Info on Adaptive Shield and EB-Cooldown needed.

EB used to reset on spawn. Then again, so did every other module and missiles. We all know how well that went.

If debate regarding reset the EB starts, everyone will start asking for each favorite module to reset on respawn… and we go back to missile spam mayhem.

If debate regarding reset the EB starts, everyone will start asking for each favorite module to reset on respawn… and we go back to missile spam mayhem.

Which isn’t what the thread is about. It’s about showing, on the buffs, whether or not it’s on CD.

Classic page 2 offtopicness. 


Come on, lets get this thread to actually make this change.

I guess it’s obvious enough that the community in general wants to see status icons for AS and EB. 

Which isn’t what the thread is about. It’s about showing, on the buffs, whether or not it’s on CD.


Well, you were the first one to answer the guy who mentioned the return of module reset on respawn. HEHEHEHEHE

Well, you were the first one to answer the guy who mentioned the return of module reset on respawn. HEHEHEHEHE

It was the second page, what was I supposed to do? D:

I am just glad somebody else wants this too.

+1 should be easy to implement?

+1 should be easy to implement?


Yes it would be