Improved Cartridge reloading system.

Posted it somewhere…

You should make a new thread suggesting this!!

There you go!

I’d like to have follow:

When your current cartridge is gone, you can hold your right mouse button for 3 seconds.

Your ship gets disabled for around 10 seconds, no weapons. Speed reduced by 75%. Modules disabled.

After this your cartridge is reloaded. Would make new dimensions and isn’t overpowered, stun yourself for 10 seconds is just fair… And you can’t stop it if you started.

This prevents players to use it in fight and make this feature overpowered.

Another thing would be to make this ability in an exclusive module, like Missile Pylons II / change the mechanics of the normal Pylons… or a mod for another slot with another name, but i think everyone should be able to use this without wasting a passive slot.

Definteley not OP, and it would bring more fun, tactics and missiles into the game but you can’t compare it with 3x old missile pylons :smiley: But since they’re nerfed…

+1 if you really love this idea…


Oh, I’m back on the forum. 


Broken with some ships : everything that can camo over 10 seconds. 

With LRF, it’s gonna be MISSILE SPAM. 

i assume that stun would disable the stealth, cloak, cammo as well… id put in 20 sec…in battle thats a lot… but you make a choice… either wait 20 and get missiles or wait 60sec and be able to fight all this time and get missiles. anyway sounds interesting

I don’t see how this is a improved system, the current system is fine though. Some ships can be afk for 10 seconds and not worry about anything, it would make them much stronger.

shoot 3 EMP torp to beacon or the guard thing from 8000 range,wait 10 sec ->repeat.
Who needs LRF anyway ?

Or you use your drones badly, np, 10 sec and both of them are back!

ridiculously OP.

then i’d rather have supercharged pylons back.

maybe “auxiliary replicators” as active module with this mechanic would be fairer, but 10 seconds standing around and coming back can make a strong team totally unbalanced over one which is pressed to the wall.

Oh, I’m back on the forum. 


Broken with some ships : everything that can camo over 10 seconds. 

With LRF, it’s gonna be MISSILE SPAM.

They can do nothing in this time, just send a CO and they are gone.


i assume that stun would disable the stealth, cloak, cammo as well… id put in 20 sec…in battle thats a lot… but you make a choice… either wait 20 and get missiles or wait 60sec and be able to fight all this time and get missiles. anyway sounds interesting

Of course it would deactivate the camo / cloak.



shoot 3 EMP torp to beacon or the guard thing from 8000 range,wait 10 sec ->repeat.

Who needs LRF anyway ?

Or you use your drones badly, np, 10 sec and both of them are back!

 Keep 300m distance to beacon, this guard becomes useless, btw while charging an easy kill.


ridiculously OP.

then i’d rather have supercharged pylons back.

maybe “auxiliary replicators” as active module with this mechanic would be fairer, but 10 seconds standing around and coming back can make a strong team totally unbalanced over one which is pressed to the wall.

OP is smth that not everyone can have.

This would be an ability for all, of course T3/T2+ so it’s fair.

I don’t see how this is a improved system, the current system is fine though. Some ships can be afk for 10 seconds and not worry about anything, it would make them much stronger.

It is ok atm, but without any improvement it becomes boring over time, it is boring.

I liked the old system a lot, but nope… they changed it… Want 0.7 back!

Think static LRFs and empire engineers just sitting spamming missiles like no tommorrow.

Also, hit and run covert ops spamming missiles, going behind their squad and coming back very soon with Orion and new cartridge of doom

10 second stun wouldn’t be a huge problem when you’re in a full squad. Specially for slow and tanks ships

shoot 3 EMP torp to beacon or the guard thing from 8000 range,wait 10 sec ->repeat.


thats what i would do all game :005j:

Think static LRFs and empire engineers just sitting spamming missiles like no tommorrow.

Also, hit and run covert ops spamming missiles, going behind their squad and coming back very soon with Orion and new cartridge of doom

10 second stun wouldn’t be a huge problem when you’re in a full squad. Specially for slow and tanks ships


Engineers would not be healing for 10 secs… bad for team

Pfff… Okay let get down another suggestion…

You always only bring negative points, not the positive.

Hit & Run CO, np. Don’t forget that you would always have Torpedos, Mine Field or whatever ready to crush it.

Or just remove cartridges, give missiles a static reloading time, but increase it a bit for some of them.

Or whatever.

Current missile system is boring.

Engineers would not be healing for 10 secs… bad for team

You know, most players even don’t have their f***ing healings activated. And most ppl don’t give a sh*t on their team.

The 0.7 system was best if you ask me. (iirc the one with only 1 missile slot and limited, bought separately missiles)
Then having flares did matter. You only have 6 guided missiles on your fighter no matter if you survive a full 12 minute game. Now providing you spam them and have no pylons you have ~18-30 (depending on how you spam them).

You see 5 missiles on you (octopus. and why not 8 ? octo-pus after all!) you use flare and the guy is like “Ffffuuuuuuu I wasted 1 of my precious swarm rockets !” 
Now ? - Meh … I will just spam my other 2 and in ~2 min I will have 3 more. 

Engineers would not be healing for 10 secs… bad for team


Thig is to use it when you’re not in the middle of a fight…



Current missile system is boring.


I am really sorry if broken stuff is fun for you but your suggestion would do bad to the game.

Current missile system is boring.

Why? Because you have to at least think a bit and not just spam them? Because in a way, they are a finite resource for a while?

There was a time, where there wasn’t even a reload for them. Once missiles were gone, missiles were gone. Many people even protested when the cartridge system was introduced.

Also, it seemed, that a long time, any suggestion to modify cartridge times had been negated.

In the short (and bit surprising) triple-pylon-cartridge-20sec-reload era, strong teams got even stronger, because all they had to do was play half way decent, while all random pilots non stop torpedoed. Now, _that_ was boring.

It is often hard enough to counter legion tactics (attack, kill, retreat, while others attack), 10 seconds behind a good team is easy, 10 seconds if your team is under pressure is luxury. Imagine a good spawn camp with this mechanic. It would be horrible to break.

A module, which would act similar to the pylon, but target cartridge reload times only would do much more good, aswell as a cartridge-reboot-active module, which is my positive addendum to your proposed mechanic: if it comes at a price while fitting, maybe. active modules can be used by all ships, so it’s available to all.

Personally, I don’t see the need for this, so I think I tried to be as positive as possible, sorry :smiley:

For me personally, the best thing I could think of in terms of current gameplay was, if for ships, which are not used atm. or generally in the time of the respawn, the cooldowns of stuff would go down faster. This would encourage changing ships, or bring ships which can’t utilize pylons back into the battle, if you get a long respawn timer; and the only missile i would love to see a permanent reduced cartridge cooldown on, was the nuke.

Don’t get me wrong, I would love a mechanic, that would make a missile boat viable. Especially after the fun i had with triple-pylon-prometheus and ion missiles back then. But it should come with a cost.

Otherwise, people get even more lazy, learning proper handling of _all_ weapon systems, not just the ones, which are currently the strongest and easiest to use.

For certain any mechanic, that would make spawn camping even easier, will not make me a fan of it.

Simply because I hate to be on both sides of that.

actually i would put a recon on and turn each beacon into mine city. you could lay out a about 50 mines before they started despawning

This would enlarge the gap between skilled and unskilled players.


Most people hate ECM now, they would rage quite due to ECM missle spam.

This would enlarge the gap between skilled and unskilled players.


Most people hate ECM now, they would rage quite due to ECM missle spam.

Entire map is energy neutralized!