Interceptors are way over powerd.

Ok I play T2 - T3 frigates and when I play Combat Recon my team captain dies by the hands


of a single Interceptor more times than I can count even in a frigate… :what:


PS. I always back my captain… :fed012:




^ This.

Interceptors aren’t overpowered, they’re doing their job. Your team and captain weren’t doing their job good enough. Crap happens, but don’t just say something is over powered when the worst should have been expected, and prevented.

Completely agree with Corentin and Kine, do your job better. I’m an Ini pilot and I get my xxxx handed to me if they do it right.

ahhhh the tears of a person who doesnt know how inties are played

Get an ECM to help guard the captain.  In a lone rush, the disables on an ECM can save his life while your teammates help finish him off.

Captain should always be an ECM.

Or Covert Ops, or Recon, just whatever’s their fastest interceptor.

Inties literally ment against any decent guard+engi+command defense.

Captain should always be an ECM.

this so many times this

Captain should always be an ECM.

Is that an honest opinion? I’d like to know, because I truly want to take the time to learn how to fly Interceptors, but I’ve never felt a reason to. 

Is that an honest opinion? I’d like to know, because I truly want to take the time to learn how to fly Interceptors, but I’ve never felt a reason to. 

Nope. I’ve never once flown inty as capt, dunno if i died more than 3-4 times per total due to massive inty attacks. Still, the tactic is legit, no lies. I almost never ever die in my ECM.

I captain commands. Virtually indestructible by interceptor squads given adequate engineer support. My team is more than happy to kill them off as I tank damage.


ECM captains require higher level understanding of the game to pull off.


I’ve witnessed beginners being pressure to fly interceptors when a captain got selected. Poor bastrd died within seconds of gamestart.


Moral of the story:


Person behind keyboard matters not just ship class / role

Is that an honest opinion? I’d like to know, because I truly want to take the time to learn how to fly Interceptors, but I’ve never felt a reason to. 

ECM is the most survivable option out there. You are fast enough to dodge a lot of damage, can simply shut individual attackers down, and if they come down on you hard you simply pop your special ability and are invulnerable for 5 seconds during which your defense team can finish off the attackers.


I captain commands. Virtually indestructible by interceptor squads given adequate engineer support. My team is more than happy to kill them off as I tank damage.

Commands rely on a single ability to tank damage, because of that it’s very easy to kill them IMHO. In particular because they’re usually Jericho and thus shield tanked. A single recon draining your shield and dropping a mine on you and boom.

But sure, at the end of the day your best choice will be what you’re most comfortable/experienced flying (please don’t be THAT guy and bring an LRF as captain though).

Commands rely on a single ability to tank damage, because of that it’s very easy to kill them IMHO.


yus but strike-team wave intervals rarely come sooner than my cooldown rawr

yus but strike-team wave intervals rarely come sooner than my cooldown rawr

Well, I was assuming a minimum of teamwork. :wink:

Commands are probably the best choice in T1 games though, which lack most of the abilities and missiles/mines that are most dangerous to a command.

Ok I play T2 - T3 frigates and when I play Combat Recon my team captain dies by the hands


of a single Interceptor more times than I can count even in a frigate… :what:


PS. I always back my captain… :fed012:



You describe your own problem - your captain is picking the slowest ‘sitting duck’ they can. Eventually a frigate will fall under the pressure of the enemy team as they cannot dodge or evade incoming fire as easily. Even the most defended frigate can in theory be broken if the enemy team has enough wits/sense to push in together.


On any frigate which has suboptimal or little defence, even a single veteran interceptor pilot of above-average skill will kill him. Not because an interceptor is “OP” but because it’s the most likely type of ship to reach the captain in a reasonable amount of time and evade the defenders. A fighter has a much slower attack run - it’s not unheard of for a fighter to take a captain down, but it’s rarer due to the mean time required to reach him.

I’d +1 if you included diagrams with that effort rawr

ECM is the most survivable option out there. You are fast enough to dodge a lot of damage, can simply shut individual attackers down, and if they come down on you hard you simply pop your special ability and are invulnerable for 5 seconds during which your defense team can finish off the attackers.

 Commands rely on a single ability to tank damage, because of that it’s very easy to kill them IMHO. In particular because they’re usually Jericho and thus shield tanked. A single recon draining your shield and dropping a mine on you and boom.

But sure, at the end of the day your best choice will be what you’re most comfortable/experienced flying (please don’t be THAT guy and bring an LRF as captain though).

I usually play as a Jericho Command (just got the Machete Type S-omg that buff range is ridiculous), and with the Guard ship’s nerf, I feel inclined to really learn ECM now.

Fed Inty is best.  The speed and maneuvering is best without a doubt.  In any case, I’ve learned frigates are poor captains, they’re just too easy of a target.  Part of it is defense, but never a frigate.  In PvE, frigates and fighters rule.  As captain, instant loss unless you get a good rush.