Interceptor cunami

I get the interceptor role and everything but the stuns are ridiculous strong and have a duration which should not exceed 15-20 sec at best and in total duration. Also, the continuous stacking of their stuns is insane, you can’t even get close and when you are left with long range and them as enemies, its impossible to do anything, it’s like shooting a needle in a haystack.


One of them is strong if used in a proper way but if u get a team of them… well, you get the picture. At least a non-stacking stun option would be nice, it’s like playing counter strike 1.6 in space.

ECM stuns give diminishing returns by like 20% per subsequent debuff. (Someone correct me if that number isn’t right)


Another way you can counter that is to use proton walls or J2 implant. If you fly gunship, Combat Reboot will make you laugh at them.


E13 implant is also surprisingly useful in T5 where the Waki AE is the king of ECMs.

ECM stuns give diminishing returns by like 20% per subsequent debuff. (Someone correct me if that number isn’t right)


Another way you can counter that is to use proton walls or J2 implant. If you fly gunship, Combat Reboot will make you laugh at them.


E13 implant is also surprisingly useful in T5 where the Waki AE is the king of ECMs.

25% linear stacking diminishing returns per specific stun, lasts for a minute.


Meaning an ECM can use stasis at time 0 for 100% duration, another at time 15 for 75%, another at time 30 for 50%, another at time 45 for 25%, and another at time 106 for 100%.

At the same time, that ECM can also use ion diffuser at time 10 for 100%, 25 for 75%, 40 for 50%, 55 for 25%, and 116 for 100%.


Do note that an ion diffuser for 0% duration will still cancel all your currently active modules.

ECM stuns give diminishing returns by like 20% per subsequent debuff. (Someone correct me if that number isn’t right)


Another way you can counter that is to use proton walls or J2 implant. If you fly gunship, Combat Reboot will make you laugh at them.


E13 implant is also surprisingly useful in T5 where the Waki AE is the king of ECMs.


I know for all the counters and stuff, i’m just saying the inties are overused and even if u halfassed that role, the damage and everything is higher than a fighter  or guard. In my eyes it seems like players outdamage, outlive and outsmart every other role by a significant amount by wiggling and stunning for an eternity. That behavior should be cut down or we will probably play with only destros and inties in near future.

As I said, the priority should be a cooldown of few seconds at least between stuns from several ships or just a decreased duration alltogether when attacked from more than 1 player and the module that acts like a overpowered metastable stasis field shutting my engines and not allowing me to move for more than it should, should last as long as a MSF and not like the spy drones, 40 + seconds which in battle is like 40 years to me.