Impressions/Suggestions from a newcomer

Having just started the game I feel now is one of the best times to present my thoughts on the game as having an inviting experience during the beginning of the game is what will either attract or deter new gamers.

Hanger GUI: This is by far my biggest concern, as a newbie to the game trying to navigate around the hanger was extremely confusing and information on some things were overall lacking. It’s just very messy things can be greatly improved through organization and streamlining.

Hanger Tab

  • What is the purpose of this tab? As far as I can see it doesn’t offer anything as far as information

  • Maybe it would be nice if in this tab it allowed for comparing the stats of different ships side by side

  • Or that you have to be in this tab to FIGHT. You can Remove the Fight button from other Tabs and instead use that area as a Description Bar for items

Equip Tab

  • Why is there an Icon for Rocket Hole? The Rocket Hole doesn’t exactly do anything other than tell you the ship is capable of equipping missiles, when you should already know the ship has missiles by seeing missiles equipped. Also there’s no icon saying Weapon Mount.

  • Combing the Store and Items you own into 1 area is just an awful idea. It makes things more confusing trying to navigate through to find weapons you own. You should be able to see Store Items and Owned Items SEPERATELY, I can view my items on its own but not Store… why?

  • Also it took me a while to realize that to switch to different categories of items I first have to click on the item equipped on my ship. You should be able to select different Categories of Items right in the Store/Warehouse area.

  • Why is there no Numbers to describe the items? The item says it does more damage or restores Hull, but by how much exactly? Also being able to compare items side by side would be great.

Skills Tab

  • My only issue here is that it would have been nice to add overall descriptions to the different skill trees, it took me a few looks to realize that each tree apparently specializes in one of each type of ship… or weapon system…


  • Again, why are store items available for sale in my warehouse? In fact I don’t see much of a purpose for this tab if I can see all my items in the equip tab…The only reason I ever come here was to buy a new ship

Other Issues

  • I just converted my Inteceptor Slot for another Frigate, however it would seem all the items I had equipt and my Inteceptor is gone for good, or unless I spend another 100k and reconvert it back to an Inteceptor Slot I think I might get it back…

  • It would be nice if there was a option to skip the long wait time and just go straight to fighting with bots.

  • It would also be nice to see a new ships specs and abilities before you buy it…

Having just started the game I feel now is one of the best times to present my thoughts on the game as having an inviting experience during the beginning of the game is what will either attract or deter new gamers.

Hanger GUI: This is by far my biggest concern, as a newbie to the game trying to navigate around the hanger was extremely confusing and information on some things were overall lacking. It’s just very messy things can be greatly improved through organization and streamlining.

Hanger Tab

  • What is the purpose of this tab? As far as I can see it doesn’t offer anything as far as information

  • Maybe it would be nice if in this tab it allowed for comparing the stats of different ships side by side

  • Or that you have to be in this tab to FIGHT. You can Remove the Fight button from other Tabs and instead use that area as a Description Bar for items

Equip Tab

  • Why is there an Icon for Rocket Hole? The Rocket Hole doesn’t exactly do anything other than tell you the ship is capable of equipping missiles, when you should already know the ship has missiles by seeing missiles equipped. Also there’s no icon saying Weapon Mount.

when you research bigger ships or new rockets you will get to pick from a bigger variety of types of rockets, same goes for weapons.

  • Combing the Store and Items you own into 1 area is just an awful idea. It makes things more confusing trying to navigate through to find weapons you own. You should be able to see Store Items and Owned Items SEPERATELY, I can view my items on its own but not Store… why?

there should be 3 options above the items list that let you comb that with 3 options:

remove items from shop

remove items not researched

remove items in other ships

  • Also it took me a while to realize that to switch to different categories of items I first have to click on the item equipped on my ship. You should be able to select different Categories of Items right in the Store/Warehouse area.

  • Why is there no Numbers to describe the items? The item says it does more damage or restores Hull, but by how much exactly? Also being able to compare items side by side would be great.

there are some numbers below each item that give an idea of their stats: rate of fire,dmg, etc…

Skills Tab

  • My only issue here is that it would have been nice to add overall descriptions to the different skill trees, it took me a few looks to realize that each tree apparently specializes in one of each type of ship… or weapon system…

yup skill tree is quite messed up, not only the description are quite vague but they olso share nothing in comon, one simply jumps from an attack skill to a suport skill and then to a defensive pasive, they said they where going to rework the skill tree but never give a date for when was this going to happend.


  • Again, why are store items available for sale in my warehouse? In fact I don’t see much of a purpose for this tab if I can see all my items in the equip tab…The only reason I ever come here was to buy a new ship

Other Issues

  • I just converted my Inteceptor Slot for another Frigate, however it would seem all the items I had equipt and my Inteceptor is gone for good, or unless I spend another 100k and reconvert it back to an Inteceptor Slot I think I might get it back…

  • It would be nice if there was a option to skip the long wait time and just go straight to fighting with bots.

  • It would also be nice to see a new ships specs and abilities before you buy it…

not the first to ask them people have being claiming more info for a while

couple hints

selecting a tab and then clicking the big “?” in the right top corner will give you some hints of the tab selected.

new ships are unlocked by going up in the faction ranking.

there is a faction ranking bonus by using all ships of the same factions, is quite big to miss it.

contracts will help you grind faction ranking exp

before selecting a skill tree read it completly, just becouse the first skill looks gooddosent mean the rest will.