implement an option to reset contract cooldowns - waiting times

I am proposing the following change:



Removal of contract cooldowns - waiting times on contracts for the specific faction, if a player needs to get more loyalty vouchers currency rewards, or chooses to do so.

I am not suggesting removal of the current system, I am proposing an additional option to do so, if certain requirements described below, are met.


Let me show you an example:






Let me say, that I only lack Legion contracts - Empire loyalty vouchers currency, since I completed almost, if not all of the other contracts and the rest are full/capped at maximum amount.

Once I complete rank 13 - 15 contracts, I am aware that I must wait for 18 hours. Smaller contracts take 1 hour to reset. Some don’t reset at all. Waiting times may differ for others as well.

Unless, if you still play continuously in higher tiers, such as tier 5, during that time, you won’t get any benefits, because of the cooldown period, which basically tells you, to stop playing the game.


To remedy this, especially, if you only lack specific loyalty vouchers for one faction’s sub-faction, we need a reset cooldown time option for specific faction tree, so we can start them right away again.

This means, that both sub factions will be reset at the same time, which only becomes a problem, if loyalty vouchers are already maxed on one sub faction, but the issue can clearly be corrected, if you set

maximum amount of loyalty vouchers to 2000000 units per single sub faction. Total amount would be 4000000 loyalty vouchers per whole faction. Total amount for all 3 factions is clearly 12000000 loyalty vouchers.

If you should get capped again, then there is nothing you can do, but try to spend them, which will in turn require more cargo space for duplicates. For this reason alone, I am requesting additional 500 cargo space slots.

This would mean, that the whole cargo space slots should be limited to 2000 cargo space units, instead of the current 1500.




To prevent abuse/overuse, the following requirements must be given:


  • reset cooldown time option can only affect one entire specific faction of our choice (Empire - Legion, Wardens), (Federation - Armada, Vanguard), (Jericho - Raid, Techs)

  • available only, if you have reached rank 15 with the specific faction. (T5 premium ship would unlock it, but not T5 Mauler)

  examples: Empire - T5 Spark premium ship, Federation - T5 Mammoth premium ship, Jericho - T5 Karud premium ship

  • each reset cooldown time option costs 500000 credits or 50 Galactic Standards (shown price is an example)

  • you can only reset contracts to maximum 3 times per day, to prevent overuse of certain contracts, playstyle, which give bigger benefits/rewards, depending on the faction


  • after 3rd contract reset, you can no longer pay with in game credits anymore, but only with “GS” currency later on


  • unlimited resets (resets are not restriced to any limitations, all player needs to do, is to fulfil those contracts, which is the main goal)

  • reset option won’t reset contracts in progress/almost fulfilled contracts, like Smooth Machine contract shown above, if you would have 3 of 4 battles with 1500 points

  • reset option for contracts amongst all other requirements listed above, is only possible, if you own a premium account - premium license (optional)



Players, who regularly play, may now play a bit more, since they know, that rewards will not be disrupted for certain time period, if they choose to do so.

If they don’t want to use that option, nothing changes. Cooldown will still be present by default, as it is now.


Another reminder:


On a side-note, please increase the maximum capacity/limit/cap for contracts to at least 2000000 loyalty vouchers per each sub faction and 2000 cargo space slots.



Thank you.




Sincerely, Koromac



Edit reason: I added some additional information, to ensure that suggestion is clearly understood.



 please increase the maximum capacity/limit/cap for contracts to at least 2000000 loyalty vouchers and 2000 cargo space slots.




Better idea:

Be able to reset contracts with credits, artifacts and/or GS.

Better idea:

Be able to reset contracts with credits, artifacts and/or GS.


I already considered such possibilities.

I chose the simplest option, since we never had any multiple requirements for a single component in the game.

Even better idea - remove loyalty altogether and have Mk III a credit upgrade like Mk II.

Even better idea - remove loyalty altogether and have Mk III a credit upgrade like Mk II.


Well, I heard some rumors from some person, which stated, that we might get “mark VI” option soon.

I do not believe it, but if it’s true, it probably means more monetising options and probably a bigger mess.

It could be just trolling, to upset people.

+1, to the idea.


Also mark 6 would just be silly, it would have to be GS only and would net half a percent gain…

Well, I heard some rumors from some person, which stated, that we might get “mark VI” option soon.

I do not believe it, but if it’s true, it probably means more monetising options and probably a bigger mess.

It could be just trolling, to upset people.

Would not believe your sources… I mean, last time your “sourse” promised us massive ECM nerf

I like the idea. +1

Good idea + 1.

Great idea +1.


I think another option that could improve the voucher system would be an option to select only 1 sub-faction and reduce the recharge times by half. I.E. if I needed a lot of Legion vouchers, I could select an option to gain only Legion vouchers, but the reset times would be cut in half. This way people could work for more vouchers of one specific subfaction without paying anything.

Great idea +1.


I think another option that could improve the voucher system would be an option to select only 1 sub-faction and reduce the recharge times by half. I.E. if I needed a lot of Legion vouchers, I could select an option to gain only Legion vouchers, but the reset times would be cut in half. This way people could work for more vouchers of one specific subfaction without paying anything.


You’re not suggesting an improvement over existing suggestion, but another limitation, which is why I started my suggestion at the first place.

There should be no shorter cooldowns, if you pay to reset your cooldown timer, but an instant reset, since you play to get the contract objective, and not to waste time and your contracts, because of the cooldowns.

It’s logical to assume, that you will get both contracts at the same time, whenever you’re docked at each faction’s station, since you always fulfil both sub factions contracts for one faction with each mission you fly.

To reset timer for only one sub faction, would get you nothing, since the current system for this is already in place. You would complete the contracts anyway, but because of the cooldown, the result would be the same as it now.

thanks for the input - forwarded to Devs

Well, it is still the same. 5 months went away and no official reply was given.


However, if you do not like this option, you can check that one [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27090-reset-contract-cooldowns-with-iridium/).

Any updates on this?