Individual ship shipping

I suggest making different ships have individual respawn times in PvP. Before res pawning, players must select the next ship they want to deploy.

This would solve problems like Interceptor spam and Destroyer swarms.

Example times:

Interceptor: 75s

Fighter: 30s

Frigate: 50s

Destroyer: 120s


I don’t think people would enjoy waiting that long for all these wait times. What if a ton of people on your team die suddenly together? You’d be waiting for possibly half your team to respawn while the other team dominates you, and if it’s like a 3v3 and all your side gets killed, then the opposing team can easily capture beacons or something. Seems a little disadvantaged if you ask me.

I don’t think people enjoy having the majority of the other team having destroyers out while you have none.

I edited my post to say something else, disregard what it said before…

Times are way too much, though i would say dessies can only spawn once :wink:

Times are way too much, though i would say dessies can only spawn once :wink:

Or twice.



Destroyers have more respawn time and that’s fine.

So no.

How about the waiting time for each class depends on the proportion of that class already on the field?


For example if there are already 6 destroyers on your team (yes, yes, it has happens all too often) then someone who dies will have to wait a VERY long time if he wants to fly a destroyer also. Same if there is a high number of interceptors in a beacon game for example. This would promote the use of multiple ship types in the lineout and for players to be more versatile in their ship choices.


Of course people who only like to fly one ship type will be penalised, but since those are mainly long range f**s or cruise chickens, I think this is a good idea.

How about the waiting time for each class depends on the proportion of that class already on the field?

For example if there are already 6 destroyers on your team (yes, yes, it has happens all too often) then someone who dies will have to wait a VERY long time if he wants to fly a destroyer also. Same if there is a high number of interceptors in a beacon game for example. This would promote the use of multiple ship types in the lineout and for players to be more versatile in their ship choices.

Of course people who only like to fly one ship type will be penalised, but since those are mainly long range f**s or cruise chickens, I think this is a good idea.


How about the waiting time for each class depends on the proportion of that class already on the field?


For example if there are already 6 destroyers on your team (yes, yes, it has happens all too often) then someone who dies will have to wait a VERY long time if he wants to fly a destroyer also. Same if there is a high number of interceptors in a beacon game for example. This would promote the use of multiple ship types in the lineout and for players to be more versatile in their ship choices.


Of course people who only like to fly one ship type will be penalised, but since those are mainly long range f**s or cruise chickens, I think this is a good idea.


Good thinking batman!

How about the waiting time for each class depends on the proportion of that class already on the field?


For example if there are already 6 destroyers on your team (yes, yes, it has happens all too often) then someone who dies will have to wait a VERY long time if he wants to fly a destroyer also. Same if there is a high number of interceptors in a beacon game for example. This would promote the use of multiple ship types in the lineout and for players to be more versatile in their ship choices.


Of course people who only like to fly one ship type will be penalised, but since those are mainly long range f**s or cruise chickens, I think this is a good idea.

U got my favorite garlic !!!