I'm having so much fun...

…shooting the same guy for over two minutes with 2000 DPS pulse lasers.

What has this Star Conflict become…?

(Sorry there’s no sound, I was listening to some music that not everyone would appreciate and it ended up in the video for some reason.)

… i hope you watched your own video and realised all the mistakes you did not only you couldve cut that killing time in half or more, you should have had a beacon all this time as well.

Great! Nice to hear u have fun!

Its good you had fun but what you did is the definition of what bugs destroyer players not to mention you were alone doing next to no damage and 2 beacons sit being held by enemy team. This is the type of stuff that drives me crazy when I’m in pvp. ![:facepalm:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/014j.png “:facepalm:”) And I don’t just mean when I use a destroyer. Being alone on a beacon is bs…

…Why are you trying to solo a destroyer?

Millan you’re better than this I know you ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

Ahhh , i have to cap beacon, Hmm omg some sh.ty destros.


stop count on Long range campers

opt.1 cap (anomaly and other destro sh.t)

then opt.2 kill destr(cant too weak)  

goto to opt.1

repeat   until defeat!

2 hours ago, xKostyan said:

… i hope you watched your own video and realised all the mistakes you did not only you couldve cut that killing time in half or more, you should have had a beacon all this time as well.


1 hour ago, Mecronmancer said:

…Why are you trying to solo a destroyer?

Millan you’re better than this I know you ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)


I wasn’t solo there was a blue destroyer came in half way through, which only makes how long it took to die even worse.

Usually I would just have attacked that destroyer enough to force him to run away and then captured beacons (assuming they weren’t covered in ****ing gravy holes), but I saw him alone so I thought I’d try to time how long it takes me to kill him. Of course this is stupid but then again so are destroyers. Yes you do know me Mecron, and you should know that I must be annoyed for a good reason if I do something like that…

Yes I know my mistakes. Just trying to prove a point. My mistakes were:

  1. No plasma arc, although I killed a fair few of his modules just like that, and it barely scratched him (only disabled him temporarily)

  2. Overheating three times. Yes I’m a scrub, but that doesn’t change damage output much over the course of a two minute fight.

  3. Orbitting how I was reduces damage, since sometimes only one gun was firing. - Very hard to maintain a perfect orbit when under fire.

  4. Not knowing the position of some of the modules - Can’t be helped.

  5. Trying to kill the ****ing destroyer in the first place, since nothing but another destroyer or five people in regular ships can do that.

  • You went for him AFTER he run from a beacon and you were right on top of the beacon

  • Took you a while to come up with an idea that you better shoot at modules

  • Keep overheating your lasers

  • keep missing modules

  • Keep overheating your lasers

  • killed 2 modules out of 6

  • Keep overheating your lasers

  • Shooting at the nose of the Sibyl like it’s engine, for a while, really dude?-

  • Keep overheating your lasers

  • Shooting at the nose of the Sibyl like it’s engine, for a while, really dude again?


Pulse lasers are the worst at dealing damage to the destroyers because of their overheat cycles which bring sit low DPM , the thing that they are great at is to kill Desy modules. 

Familiar situation. Sometimes I lose my mind. When a destroyer is between two beacon and shoot everything and I can’t capture the beacon. Then I’ll attack the destroyer and try to kill him. Unfortunate destroyer, it is under fire without cause. 


6 hours ago, xKostyan said:

  • You went for him AFTER he run from a beacon and you were right on top of the beacon

  • Took you a while to come up with an idea that you better shoot at modules

  • Keep overheating your lasers

  • keep missing modules

  • Keep overheating your lasers

  • killed 2 modules out of 6

  • Keep overheating your lasers

  • Shooting at the nose of the Sibyl like it’s engine, for a while, really dude?-

  • Keep overheating your lasers

  • Shooting at the nose of the Sibyl like it’s engine, for a while, really dude again?


Pulse lasers are the worst at dealing damage to the destroyers because of their overheat cycles which bring sit low DPM , the thing that they are great at is to kill Desy modules. 

The thing wasn’t moving so I had no way of telling which end was the engine. And as for 2/6 module well yeah, I havd no idea where they were. I don’t fly them and I’m not gonna spend time learning by heart the emplacement of 6*9=54 different targets by previewing the models, that’s just re-tarded. Overheating, yeah? So what? Like I said I’m a scrub, and only a bit above average pilot. A bit above average pilot should be able to kill a dessie in a reasonable time with any weapon, just like I could kill a gunship with any weapon. 2 minutes is not a reasonable amount of time.

As for him going away from the beacon, like I said I did this to prove a point. If the only way to engage these ships is to avoid them then they truly do not have a place in this game…

OT in an OT thread: millan, did you get a new computer? IIRC you were barely pushing 30 fps last time I played this game and now you can push 60 fps AND record  ![:007j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007j.png “:007j:”)

1 minute ago, Mecronmancer said:

OT in an OT thread: millan, did you get a new computer? IIRC you were barely pushing 30 fps last time I played this game and now you can push 60 fps AND record  ![:007j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007j.png “:007j:”)

Yes I did! It’s still a laptop but it’s a good one ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) I thought of moving to a desktop but as a student laptop is essential so I would have had to buy both anyhow. Yeah I used to get 15 FPS in the d1ldo map on minimum settings and 25 FPS average! It’s also the reason I had a 0.84 w/l ratio for so long, because it was much harder to aim. I couldn’t fly ceptors either because the frame rate dropping below 20 meant instant death. It’s part of the reason I primarily used gauss. Back in that time there was a stronger aim assist on that weapon that compensated for my bad FPS and unstable uni dorm wifi connection. Also the charge mechanic allowed me to make every shot count. (Now I have a wire and my own connection which also changed a LOT). I think the worst though was that one summer two years ago where it was 30 degrees in my room, and my laptop would overheat and switch off every 15 minutes or so! Ask anyone in GoD/OWL and I think they’ll remember that summer also XD I was so embarassed when that happened while in a squad.

3 hours ago, millanbel said:

The thing wasn’t moving so I had no way of telling which end was the engine. And as for 2/6 module well yeah, I havd no idea where they were. I don’t fly them and I’m not gonna spend time learning by heart the emplacement of 6*9=54 different targets by previewing the models, that’s just re-tarded. Overheating, yeah? So what? Like I said I’m a scrub, and only a bit above average pilot. A bit above average pilot should be able to kill a dessie in a reasonable time with any weapon, just like I could kill a gunship with any weapon. 2 minutes is not a reasonable amount of time.

As for him going away from the beacon, like I said I did this to prove a point. If the only way to engage these ships is to avoid them then they truly do not have a place in this game…

  • you hit him with 9 em missiles.  One missed, you hit any ship with that and except for maybe a guard they die.  Add the lasers on top every ship would be dead.  All of kost’s points ignore the fact that the average player is no where near mills skill level and none of them are going to do better against a dessy.  So you say you can kill a well fit dessy in game with no help from other players in “half that time or less” so less than 1:00min solo with same fit.  Good luck kost look forward to your video (make sure to post the fit of dessy).  If you can’t do it, its safe to assume that the time it takes to kill a dessy is unreasonable ?  I already posted this. . . 2 seconds to kill an interceptor, 3 seconds to kill an fighter, 7 Seconds to kill an engi and 2 min to kill a dessy.  See below.



8 minutes ago, AdamWest said:

  • you hit him with 9 em missiles.  One missed, you hit any ship with that and except for maybe a guard they die.  Add the lasers on top every ship would be dead.  All of kost’s points ignore the fact that the average player is no where near mills skill level and none of them are going to do better against a dessy.  So you say you can kill a well fit dessy in game with no help from other players in “half that time or less” so less than 1:00min solo with same fit.  Good luck kost look forward to your video (make sure to post the fit of dessy).  If you can’t do it, its safe to assume that the time it takes to kill a dessy is unreasonable ?  I already posted this. . . 2 seconds to kill an interceptor, 3 seconds to kill an fighter, 7 Seconds to kill an engi and 2 min to kill a dessy.  See below.



I’d really like to try that experiment again in rank 14/15 (destroyer just sitting so perfect damage application). Honestly, during th fight I recorded it didn’t even seem like I was doing enough damage to get past his passive shield regen, and only killing the modules was actually hurting him.

I am not smart enough to go and try to kill a destroyer with anti interceptor fit, I think you forgot that exactly same build will even have hard time vs good Guard builds.

When new players start whining about Interceptors being un-killable, all of you gather there and start telling him how he supposed to learn to deal with that, movement, proper weapons, tacklers, positioning, ECMs, and so on and so forth and yet here we are.

That sibyl had no shield, within 15 seconds milan could’ve kill all of its modules, doing pretty much 50% of its Hp pool in damage, sibyl wouldn’t be able to warp away from line of fire of the friendly dessy dealing with him, and it would’ve died in way faster times.

2 minutes ago, millanbel said:

I’d really like to try that experiment again in rank 14/15 (destroyer just sitting so perfect damage application). Honestly, during th fight I recorded it didn’t even seem like I was doing enough damage to get past his passive shield regen, and only killing the modules was actually hurting him.

Kill it’s router, and it has no regen

13 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

I am not smart enough to go and try to kill a destroyer with anti interceptor fit, I think you forgot that exactly same build will even have hard time vs good Guard builds.

When new players start whining about Interceptors being un-killable, all of you gather there and start telling him how he supposed to learn to deal with that, movement, proper weapons, tacklers, positioning, ECMs, and so on and so forth and yet here we are.

That sibyl had no shield, within 15 seconds milan could’ve kill all of its modules, doing pretty much 50% of its Hp pool in damage, sibyl wouldn’t be able to warp away from line of fire of the friendly dessy dealing with him, and it would’ve died in way faster times.

I’ve tried adapting, honestly I have. In rank 8 I have managed. Destroyers actually seem killable. In rank 15 it just doesn’t work. I’ve tried bubble/firestorm pirhanna, I’ve tried railgun spark to precisely shoot modules, I’ve tried cov ops with plasma arc/rockets, I’ve tried cov ops with nuke, I’ve tried standard eclipse engi with EM torps, I’ve even tried coil guard with anomaly ffs (I never fly guards…)… I’m running out of builds to try…

Yes ok maybe I could kill modules faster, disable it, stop it’s regen, whatever but the flaw is: I don’t have enough damage and I still need a blue destroyer to come finish the job!!! Or spend half the match shooting at one guy. So what, do I just ignore destroyers entirely? Consider it a capital ship like in Eve where subcaps fight subcaps and caps fight caps, and only once one side wins the subcap battle do the winning subcaps shoot the enemy caps? That seems impossible in star conflict considering these destroyers are perfectly equipped for killing all other “subcaps”.

When has a

16 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

 I think you forgot that exactly same build will even have hard time vs good Guard builds.

When new players start whining about Interceptors being un-killable, all of you gather there and start telling him how he supposed to learn to deal with that, movement, proper weapons, tacklers, positioning, ECMs, and so on and so forth and yet here we are.

Nope, that fit would have no problem with a guard.  10 EM missiles with a damage increase of 100%.  I would be very happy to prove I could kill any guard in the game within 40 seconds with that build.  I cannot say the same for a dessy.

When was the last time a player has posted here saying interceptors were un-killable ?  Except for the brilliant yum-tum.  For the past 3 months all I see are dessy complaints.  Maybe I’m biased but there is a DIRECT COUNTER to interceptors. . .  TACKLER !!  What is the direct couter to DESSY please explain. If you say team work or ecm like some of the scrubs on here I m gonna punch my xxxx monitor.

2 minutes ago, AdamWest said:

When has a

Nope, that fit would have no problem with a guard.  10 EM missiles with a damage increase of 100%.  I would be very happy to prove I could kill any guard in the game within 40 seconds with that build.  I cannot say the same for a dessy.

When was the last time a player has posted here saying interceptors were un-killable ?  For the past 3 months all I see are dessy complaints.  Maybe I m biased but there is a DIRECT COUNTER to interceptors. . .  TACKLER !!  What is the direct couter to DESSY please explain. If you say team work or ecm like some of the scrubs on here I m gonna punch my monitor.

Direct counter to dessie is dessie. Apparently.

2 minutes ago, millanbel said:

Direct counter to dessie is dessie. Apparently.

No, not good enough I want to see an answer.   What was designed by the devs to counter dessy’s.  xKost you know the most about this game. . . .  Magic Butt Facking unicorns ?