Inspect Ships

how bout an option to inspect other players ships. like to see how a player outfitted his ship. what guns /missiles/devices he’s using.

and maybe their ship tree in another tab of the inspection window. (just the ships the player has bought) - maybe their setup shown in that window as well when you hover your mouse over it.

Nope. That’s like looking up a girls skirt!

You can pretty much know the fit looking at the ship stats in game.



Nope. That’s like looking up a girls skirt!


But what if she has no panties  :01111:

What if that she is a he? You can never trust trannies…

What if that she is a he? You can never trust trannies…


Are you referring to engies with no engie modules?

Did not see this conversation going this direction … did not see it… :fed014:

Damn! What if all those female bots I’ve been hitting on are actually trannies :008j:  I’ll have to double check

how bout an option to inspect other players ships. like to see how a player outfitted his ship. what guns /missiles/devices he’s using.

and maybe their ship tree in another tab of the inspection window. (just the ships the player has bought) - maybe their setup shown in that window as well when you hover your mouse over it.

After some time, you will be able to see how a ship is fitted according to the stats you can see.


Of course it will be easier with a fitting scan but… the rock, paper, scissors mode is great this way.

Are you referring to engies with no engie modules?

Those would be trainees :01212:   Efefay is looking for trannies.

i love how my post gets no likes but jacxis’ gets like 4…

i love how my post gets no likes but jacxis’ gets like 4…

since u luv it so much, i gave him another one.

since u luv it so much, i gave him another one.




i love how my post gets no likes but jacxis’ gets like 4…


Okay, me shall support you then.


Those would be trainees :01212:   Efefay is looking for trannies.


I actually met a tranny before and felt cheated because he looked so convincing. Sometimes when you’re in dire need of heals and you fly towards an engie, only to realize it has no heals… the feeling of being cheated is the same.

i love how my post gets no likes but jacxis’ gets like 4…

But… But… He is true! 



Nope, bots are androids. 

I actually met a tranny before and felt cheated because he looked so convincing. Sometimes when you’re in dire need of heals and you fly towards an engie, only to realize it has no heals… the feeling of being cheated is the same.


What I typically do is then shoot the tranny a bunch before going back out again.


Er, I meant engi.

But what if she has no panties  :01111:


There’s a VisineTM for that.

What I typically do is then shoot the tranny a bunch before going back out again.


Er, I meant engi.

Can give you an information about ship inspection, maybe found smth interesting :fed001:

Can give you an information about ship inspection, maybe found smth interesting :fed001:

I take your offtopic necropost and raise you a fiver.

Are you referring to engies with no engie modules?

Like my x.7.x JLRF that had engie modules? I’d sit back torping, while being useful to my team and providing healing auras. :3