shots.


So yes while it becomes increasingly difficult to gain more percentage resistance  you also get more out of it.  I agree with the 100-150 limit because its what you can realistically achieve in T3.  My point is that stacking heavy resistance against 1 single damage type is a sound tactic. 

Edit: Nvm, found :slight_smile:

Wow, revived ancient post


The Diffusion Shield makes them completely invulnerable to damage,



This is not really true, they get huge reduction, but not invulnerability. Though its usually faster to shoot all the energy off of them than kill them shielded.

dat necro

The moderators should close the old threads, at least those speaking about previous patches.