Interceptors are way over powerd.

Just played a Beacon Hunt match on the Dagger AE. ECM has a permanent slot on my roster.

Moral of the story:


Person behind keyboard matters not just ship class / role

+1. In addition, if you have a recon on your side popping a locator beacon near your captain, you help the ability of the fighter/frigates defenders to see the interceptors as they approach.

As mentioned, an ECM on your side can freeze the attackers in their place.

A guard can pulse the minimal shield and hull down to nothing.

And the fighter can eat through it in a flash.


The problem is not that an interceptor is OP. Far from it. The problem is that the players in your defense don’t understand their roles and how best to defend their captain using teamwork, and that comes with experience.



I find it funny people in this thread claims interceptors are not OP, yet they state that ECM are the best captain you can have or a must have in their hangar.


IMO, ECM interceptors are OP. The stasis module is the pinnacle of this ship : completely absurd. ECM inty have way too much ability to survive at tier 3-4, and have no counter.

They pop pretty easy when shot at using Gauss. Hardly OP.

They pop pretty easy when shot at using Gauss. Hardly OP.

Fixed. :wink:

I find it funny people in this thread claims interceptors are not OP, yet they state that ECM are the best captain you can have or a must have in their hangar.


IMO, ECM interceptors are OP. The stasis module is the pinnacle of this ship : completely absurd. ECM inty have way too much ability to survive at tier 3-4, and have no counter.


It doesn’t make all the other interceptors OP

My problem with ECM is not a stasis duration (except for experimental one, this one is just wrong) but more complete lockdown when modules are used with an overlap. Thing is Ion+Energy drain in conjunction almost as good as stasis but 2x duration and combine it with stasis, makes for hilariously long cc that has no counter basically, unless your guts told you to use some modules preemptively to avoid stasis/energy drains. Another Problem is if ECM has started his magic, you can not interrupt him , even if your teammates stasis/ion missile him it won’t stop ion beam and energy drains

They still need to come within range to do that and come in even closer to make use of it when done. Even if they survive the approach, they rarely make it out alive. Like that other ECM hate thread, peeps only point out the effects AFTER the ECMs were allowed to deploy but conveniently ignore the fact that it is fairly easy to prevent them from coming in in the first place.

They also forget that not one of those modules does anything to damage you or increase damage to you.  If you’re randomly targeted by an ECM, and it’s module range is larger than it’s weapon range, you might just fly away and the ECM is waiting on it’s cooldown.


If I’m killed after being hit by stasis, it’s by three ships minimum.  The ECM might be the forth looking for a debuf assist.

They also forget that not one of those modules does anything to damage you or increase damage to you.  If you’re randomly targeted by an ECM, and it’s module range is larger than it’s weapon range, you might just fly away and the ECM is waiting on it’s cooldown.


If I’m killed after being hit by stasis, it’s by three ships minimum.  The ECM might be the forth looking for a debuf assist.

That’s a lot of if. With ion beam + erngy neutralizing missiles, you’re screwed. With stasis thing, you’re screwed too ; unless he is bad or unprepared.


Of course a lone ECM inty won’t go in a blob, kill someone and go, but 1V1 there’s nothing to do if he is not on cooldown but praying he is not good at aiming.


And the only strategies you are revealing are surviving until he is on cooldown with everything, or killing him before he come at range…


IMO, stasis is just absurd, and ion beam should be divided into two modules (one for no lock and no weapon use and one for no module use) ; but stasis is stupidly OP : your ship lie in space for almost 4 long seconds, and you can only watch you dying…

Excluding ships with range increase, ECM mods are usually around the 3 km mark, and most fighter/frigate weapons are at the 4+ km mark. ECM pilots tend to lock down only ONE target, and since this is a team game, it shouldn’t be too hard for the other squad mates to respond to the situation by covering for the locked down ship, or by using said ship as bait. ECMS are far from op; they merely have a kit that is easy to pick up and use, and takes time and skill (like any other ship) to master.

Oh so that’s it : as long as a group of people can kill something, it’s not OP ?


Mens, come on ! This is absurd ! What is there to master when you *prevent* your enemy to play for some seconds ?! To shoot an asteroid is not that difficult…

Of course a lone ECM inty won’t go in a blob, kill someone and go, but 1V1 there’s nothing to do if he is not on cooldown but praying he is not good at aiming.


This however is Correct


ECM’s 1v1 performance is relatively high against alot of other ships.


I was thinking of making ECM’s stun abilities work both ways ie. if he stuns you for 3 seconds, he is also stunned for the same amount of time. if you cannot use your modules, fire, lockon for 8 seconds - neither can he.


This will retain ECM’s teamplay contribution but negate it’s 1v1 advantages.

Then every ECM module will take itself out of the battle.

that’s the point. so ECMs will need to work as part of a team effort or be left vulnerable. Which is a fair trade if you ask me.

I was thinking of making ECM’s stun abilities work both ways ie. if he stuns you for 3 seconds, he is also stunned for the same amount of time. if you cannot use your modules, fire, lockon for 8 seconds - neither can he.


For some reason it reminds me of how Jericho LRFs detonate their torpedoes point blank to kill intys and themselves.


That aside… it does sound like a pretty nice solution. Maybe inflicting the same ‘stasis’ effect on the ECM is a bit harsh… perhaps both ion beam and stasis halts when LoS or target lock is lost, or when the ECM shoots, launches missiles, or uses another module.

I’ve witnessed beginners being pressure to fly interceptors when a captain got selected. Poor bastrd died within seconds of gamestart.


Moral of the story:


Person behind keyboard matters not just ship class / role


^  This.  Although, I am now in agreement that interceptor is best for the captain, when I first started it wouldnt have been.  If a player is new to SC, command (or even guard) might be better

Knowing your ship is good.  Knowing how to run is better, and it’s best in an interceptor.

Okay, was this a thread complaining about something specific or just another troll?

This thread again…

This started all the way before 0.9.0 hit. Stop throwing bricks at it, stuff changed… And there’s nothing about OP interceptors (not anymore at least).

This thread again…

This started all the way before 0.9.0 hit. Stop throwing bricks at it, stuff changed… And there’s nothing about OP interceptors (not anymore at least).




jk. We love ya!