Implement/show DLC content info for each pilot in the player's profile

I know that everytime, when some person buys a premium ship, we get a notification. In my opinion, it’s a nuisance and pointless as well, but since we already have this, I am suggesting the following:


When you click on pilot’s profile, there should be some miscellaneous options, which would show you all the content/DLCs, that pilot has bought.

Besides that, DLC content listed, it should also show you the (synergy, loyalty vouchers, credits) bonus you get for each inidividual DLC you get.

However, at the bottom, there should be the total bonus, which summaries all of the bonuses for every single DLC content put together.

It would also be useful to know, if profile is linked to Steam or Gaijin launcher, but we can skip this step, but it would be welcome.

Premium license bonus should also be listed, if active in player’s profile as well.


Why is this good? I will explain an example below.


Sometimes, I would wish to know someone’s profile and all the DLC’s he has bought, if any.

With this option, it would spare me some time and questions I should already know otherwise.

If someone lacks some DLC, I can clearly see, where should I get it (Steam/Gaijin shop) without alerting the user.

A good example, if you wish to help someone without spoiling a surprise, of course.


Now, implement this, if you want more $$$ to come into your hands soon, because of my endless generosity. :wink:




Sincerely, Koromac




Do it for Koro!

He will pay you 100$ for xxxh of work!

Do it for Koro!

He will pay you 100$ for xxxh of work!


I removed Santa Claus title from my name tag, since I realized, that I don’t have a white beard, but a black one. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I already paid them for all DLC’s. Your turn, Tillo!

I removed Santa Claus title from my name tag, since I realized, that I don’t have a white beard, but a black one. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I already paid them for all DLC’s. Your turn, Tillo!

I’ve paid them 50$ total for both middle DLC.

That’s all they’ll get from me  :006j:

I don’t mind it being displayed in my profile.

thanks for the input - forwarded to Devs

Interesting idea, we will think about it later.

Interesting idea, we will think about it later.

Any news? I would like to view player’s DLC content.

I would like to view my own too so I can calculate. Also fix the loot bug please ;p XD

Any news? I would like to view player’s DLC content.

Still not planned in the near future, as mentioned. Perhaps somewhere later in the future.