Interceptors - Improved Reverse Afterburner

Okay, this is a serious issue. I’m kinda getting tired of it. 


Why does it take so long to slow down with afterburners? I mean 700 - 0 should not take 10 seconds. 


The reverse thrust should be at least half of your acceleration speed, not like 1/8 of it. 


Please provide your feedback. This will help all interceptor pilots who struggle to keep there ship under control. 



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That is just sad…


Anyway, I agree they need a slightly less time to go backwards…but that is with all ships, not with inty’s alone.

Yeah, Intys need it more because of their speed. 


I mean especially those poor Covert Ops, they can’t stop in time to even use plasma arc…


Even me, a veteran finds this frustrating.

Depends on when you start breaking ;) 

having an enemy tackler/guard nearby can be of great help too to slow down!  :crazy:

I find it to be a problem only in T3.

Depends on when you start breaking ;) 

having an enemy tackler/guard nearby can be of great help too to slow down!  :crazy:


Actually its comical for a tackler. He slowed me down, I turned around 180 degress, and plasma arc the crap out of him. Died instantly. I laughed for like 12 minutes straight. 


I find it to be a problem only in T3.


Well in T3/T4 you can hit the speed barrier. Granted 700M/s is FAST. In reality its 1500 MPH

I find it’s usually faster to just turn and burn in the opposite direction.  Most ints can do a 180 in no more than about 30-40m, which easily enough to tightly wind around a beacon or something.  And it’s a lot faster, as you’ve pointed out.

No, i love when they bounce on my ship.

I think my inter slows faster from microwarp than full speed.

Of course turning around is good, but when you are aiming for someone to use the plasma arc, it throws you off as the plasma arc shafts you’re maneuvering speed by half. 


It should automatically stop you or something.

I dont see how this change could hurt the game, so sure, why not?

Nope, leave it alone. It would make it so everyone just flies in reverse.





God, yes!




I’ve lost count to how many times my Ceptors have just rammed into an asteroid 5 times because I can’t friggin stop in time. It’s like I’m humping the Beacons, only it doesn’t have in a happy ending.

Yeah, Intys need it more because of their speed. 


I mean especially those poor Covert Ops, they can’t stop in time to even use plasma arc…


Even me, a veteran finds this frustrating.

Upon reading this, I would say no to the original suggestion. The difficulty in landing plasma arc is a balancing factor. Interceptors are already plenty manoeuvrable.


Nope, leave it alone. It would make it so everyone just flies in reverse.

I agree.

Of course turning around is good, but when you are aiming for someone to use the plasma arc, it throws you off as the plasma arc shafts you’re maneuvering speed by half. 


It should automatically stop you or something.


Sounds like you need to practice more. Leave the mechanics alone.

No, i love when they bounce on my ship.

Myself and many other skilled pilots use the ram/bounce to bring the speed down because braking is so slow and taking several seconds to brake to match speed with your target for plasma arc is suicide. It does sometimes fail and send you in a random direction instead though.

Nope, leave it alone. It would make it so everyone just flies in reverse.

If you pay attention to folks playing standard, many of them already fly in reverse for extended periods.

Oh, I thought this was so you could stop the ship as fast as you accelerate and not actually fly backwards at 700m/s…

Speeding up the stopping power of the Ceptor will:


a) Remove any skill envolved in manuevers requiring reverse to be used, such as dropping off the bomb on a beacon, or collecting the bomb itself.


b) Make more people upset with Ceptor pilots, forcing the Dev’s to nerf them further


c) Make my Ceptor soul cry even more than it already is.

Speeding up the stopping power of the Ceptor will:


a) Remove any skill envolved in manuevers requiring reverse to be used, such as dropping off the bomb on a beacon, or collecting the bomb itself.

Indeed. Part of what differentiates the good interceptor pilots from the great is how and when they use their reverse.