Incoming Missile Distance

It would be really useful to know how far away a missile is from impact at any given time, and also (maybe) what kind of missile it is (total damage of what type .  Also, is there an indication that shows how many missiles are incoming?  Like how it shows how many locks you have, etc.


Anyways, thoughts?

That would actually be really nice.

good idea we need that 

It would be really useful to know how far away a missile is from impact at any given time, and also (maybe) what kind of missile it is (total damage of what type .  Also, is there an indication that shows how many missiles are incoming?  Like how it shows how many locks you have, etc.


Anyways, thoughts?

The number of missiles is already shown, but only the locked ones. Jerry torps doesn’t show because they are not locked on you. Neither do the unguided ones.


Showing how far is the missile would be crazy. I remember once I got targeted by 3 octopus at the same time. I had 15 incoming missiles notifications in the hud… the range and damage notifications for that would have clogged the whole screen.


Luckily I was in a Recon so I just cloaked and escape unharmed  :00999:

The number of missiles is already shown, but only the locked ones. Jerry torps doesn’t show because they are not locked on you. Neither do the unguided ones.

Showing how far is the missile would be crazy. I remember once I got targeted by 3 octopus at the same time. I had 15 incoming missiles notifications in the hud… the range and damage notifications for that would have clogged the whole screen.

Luckily I was in a Recon so I just cloaked and escape unharmed :00999:

As usual, there would be an option to toggle on or off this setting so people, like you, who didn’t want the setting didn’t have to use it.

As usual, there would be an option to toggle on or off this setting so people, like you, who didn’t want the setting didn’t have to use it.

I was just pointing that the system is ok when you have one missile incoming, but it will be useless against octopus, and against unguided rockets.


I would prefer they focus in big content improvements.

Indicator shows closest missile not all of them and it shows locked missiles only not unguided ones , its not new and its missing on this game . Noone will close this option

does no one use their eyes and look at what is coming at you ?

does no one use their eyes and look at what is coming at you ?

Not everyone is used to the free look mode.

And my addition : Simply show the closest one or change the beep intensity will suffice as well. 

I, personally can time most of the missiles right before they hit me on my gunship with the CR by hearing the exhaust of the rocket. But I remember times when it was just impossible for me to do so.

You hear missile and you either use flares or speed up to the nearest asteroid/obstacle.

I think that  I suggested something similar in the past.

Of course, it never happened.

You’d think they’d have these missile tracking features on your HUD outside of simple warnings.


Additional suggestion: Missiles should also be objects on your radar.

While something like this would be nice, I’m sure it would cause lag.

Indicator shows closest missile not all of them and it shows locked missiles only not unguided ones , its not new and its missing on this game . Noone will close this option


I do think that the HUD should show how many missiles are incoming, as well as how close the nearest missile is to you. This way, the player has some chance of avoiding the missile (as most aside from cruise missiles are pretty hard to dodge unless you are looking at them). Having an icon on the HUD similar to where ships/objectives are would be great, maybe have a missile icon with an arrow and a distance for the nearest missile that is locked on to you.

Good ideas here.  I think, for the octopus issue, it would just show that it is an octopus missile burst coming in and how far away (the first missile?) is.


Also, if you have “15” missiles coming in, you’re probably ****** anyways lol.  Maybe it will continuously show the closest missile to impact, though I can see how this might be confusing.


For unguided missiles (for Jeri LRF, not normal unguided missiles) it should definitely show the distance from the player, and would specially indicate if the LRF is locked onto you since it’s likely to hit.

It’d be nice if the little missile warning icon that flashes was floating around the HUD inner ring when a missile was inbound, showing the direction the missile was coming from, and how far until impact.


It’d make it a lot easier for pilots to put missiles on their 12 o’clock line and attempt to evade without juking and spinning all over like a drunken barfight.

You’d think they’d have these missile tracking features on your HUD outside of simple warnings.


Additional suggestion: Missiles should also be objects on your radar.


But they are. At least, torpedoes are.

Guided ones, I think or just from Long Range Torpedo Frigate?

But they are. At least, torpedoes are.

Guided ones, I think or just from Long Range Torpedo Frigate?


Perhaps I should confirm that for myself.

But they are. At least, torpedoes are.

Guided ones, I think or just from Long Range Torpedo Frigate?

No, they are only shown in the radar if you are firing the torpedo yourself. But you can’t see others’ torpedoes.

Not everyone is used to the free look mode.


not even that, most of the time the missiles are coming from the front xD

Thought I’d bring this back since it seems to be desired by the community, at least at some level.