Ingame Auction

Hello i’m Nei

CEO of Space Mafia [M5]

I just wanted to suggest an idea, that im sure others have thought about, it is just that we need more social trading ingame, instead of keeping it for ourselfs. 

theres alot of players who are unhappy about the earnings per match. 

perhaps trading, Auction would make them happy. at least we get to earn and buy what we really need from others. 


thank you. 

Hi there) That was discussed several times before. It’s hard to implement trading system in the game where this wasn’t meant to be from the begining. It will cost of complete rebalancing of all the items and currencies, cause we don’t want to make a huge gap between the pilots stuff value. 

But we now that traiding concept can be another interesting way to spend time in SC Universe, so we’re trying to make something like that in one of the future game modes. Work in progress on this one ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

First of all, hello and welcome to SC.

About trading systems: many versions of it have already been suggested indeed. And been discussed… and our Cinnamon hero’s post just popped so I don’t repeat what he said. Maybe one thing. Player to player trading systems are highly abusable and capable of destroying a game (bots, etc.). The game could fast become a stock exchange game without real playing involved. The “only” way it may work safely is player to AI trading. If you look into similar topics you can see from the discussions what problems and threat it may pose.   

11 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

Hi there) That was discussed several times before. It’s hard to implement trading system in the game where this wasn’t meant to be from the begining. It will cost of complete rebalancing of all the items and currencies, cause we don’t want to make a huge gap between the pilots stuff value. 

But we now that traiding concept can be another interesting way to spend time in SC Universe, so we’re trying to make something like that in one of the future game modes. Work in progress on this one ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Trading confirmed guys.

Woop woop!