Improved corporate managment and corporate activities

This post will be continuation of my post on this [Topic](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/31156-mission-launched-by-corporations/#comment-373370)  . And this is nothing new. There were similar partial suggestions by other pilots. Just hopping that devs will reconsider these stuff again.

So devs … imagine u have international corporation (language barrier)  with 250 members … majority are new ones. AS a CEO or VP or active officer u have to organize those people, u have to motivate them to play together,  familiarize them with all aspect of your game. to push them to fall in love with your game. To teach them some basic stuff… So how will u do that? In any given moment there are 10-20 people online, 2/3 are in the battles. And u have one little chat window and one little MOTD. So u start talking again and again in corporate chat, repeat, repeat … even talk to every member in pm … eventually u give up. I hope u now understand what i want to say. As CEO or VP u r forced to make some free site, forum so u can notify pilots about events, plans or to give them basic instructions and all of that requires time, knowledge … and its obligation, not fun. But then … u have to pm 250 people asking of them to register and to follow site feed. Majority are not so keen to do that. Lot of pilots asked u numerous times to implement some kind of forum or message board ingame. I know that is complicated but to dedicate one tab in corporate window for long rich text message (one database field in corporate table)  and one big message screen beside your in login - daily messages - that is laziness. So this is plea to your “interface guy” and “database guy” - to invest 2 work hrs for this. 
Edit: Circular message to all corporate message option from CEOand VPs too.

The second thing i want to address is motive for pilots  to participate in corporate - fights. I know, i know … monos for sc league, sector bonuses for dread, gs for tournaments and such but lets try to be realistic for a moment. Ingame we have 8-10 top-noch coprs full of aces (respect). So every other CEO or VP knows what will happen if he leads his new pilots in dread battles, sc league. First couple of times will be interesting, next time they wont even try. Situation now is, as i see it  ( SUBJECTIVE OPINION ), that we have 8-10 corps, maybe less, that are capable to fight one another and have fun in the process, all the rest are silent corps existing only as logical groups of pilots. So I urge u devs to find a way to motivate players to take part in corporate activities maybe through - synergy gain or vouchers or special loot (Iridium, monos) should be drastically increased for corps that just  try to take part of dreads, scl and maybe [corporate OS missions in future](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/31156-mission-launched-by-corporations) (easier leveling than through standard pvp and pve even if match is lost), or through redesign of game mods which involve corporate fights and other corporate events. On that way u will make this game more interested for wider number of pilots. They will spend more time  ingame … there will be  more socializing and less dull grinding.

And one more SUBJECTIVE OPINION - I know that u do hard work regarding creating new content for us - for example new modules and weapons events , but … I dont need new variations of something that alrerady exist (shield resistance +  low scale damage, lith beam for nbs, blah blah) . This game already has great variety of weapons modules and tactics and  that is the field that no other game can compete with sc … but there are lot of urgent issues that has to be addressed.

TY for reading and your patience.



I’d love for corporations to be more interactive and less of just an extended friends list. More communication like “mail all” and “reply all” would be amazing. As well as competition management.


One great way to take in more money for the game would be to add a “Prize” pot where the officers and VPs and CEO can put money in to the game and set goals for their pilots to get free stuff like Monocrystals or GS or ships. Currently the “Barron’s elite” and “Corporation sectors” are essentially restricted to exceptionally OP Russian teams or corporations with almost all active members. You need to appeal to smaller, less active corporations as well.

Yep, we have plans to add some thing in corporations system and create more social tools to encourage pilots to find some friends and partners in the game. Did’t got what is wrong with corp’s daily messages, this is nothing wrong when corporation have websites somewhere or something like this to gather and inform ppl about stuff. Maybe in some time we will add something similar to social networks in the game, but nothing to fully replace corp’s separated websites or subforums. It’s already exist and works fine ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

15 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Currently the “Barron’s elite” and “Corporation sectors” are essentially restricted to exceptionally OP Russian teams or corporations with almost all active members. 

SCL will get some additions in the near future. There’ll be separate leaderboard for almost all Tears and OP Russian Teams will be in the Baron’s Elite playing with another Elite teams only. By the way, Tricolor Hawks from Italy managed to get a place among the best.  Just gather a team and try it out)

9 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

Yep, we have plans to add some thing in corporations system and create more social tools to encourage pilots to find some friends and partners in the game. Did’t got what is wrong with corp’s daily messages, this is nothing wrong when corporation have websites somewhere or something like this to gather and inform ppl about stuff. Maybe in some time we will add something similar to social networks in the game, but nothing to fully replace corp’s separated websites or subforums. It’s already exist and works fine ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

SCL will get some additions in the near future. There’ll be separate leaderboard for almost all Tears and OP Russian Teams will be in the Baron’s Elite playing with another Elite teams only. By the way, Tricolor Hawks from Italy managed to get a place among the best.  Just gather a team and try it out)

The thing that annoyed me the most about corps was the removal of being able to see what my corpmates and friends are doing in-game. I understood the reason to remove this for follow list (people were using it to avoid teams they didn’t want to fight in league) but there is no reason to remove it from friends list and corp members list.


but there is no reason to remove it from friends list and corp members list.

Yes  u r 100% right. And when u start to assemble team for dread / spec op / tourney … and there is little time  for registration … u send requests to people who are in game … and again u must pm every person to see if he is free or in a game and time pass - registration is over, no fight …


Maybe in some time we will add something similar to social networks in the game, but nothing to fully replace corp’s separated websites or subforums. It’s already exist and works fine

My personal opinion Cinnamon - it will be waste of time for u - it will be enough  if u extend friend list, let ceos and vps to see what corp pilots doing in-game as millan said. MOTD is ok, But corps need place for one long notification, only one … not whole bulletin board. You said “It’s already exist and works fine” - really? -  I  already made 4 forums for 4 different corps. Enough is enough. It works fine because we do your work and only in some cases … and in my experiance only 15-30% of corp members register there. IN MOTD u cant even put links of ts server and corp forum/ site address so u have to repeat that every day to your corp members in pms. Every two or three days you guys put special promotions on window after login screen. Routine work. Why cant u make one for long corp notification - for basic corp information, plans and several links to this forum for example? Or one more tab for longer text in corporate window? For example only 10% of pilots follow this forum and u put some interesting text or even some price promotion post … How do u expect from us to inform those pilots … with 150-250 pms? In MOTD there is no place to put 2 whole links for ts and site.