Gday all, we have just started up a new Corporation Intergalactic Drunks (ID). We are looking for Pilots with a good sense of humour as we like to joke around abit and enjoy a good laugh.
Applicants need to be 18 plus unless you are a members family member. Respect for Corporation members, other players and other Corporations is a must. What you pilot is your choice once we have enough members we will make a call who we align with. We are currently using Raidcall for Comms and hopefully will be using TS3 in the near future. Happy Hunting.
We might give Axon a go, we will eventually be using TS3. Thnxs for the welcome guys it’s good to see people with a sense of humour. Efefay we will buy ya a drink but we go shout for shout lol