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I am doing T2 right now. I think i am really good at Engies, LRFs, and Gunships. I planning to just specialize after i max out T2


Any tips on how they are different in T3 so i don’t end up sucking at them? 



I am doing T2 right now. I think i am really good at Engies, LRFs, and Gunships. I planning to just specialize after i max out T2

Any tips on how they are different in T3 so i don’t end up sucking at them?

cant really explain t3… Its just different. U should buy a t3 ship and play a few games then you will know. I thing i do know tho: there arent as many idiots in t3 still some but not that many what worked in t2 might not work in t3…just saying


Any tips on how they are different in T3 so i don’t end up sucking at them?


as you go up,things get faster,and hit implants and well as modules give you more to add to your arsenal.



there aren’t as many idiots in t3


not that there is less,but as you get more experience,most player tend to learn form it,though some faster than others…lol

Tips for T3?

Don’t fly engineer unless you know how to equip and use healing auras.

Don’t fly long range. Ever. You will be a liability to the team and drag them down.

Most important thing you can do for T3 is learn to be a team player. Individual skill isn’t worth as much in T3 - games are won and lost by how people work together.

Don’t fly long range. Ever. You will be a liability to the team and drag them down.


Your statement makes it look like there are no good LRF pilots when there certainly are. And they can turn the phase of game alone… far from being burden to the team

A better thing to say would be “Don’t fly LRFs unless you’re good with them”

A better thing to say would be “Don’t fly LRFs unless you’re good with them”


And how will you get good with them without flying them?


The focus is: teamplay. If your team already has LRFs, you probably won’t need more, so pick something else. The rule: fill in what your team needs. There always have to be an Engineer (in big fights T3 usually provides, not 4v4s), maybe two, not more. Commands are great, the more the people the better to have a Command, one Command. The extra Valkyrie time is not worth it to lose the DPS or utility of other ships.

Bad LRF pilots don’t know they are bad. That’s why nobody should be encouraged to fly the class.

For every good LRF there are a dozen people sat in spawn shooting rocks, and a dozen more sat in spawn not shooting anything.

But LRFs are best dmg dealers!

Just use them as heavy gunship and take advantage of 6x turrets.

Until the Devs take away the disintegrator and guided torp, most LRF pilots won’t do that.

t3 ships have more slots for customisation so every enemy has the potential to be alot stronger than what you would expect in t2, but n00bs will be n00bs so its easy pickings when you get used to it (until you run into good players)

  1. T3 is all about teamwork. you cannot be a solo hero in T3, if you try, you will die, alot. 

  2. You need to work on situtational awareness and what objectives to go to. Sometimes getting that last kill is not worth it if you need to be capping a beacon to win the game. 

  3. Learn your role. As a recon, do you scout ahead, tag targets? ECM, do you help other players make the quick kill by disabling ships? Etc. Its all about playing the role as intended and being well versed on what you can do, and cannot. 

IF you can top the team on kills or beacon captures using LRF *WITHOUT* F-ability in T2, … you may fly them in T3+


From there you start learning to use F-button as a means to control enemy frigates. Jerry torps has other tactical uses as well.

In t3 u actually have to work together they put u in a team for a reason, its no every man for himself like t2. Dont rush into the enemt territory u will die. The enym might not attack you as much,but when they do, they strike fast and hard and usually kill you

For me T3 is where the game began. It really was not until that point that I started to understand anything and everything changed. T1 and 2 for me at least were bleh. No modules, no teamwork, very little help from other players. Personally (I’m biased) I would recommend a quick engie to start. It helps being useful (YOU MUST USE YOUR HEALS) and being on the second line gives you more time to be aware of situations and good players attack and defend patterns while being of help. It will keep you close to the action but you wont be needlessly feeding to other team kills.


I’m no pro but I have noticed significantly more “attention” in my general direction as of late so I may be learning. I initially thought it was my good looks. I may have been wrong. :taunt:


you get focused down if people see you are contributing to your team ie. getting in the way of them making easy kills.


so you must be doing something right if you find yourself primaried often.

Don’t fly long range. Ever. You will be a liability to the team and drag them down.

Beaten the crap out of FoBo/connectiv/Celen ESB gunships squad last night in Combat recon in my LRF as a captain. So much damage… i dont think I used F ability once.

(we were in a squad as well)

I always turn my heals on when i fly an engie and i use my drones to the fullest advantage protecting them with a Missile Flare.


I fly my LRF like a gunship stated like before. i usually get the most kills and i use my mines to deny beacon areas.

Lose the flare

Engies would need like 5-6 slots and still not using flares or any multipurpose. 2x heals 2x stations energy regen and maybe something utility like warpgate to get the guards in place.

i  guess the flares are a bit selfish but i like to attack as well as heal


Once i get to T3 i’ll drop the nanocomposite coating for my engie to get the hull station. Is the hull station enough to overcome any damage by one interceptor?