Interceptor conflict?

Once upon a time, Guards flew around with Stabilized Railguns and owned sh*t.

About maniac medals… i think i got 100 with that :stuck_out_tongue:


I have a record of this on my twitch channel (29 kills 6030 pts xD)

Post it on the top scores thread.

I’ve recently discovered the power of those sniper weapons like the gauss and positron cannons and after you start getting the aim they’re really awesome!

I started to mount them on every frigate and fighter as they’re pretty powerful against interceptors swarms and in general against every ship if you aim and charge correctly.

I’ve recently discovered the power of those sniper weapons like the gauss and positron cannons and after you start getting the aim they’re really awesome!

I started to mount them on every frigate and fighter as they’re pretty powerful against interceptors swarms and in general against every ship if you aim and charge correctly.

Welcome to the elite class :wink:

Welcome to the elite class :wink:


All hail the Gauss players master race.


edit: nailed it with Paint hahahaha



All hail the Gauss players master race.







Nonsense, today in T2 I had a detonation match with only two or three interceptors.  Everyone else went frigate with a few fighters.  Also, people weren’t holding back, it was just everyone killing instead of forming a siege.  Anyone who fly an interceptor got taken out by everyone else.  Either follow the meta or die against it.

Nonsense, today in T2 I had a detonation match with only two or three interceptors.  Everyone else went frigate with a few fighters.  Also, people weren’t holding back, it was just everyone killing instead of forming a siege.  Anyone who fly an interceptor got taken out by everyone else.  Either follow the meta or die against it.


This is like a Blood Bowl match between bash teams.

So I haven’t played Star Conflict for a long time but here is my verdict on interceptors. Firstly, I would like to say that I’m favoring Fighter: Tacklers. I normally play in tier 1 and sometimes tier 2. I also like to point out that I normally end up in the top 3-4 on my team and my skill rating is over 1250.


My Observation based on Experience:

In tier 1, interceptors are not overpowered. I find them “strategically” annoying. When I see an interceptor, I normally spam missiles at it and use debuffs from a distances to get their attention. Once I get their attention, I then ignore them while I’m contesting a beacon for my teammates. They are not the best of shot either when I’m flying along with them and it’s funny how both of our ships keep missing each other.

However, I would like to point out that it is not that easy in tier 2. As a tackler pilot, I should be singling out interceptors for my teammates, but its shouldn’t require “effort” to do so. One interceptor is good enough to handle and reel in for your team, but a swarm of interceptors can leave tacklers useless especially in Beacon Hunt. In matchmaking, I need a coordinated squad to shoot fish in a barrel (referring to interceptors). The problem is, I shouldn’t need to put effort to making a squad either.


Now, I did get a feel for flying an interceptor. Honestly, I felt like a pro during my first match-up. In tier 2, I get 4-6 targets locked onto me and I manage to be untouched by guns/missiles. All I had to do was fly around like a goofball. As I’m “tanking” enemy pilots, my teammates get the upper hand in Beacon Hunt and Domination. Unlike the tackler, it required no effort, no coordination, and yet I felt like I was a pro.


Here’s my conclusion:

Number 1:

In general, interceptors are not overpowered. A couple of missiles at a distance can wipe its shields down leaving it vulnerable for a couple hits with any type of munition. A tackler, no doubt can stop them from moving an inch forward from a finishing blow. 


Number 2:

Fighters (including tacklers) have little to no advantage at tier 2. The guns/missiles (more importantly the missiles) are not strong enough to battle interceptors. They are barely even strong enough to take down a frigate single handed.


Number 3:

Destroying an interceptor “mostly” requires a team. The opposite is “mostly” true against fighters and frigates.


My Opinionated Solution:

  1. Limit the amount of interceptors played in tier 2 (Perfect example of this is in another game called NavyField)


  1. Increase fighters stats to survive against enemy Interceptors in tier 2 Only.


  1. Increase fighter: tacklers stats and module stats to bait and reel Interceptors for teammates in tier 2 Only

Fighters are not meant to take down frigates singlehandedly. My Hydra 2 pretty much sat there and tanked through a gunship’s Overdrive. In contrast, the gunship didn’t survive my sustained fire.




 Increase fighter: tacklers stats and module stats to bait and reel Interceptors for teammates in tier 2 Only


Well… LRFs are good at baiting intys :stuck_out_tongue:

Fighters are not meant to take down frigates singlehandedly. My Hydra 2 pretty much sat there and tanked through a gunship’s Overdrive. In contrast, the gunship didn’t survive my sustained fire.


You’re absolutely right, nothing should be taken down single handed. Everything should require team effort if this is a team based game. As a matter of opinion, I think that frigates should be the demons to conquer the playing field for I imagine that it will be more fun than dealing with flies (I’m serious).


I should have elaborated on the single handed part, for what I meant to say was tacklers can sneak up on a single (unprotected) frigate and destroy them in tier 1. I do realize that I leave myself vulnerable for attacks after watching my hull depleted to 15%.



Well… LRFs are good at baiting intys :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t know what LRF means since i’m still fairly new, but I’m assuming its another ship. I think any ship are good for bait and reel. It matters to the player and playstyle. I was only favoring tackler because that is the only ship I’m good at using in game.


PS. I also think frigates need a stat increase in shields and hulls as well as their support modules. Just that only and I can only imagine an epic fight.

I don’t know what LRF means since i’m still fairly new, but I’m assuming its another ship. I think any ship are good for bait and reel. It matters to the player and playstyle. I was only favoring tackler because that is the only ship I’m good at using in game.


LRF = Long Range Frigate


The usual LRF that one encounters in the battlefield is a ship that sits by itself and snipes at enemies, seemingly oblivious of its surroundings. Excellent ships for baiting the opponent. In T3, they receive the IR pulsar, which briefly jams the locking systems for all enemy ship that locked on to that LRF. 


Tacklers are all nice and fun in T1, but they start to suffer in T2. T3 is a completely different story altogether, because intys are still powerful enough to cause trouble for you, and frigates become increasingly threatening against fighters. That’s why my Katana AE (R8 Jericho tackler) is built for versatility.

These past few days i’ve been synergising ships in T1 and now in T2.


The rule still stands:

T1-2: interceptors have the upper hand due to the lack of bullet speed improvements, of course they must be used properly to bring that in effect; frigates have the worst position because of the lack of customization and relatively basic resistances and strengths (which will later translate in enormous stats as you add mods in the upper tiers)

T3: fairly balanced, skill comes first-hand - always

T4-5: frigates have the upper hand (Guards more specifically); the speed caps (currently 700m/s max) are somewhat reached in T3-4 for most interceptors and after that they get no more speed and maneuverability progression for the late tiers while the other classes start surpassing them because they do not suffer from any limitations (EHP cap for example on frigates or damage cap on fighters) and the modules keep diversifying


However they are not always the case of truth. A good player will always find the weak spot of those below him in skill and have all the chances to turn the battle in their favor. Take the bullet speed example i mentioned above. I can shoot interceptors at point blank with the T2 slow Gauss which is a long range precision weapon, while some people cannot handle assault rails at that range.

So taking down ships single handedly or needing team effort comes to acquired skill of both engaging pilots in both flying and fitting your ship. To outline this very clearly: LRFs (aka: snipers) are perceived as a minor, but annoying threat in T1 and 2 which you would sometimes decide to face in close combat to get rid of them. True for the most part, they are really flimsy ships. But don’t forget what i said earlier above: in T1-2 they rely a lot on their base stats more than customization, and they are frigates, meaning they have quite high stat numbers. This means that with every added module they get a very high bonus effect. Exploiting their weakness can go in 2 ways - they are weak targets who only focus on sitting idle and casually shooting ships, lacking in defenses or they could be heavily tanked gunships obliterating everything in their path. It depends on the pilot’s treatment. Most people tend to fit them for pure sniping - hiding modules, speed modules, damage active modules, designed to switch positions often and shoot with their special modules as often as possible. Every now and then you will meet them on the front line causing mayhem and very hard to bring down, where they are clearly fit to tank and pack a punch with the main weapons. The 3rd option for the last example is to bait while sniping - choose a spot, snipe stuff, expect the occasional passer-by to try and take you out, only to face a cruel suicide. Effectiveness is another story.

The stat example goes to all frigates.

Then there are those who use disintegrators for short range burst, like me

Then there are those who use disintegrators for short range burst, like me

It works when the combat is frantic around you, but you’re not focused on by the enemy or you’re already in sniping mode with empire LRFs. Otherwise in direct combat it’s better to use main weapon. Note that the disintegrator turns around your ship WAY faster than your ship’s rotation and strafing capabilities, but the zoom effect makes it hard to aim at close quarters.