Incoming missile warning

Needs to show the range of the closest missile.

Also the type of missile would be cool but I’m not so sure about balance.

Needs to show how many missiles are incoming.

Also the type of missile would be cool but I’m not so sure about balance.

It… Already does?

No… It doesn’t? Or… Wait I got distracted. Editing post.

No… It doesn’t? Or… Wait I got distracted. Editing post.

There we go. I feel like it’d be nice, but I’m not sure.

I think it beeps faster as the missile gets closer but yes it would be nice to have a visual distance indication of some type. Mary the indicator could strobe, as the missile gets closer it blinks faster.

Already a post. That was locked for some f***ing reason


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25010-incoming-missile-distance/page-2)

+1 for graphical warning. If it wasn’t for the missle alert, i’d play the game muted sometimes. But i can’t since there’s no way to know if a torp is on your xxxx without sounds. 

Pls add a graphic warning, thank you. 


I think they could get rid of the “Warning: incoming missile” message because it is useless while hearing the beep, and it get’s very annoying when you are being spammed by JLRFs

Sure, with no flares and if you’re cornered, you’re pretty much a roasted duck.

the suggestion of the last thread have already been forwarded


no need for doublethread


topic locked